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Xu Chu imagined several possibilities and excuses. After opening the city gate, the scene he saw still surprised him.

The "surviving" children stood on the roadside crying and trembling. Huang Tieniang's anger shifted and she still stood in the middle of the road holding two knives, accompanied by Niu Tiannu and others. The trembling person standing in front of her was - -Xu Chu looked at it for a while and then recognized it was Feng Juniang.

Xu Chu didn't understand Huang Tieniang's intention for a while, so he stepped forward and held his hands in his arms, smiling and saying: "Xu Chu, welcome..."

"I recognize you, the despicable villain who assassinated the Emperor of All Things." Huang Tieniang shouted.

Xu Chu stopped a dozen steps away, "The princess is dissatisfied with this because she thinks the Emperor of All Things is a wise king?"

"Bah, you bastard Mingjun. The Emperor of All Things is not a good person, and you are not a good person. Don't think that you are a hero by killing the ignorant emperor. The Emperor of All Things is unrighteous, and you people are not as good as him. You can kill people with no more than a nod, but you Actually trying to steal his wife!"

Huang Tieniang spoke righteously, and the women around her nodded in agreement.

"There is only one Queen Mother, and I am not the one who robs her."

"You killed the Emperor of All Things, you captured the Eastern Capital City, you let Blind Six in, and you closed the city gate to prevent me from entering. It was you who gave away the Queen Mother. How dare you quibble? Come and see!"

Huang Tieniang shouted loudly, raised her two swords, one on the left and one on the right, and placed them on both sides of Feng Juniang's neck, just in time to clamp her head.

Feng Ju Niang was so frightened that her legs became weak, but she did not dare to shake at all. Tears fell from her eyes, "Ti Niang, I..."

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you."

Xu Chu finally understood, "Is the princess... threatening me?"

"You've set a precedent for robbing other people's wives. You didn't learn it yourself, and you still instigated others. Blind Man Liu is really a blind man, and there is no good person around him."

Xu Chu was speechless. Seeing that there were indeed women and children outside the city, he cupped his hands and said, "Don't you just want to go into the city to see the King of the World? Okay, the city gate has been opened. I will give the princess a ride."

King Wu gave in so easily. Huang Tieniang was stunned for a moment, but she was not satisfied. Instead, she became even angrier. She used her hands a little harder and cursed Feng Juniang: "You vixen, you have confused so many men, and you have even lost your heroic spirit. I I should have killed you long ago, today is just the right day..."

"Tie Niang, please forgive me, I will never dare to do it again." Feng Ju Niang begged, her usual sharp tongue was useless, and her intelligence became a sin.

Huang Tieniang glanced at King Wu and regarded his silence as fear and pity. Then she reluctantly withdrew her swords and said, "I will spare your life for the time being and follow King Wu well. If I hear that you are a man again, I will strike with my right sword and my left sword." One knife will cut you into three pieces."

"Yes, thank you Iron Lady for showing mercy. I will definitely change my ways in the future and never do the same thing again."

Huang Tieniang walked towards Xu Chu and looked up and down, "Let's see if your life is strong enough."

Xu Chu smiled helplessly and said sideways: "Princess, please. Do all these people have to enter the palace?"

"Of course, there are many beauties in the palace, and any man who enters will be tempted. We all have to watch our husbands. We have just lived a good life, but we can't let them ruin it."

"Princess please."

"Don't call me Princess, it sounds disgusting. My surname is Huang, is it okay for you to call me 'Auntie'?"

"It's not an exaggeration, please, Aunt Huang."

King Wu surrendered blindly, Huang Tieniang's anger subsided a little, and she strode towards the city. Xu Chu accompanied her and whispered to his general: "You will close the city gate later."

The Detachment of Women marched into the city. Not far away, Huang Tieniang suddenly remembered something, "Where is Ning Bao'er? Where is Gan Zhao? Why don't they come out to see me and their wives?"

"The two kings each have important matters and cannot escape from them."

