Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 171: It's a rare opportunity to be confused

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Xue Liujia's plan was to provoke his wife to storm the city and send his wife's brother to seize the opportunity to seize a passage out of the city. However, he underestimated his wife's anger and overestimated his wife's brother's courage.

Hearing that Xiao Liuzi was stopped near the city gate, Xue Liujia was furious and once again lamented that he had no one under his command, but he did not dare to send too many soldiers for fear of provoking siege from the kings.

When he heard that King Wu had opened the door to welcome Huang Tieniang, Xue Liujia was overjoyed and thought that the wonderful plan was about to come true. He knelt down to thank Maitreya Buddha for his blessing, and he inevitably felt complacent.

Soon after, news came that the Detachment of Women had entered the city, but Xiao Liuzi did not dare to go and occupy the city gate. Instead, he hid in the streets and peeped. When his sister raised a knife, he was frightened and ran away without knowing where to go.

Xue Liujia was both disappointed and angry. He kept cursing in the empty hall, which made the guards miserable. He could not hide or dare to argue. He could only bear the spittle of the ancestor king.

"Am I not clear? Welcome your sister and let Niu Tiannu and Ning Bao'er quarrel. You stay at the gate of the city and don't leave for life or death. Most of Ning Baoguan's soldiers are in the west city. You can definitely hold it for a while with dozens of people. Then I led my troops to break up the fight, seize the city gate, and seize Ning Bao'er... What a good plan, don't you understand?"

These words were originally spoken to Xiao Liuzi, but it was a row of guards who took the blame.

The guards looked innocent, and no one dared to say anything. They could only nod.

While Huang Tieniang was scolding all the way, Xue Liujia's anger was getting higher and higher, and his scoldings were getting harder and harder.

The leader of the guards was Xue Liujia's nephew, who had a close relationship with him. He really couldn't bear to listen and said boldly: "Ancestor, don't worry, we have many people and the kings have few. If you want a city gate, let's just grab one. Why bother?"

Xue Liujia stepped forward and spat hard on his nephew's face, "Do you think you are the only smart one? In the city, all the kings have fewer soldiers than me, but together they have more soldiers than me. The main force of the Avatar Army is outside the city, so we must We can only help after entering the city. The kings are sending troops to the west city, obviously to join forces to fight against me. As soon as I lead my troops out of the palace, no matter which city gate I attack, the troops from the west city will come from behind. With the high walls of the palace to protect you, how can you protect yourself after you get out? You have to use a clever trick to seize the door. Do you have a clever trick? "

The leader of the guards raised his hand to wipe away the drool on his face, and said with a bitter smile: "I just said casually, where is the clever trick? You make the decision, my ancestor, and I will do whatever you ask me to do. I will kill whoever you say, wherever you say." At once……"

Xue Liujia usually likes to hear this kind of words, but today he is not in the mood and wants to beat him with a stick, "Useless things will flatter you."

The nephew hurriedly hid behind the guard, not daring to show his face again.

Xue Liujia circled back and forth in the hall. No one could discuss it, so he could only say to himself: "We haven't broken up yet. I don't dare to leave the palace, and they don't dare to fight hard. Xu Chu is a young boy, what are the kings doing?" Maybe I will really hand over my subordinates to him? I still have a chance, but if I really can’t, I will make a plan to defeat the enemy. Anyway, I have many soldiers outside the city. As long as they can capture a city gate..."

Xue Liujia sighed. There were many soldiers outside the city, but there were no competent generals. They were forced to attack the city wall like a swarm, but there was not much hope.

"I still have to win over a king to come to my side. It's definitely okay to recruit Gan, but he brings too few people into the city. The kings are sending troops to the west city, maybe just to guard against him. Ning Bao'er... Ning Bao'er, forget it I can't believe him even if he surrenders. Ma Wei is so scheming that I can't believe him either. King Jin... King Jin..."