"Hey, you are also fascinated by someone and don't want to get away, right? I heard that Ning Bao'er first wanted to marry the Queen Mother, but Blind Six saw the Queen Mother's beauty and snatched her away. The two almost fought in the palace."

"That's absolutely not the case," Xu Chu replied.

"Absolutely nothing? Is it true that Ning Bao'er wants to marry the Queen Mother?"

Xu Chu turned to look at Niu Tiannu who was following silently behind, and nodded, "This is true."

Huang Tieniang gritted her teeth and said after a while: "Ning Bao'er still wants to make the Queen Mother his head wife, right?"


Huang Tieniang took this as her acquiescence, cursed loudly, and suddenly stopped and turned around. A large group of people behind her couldn't react in time, and they collided with each other and screamed.

"Ning Bao'er is like this, why don't you kill him?" Huang Tieniang asked.

Niu Tiannu was more taciturn than her husband, with no expression on her face, "Let's talk about it when we meet."

"If you say a few words, you won't be willing to kill." Huang Tieniang turned around and continued walking, and said to King Wu: "I think you seem to be a good person. Tell me the truth, are Blind Liu and Ning Bao'er going to kill each other?"

Xu Chu changed from a "despicable villain" to a "good guy" and said with a smile: "Aunt Huang is serious in her words. King Ancestor and King Ning came from Qinzhou together. They are brothers in arms. Even if there is a small dispute, it will not lead to life and death. Ning. After the king captured the Eastern Capital, no one else would open the door, he only waited for the ancestor king alone..."

"Don't you think it's disgusting to call me 'King Ancestor' every day?"

"It's well deserved, how can it be so disgusting?"

"Hey, pretty boy can talk. Have you really assassinated the Emperor of All Things?"

"It's not my fault alone."

"You don't look like it, but you dare to participate, even if you have the guts." Huang Tieniang stopped suddenly again. The people behind her were prepared this time and stopped in time without colliding with each other.

"Who is sneaking around? Come out!"

There were no pedestrians on the street. Huang Tieniang noticed a figure moving.

Xiao Liuzi ran over from the alley, "Sister, it's me. I'm here to pick you up..."

Huang Tieniang rushed forward with a knife, "I'm just going to settle accounts with you!"

Xiao Liuzi was well prepared. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned around and ran away, shouting from a distance: "Sister, it's none of my business. It was all my brother-in-law's idea!"

Huang Tieniang came back and said angrily: "Let's go, go directly to the palace to find Blind Liu."

Xu Chu just wanted to make sure that these women would not take the opportunity to occupy the city gate. He didn't care about other things. He pointed the way and said: "This way, the ancestor king lives in the main hall. Go through the south gate."

Huang Tieniang cursed for a while and asked: "King Wu, have you met the queen mother?"

"I... met her once." Xu Chu changed his mind temporarily and lied a little. He did go to pay homage to the queen mother, but he didn't really meet her face to face.

"She should be in her 50s or 60s this year, right? Still so beautiful? Wouldn't that make her an old witch?"

"I shouldn't say these things."

"Say, there's nothing you shouldn't say in front of me!" Huang Tieniang was in a bad mood today. She got angry when she said she was angry, and when she got angry, she swung her knife, revealing a wrist that was even thicker than Xu Chu's.

"The Emperor of All Things is only in his 30s, and the Queen Mother is not very old, and looks even younger. It may be an exaggeration to say that she is as beautiful as a fairy, but the Emperor of All Things did use the phrase 'sinking fish and falling geese' to describe the Queen Mother, saying..."

"Another 'sinking fish and falling geese'." Huang Tieniang became even more angry, "Do you know what my nickname is?"

"Aunt Huang has a nickname? I really don't know." Xu Chu lied again. Before he came, he had actually asked Ning Baoguan and Gan Zhao about it.

"'Sinking fish and falling geese', I have a slingshot... Forget it, it's useless to tell you these things, sooner or later I will let you see who is the real 'sinking fish and falling geese'."

The road around the South Gate is not close, Huang Tieniang is afraid that her momentum will run out in advance, so she asks something else, "Isn't Dongdu the number one city in the world? How come it is so desolate, there is not even a ghost."

"The rebels entered the city not long ago, and the people didn't know the details, hiding in their homes and dared not go out."

"Where did the rebels come from? They are just a group of robbers. If they don't rob food and goods from the people, how can so many people survive? Whose house is this? The house is nice, I want to live here in the future."

It was just an ordinary house, Xu Chu smiled and said, "The palace is bigger, the house is more gorgeous, Aunt Huang, since Enter the city, where should we live. "

"We have walked for so long, where is the palace?"

"Aunt Huang, look to the left, we have been walking along the wall of the imperial city."

Huang Tieniang widened her eyes, "Such a long wall, is it all for the palace?"

"This is the wall of the outer imperial city. The palace has another wall, which cannot be seen from here."

Huang Tieniang took a breath of cold air, and then looked at the houses on the street, which immediately looked much smaller. She murmured, "So the palace is really so big. Blind Six is ​​really ungrateful. He lives in such a big place, but lets his wife and children suffer from the cold outside. He is a lustful fool who can't keep such a big family business. I have to... Why are there people over there?"

Huang Tieniang suddenly stopped for the third time and pointed her knife at a group of people in the alley on the right.

It was a group of people, and they also noticed the people outside the alley. Huang Tieniang stretched out her knife, and the crowd dispersed, leaving only a few wooden barrels.

Huang Tieniang was stunned, "Are all the people in Dongdu so timid?"

Xu Chu said, "That's the temple giving out porridge. There are many people in Dongdu who have come from nearby to take refuge and need help to survive."

"This is a good thing. The monks are more compassionate. Let me go and pay my respects."

Xu Chu did not say that this was his and Cao Shenxi's idea. He led Huang Tieniang and others into the alley.

The temple gate was closed. Huang Tieniang stood outside the door, holding the knife in her backhand, and bowed three times. The women also saluted and even knelt down to kowtow.

The Advent Army believed in Maitreya's advent and was always respectful to the temple.

"No matter which god or Buddha is enshrined in this temple, tell them that Maitreya Buddha should be added in the future. The world has changed, and the heaven cannot always be the same as before. Now Maitreya is in power, and everyone should know it."

"Yes." Xu Chu responded casually, feeling very interesting. Huang Tieniang was so pious to Maitreya, but she had no respect for her husband who was Maitreya's direct disciple.

Huang Tieniang left the alley and continued to rush to the South Gate. On the way, she asked Xu Chu for directions. If she heard that there was a temple in an alley, she would stop to worship. If she heard that it was a Taoist temple, she would say one word: "Tear it down."

Xu Chu pretended to be polite and gradually became familiar with Huang Tieniang's character. He found that she was not as complicated as he had thought before. She was just a very simple and irritable old woman, but she was really cruel.

Huang Tieniang booked the palace in advance and said to Niu Tiannv and others: "You can choose it yourself later. Which courtyard in the city you like? Just treat it as your own home and let the people living in it be your slaves. We Qinzhou people have suffered a lot in these years. It was all bullied by Dongdu people. This time we will take revenge."

The women cheered in unison and picked houses while walking. Many people even fought for this.

"Has the King of Wu chosen a place?"

"I am from Dongdu, and I used to have a family."

"Yes, you seem to be the son of the general, right?"

"I used to be."

"Haha, a son is a son, how can it be that he was a son before but not a son now? You Dongdu people have too many tricks."

After walking for a long time, they finally arrived at the south gate of the imperial city. Standing in front of the towering gate tower, Huang Tieniang and others took a breath of cold air again.

"After passing this gate, it is the main hall, where the ancestor king is waiting for Aunt Huang."

Huang Tieniang nodded and gathered her strength again, "Will King Wu come in with me?"

"Aunt Huang, if you need me to lead the way..."

"Yes, the palace is so big, I will definitely get lost."

Xu Chu also wanted to follow in, first to see how Xue Liujia would respond, and second to protect the Queen Mother - some of his previous words had put the Queen Mother in danger.

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