Xue Liujia was thinking hard about a strategy when soldiers from outside hurried in, "King Ancestor, the princess and the king of Wu are coming in! We can't stop them."

Xue Liujia was stunned, "Did King Wu also follow?"

"Yes, he sent the princess all the way to the palace..."

Xue Liujia laughed loudly, "Haha, God help me. One is my beloved wife, and the other is a friend who has had a close relationship with me. Why do you want to stop me? Please come in quickly, no no, I will go to greet you personally. "

The guards in the palace looked at each other, and no one understood why Xue Liujia, who was still scolding his wife and the kings just now, changed so drastically.

Xue Liujia walked out of the hall quickly and put the magic stick on his waist. He saw a large group of women coming from a distance. He couldn't help feeling a little timid. After a moment of hesitation, he still went up to meet her and said with a smile: "My wife, you can count." Here you go, you want to kill me..."

Huang Tieniang was amazed at the size of the palace, and her anger dropped by three points. When she saw her husband and heard her husband's voice, she became furious, brandishing her double swords, and climbed up the stairs first, "No one can stop me, I have to do it today." You can’t cut off Blind Man Six’s head…”

Xue Liujia walked down a dozen steps in a row, "Today is the happy day of the good wife. I will give you whatever you want, even my head."

Xue Liujia really stretched his head over.

Huang Tieniang was always willing to take the easy way out, but when her husband acted rogue, she couldn't make a move. She raised the knife in her right hand, hesitated for a long time, and said bitterly: "Look, what kind of thing are you doing?"

Xue Liujia raised his head and said in surprise: "Why do you say this, a good wife? Do you think the queen is too young? When I become the emperor, you can be the queen."

Huang Tieniang was confused and asked, "What's going on? What about the queen, the empress?"

"Didn't my good wife rush to the city after hearing that I wanted to make you my queen?"

"I haven't heard of it." Huang Tieniang became even more confused. "Everyone says that you want to marry the wife of the Emperor of All Things. You will be the emperor and she will be the queen, so..."

Xue Liujia laughed loudly, "Who is this good wife listening to?"

"That's what everyone says."

"Then the message is wrong. How can I marry the wife of the Emperor of All Things?"

Huang Tieniang turned to look at everyone, and saw Xu Chu at a glance, "No, you also said that the coming king wanted to marry the queen mother. Could it be that you were also lying."

Xue Liujia took the opportunity to come to Xu Chu and said with a smile: "Don't blame King Wu, he must have heard wrong. Everyone probably heard wrong. I did say yesterday that I would marry the Queen Mother, but it was not the Queen Mother in the palace. The queen mother outside the city."

"Where did the Queen Mother come from outside the city?" Huang Tieniang was puzzled.

"You are a good wife. Over the years, you have taken care of my housework and raised children for me. You have helped me so much and helped me so much. Everyone knows that in our family, you are the 'Queen Mother' in charge. ”

Huang Tieniang grinned, "That's true, if it weren't for me, you would have froze to death in the snow. It was me who kindly carried you into the house and saved your life. It would be better for you to use me to keep warm with your sweet talk. …”

"I remember everything that happened back then. In front of so many people, a good wife shouldn't talk about it."

Huang Tieniang shook the knife, "It's still wrong. We have been married for many years and have several children. How can there be any reason to 'marry me'?"

"Isn't this about entering the palace? I want to marry a good wife for the second time to make up for the shortcomings of my poverty."

Huang Tieniang almost burst into tears, "Really?"

"If it's false, you'll chop my head off."

Huang Tieniang turned to Xu Chu and said, "It doesn't matter if others hear wrongly. You are King Wu and you look like a smart man. How could you hear wrongly?"

"Probably because I drank too much yesterday." Xu Chu did not expose Xue Liujia's lie. This lie was full of loopholes. Only people like Huang Tieniang who still have illusions about their husbands would believe it. The women behind her had different expressions, and no one believed it. , I just didn’t dare to speak.

"Young man, drink less." Huang Tieniang said sternly, then asked her husband, "Is there anyone who wants to marry the Queen Mother in the palace?"


"Tell me, make it clear in front of everyone!"

"Ning Bao'er is going to marry the Queen Mother, and the date set is tonight..."

Huang Tieniang made a slash, and Xue Liujia thought that the lie had been discovered, and his face turned pale with fear.

Huang Tieniang's target was not him. She said to Niu Tiannu behind her: "Did you hear that your husband is ungrateful and wants to marry the Queen Mother? Why do you keep him?"

"We'll talk about it later when we meet." Niu Tiannu remained calm, even more composed than Ning Baoguan.

"Let's talk about it when we meet... Humph, when you see Ning Bao'er, you'll probably be like me." Huang Tieniang suddenly sighed. It was not easy to believe her husband's lies. She had to try hard not to think about the loopholes in it, and warned herself that it was rare for her to be confused.

Xue Liujia advised: "Brothers and sisters, don't take it seriously. Lies are flying everywhere in this city now. You have heard very few truths. Ning Baoer may have just made a drunken gaffe and cannot take it seriously."

"Yeah." Niu Tiannu still refused to express her position.

Xue Liujia said to Huang Tieniang again: "There are many happy events today, and there is another person who is getting married..."

"Who wants to marry the Queen Mother again?" Huang Tieniang's face turned red with anger, and her veins popped out.

"It's not the Queen Mother, it's our daughter Jin Yao."

Huang Tieniang was alternately angry and happy that day, exhausted mentally and physically, and asked helplessly: "Jin Yao is only a teenager and has not yet been engaged. Who will he get married to?"

"King Wu, when we were drinking yesterday, I promised my daughter to him, and we will get married today."

Xu Chu knew that when it came to talking about himself, he also imitated Niu Tiannu, remaining calm and silent.

Huang Tieniang looked at Xu Chu. She couldn't say that she was completely satisfied or dissatisfied. She snorted and said to her husband: "How much wine did you drink yesterday? You are always in trouble. Why is it such a big thing to marry your daughter?" Can you be so careless?"

Just as Xue Liujia was about to speak, a man walked out from the crowd of women. He looked like a girl but not like a girl.

She is said to be a girl because she still has childishness on her face. She is not said to be because she is an inch or two taller than Xu Chu. She is neither ugly nor beautiful. She has a heroic spirit. She also holds two swords. She is more like her mother than her mother. warrior.

"Daughter, look at the husband I chose for you. He is a little weak, but he is also the King of Wu after all. Let's make do with him." Xue Liujia smiled.

"Jin Yao, are you satisfied? If not, just say, let's..."

"Satisfied, it's him." Xue Jin shook her head quite a bit, but her voice was very soft, but she didn't have the slightest shyness of a girl. After saying that, she turned around and returned to the crowd, standing out from the crowd, holding her head high, as if she was agreeing to the marriage for someone else. It has nothing to do with oneself.

Huang Tieniang said: "We are an old couple, so don't get married again and make others laugh. If you really mean it, arrange your daughter's marriage well and avoid bad intentions. I will be happy."

"We must satisfy both our good wife and our daughter." Xue Liujia kept trying to please his wife, and finally said to Xu Chu: "King Wu came at the right time. Please stay and don't leave. We will get married tonight."

Huang Tieniang frowned and said, "You're a very strict kid. Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing on the way?"

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "The ancestor has not announced yet, how dare I go around talking nonsense?"

Huang Tieniang nodded, "That's right, but what about Feng Juniang?"

A voice among the women replied loudly: "I will be a maid to serve the King of Wu and Miss Jin Yao."

Feng Juniang did not dare to compete with Huang Tieniang's daughter for favor.

Xue Liujia stepped forward and held Xu Chu's hands, and said with a smile: "Son-in-law, this matter is settled. Don't run away before the battle."

Xu Chu also smiled and said: "I can't even chase you away if you can get the ancestor king to be your father-in-law."

They both laughed in unison.

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