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One hour was not enough for the citizens of Dongdu to escape completely, or even enough for many people to make up their minds to flee. Those who moved a little slower, after bumping into the rebels on the road, either fled into the alleys, or knelt down and worshiped. , to show surrender.

Ning Baoguan had no time to deal with the people in the city, so he assigned soldiers at the city gate. First, he occupied all the city gates in the east capital and closed them all. Without his order, they were not allowed to open to anyone, even if the King of the World knocked on the door himself. No, then there is the guarding of the palace. No one is allowed to enter or exit, especially the rebel soldiers. They can only guard the door and cannot enter the palace.

The palace is a precious place, and Ning Baoguan will never allow others to taste it before him.

Ning Baoguan's understanding of the Eastern Capital was limited to this, and he couldn't think of any other places that needed to be defended. He led the remaining soldiers to patrol the streets, ordering the people to go home, and was prohibited from going out without an order.

Many people from the eastern capital had fled, but there were still many people left. Ning Baoguan did not want to get entangled with groups of people on the street.

Dongdu is too big. As soon as Ning Baoguan ran out of a few streets, soldiers were chasing him. "King Ning, go and have a look. There are officers and soldiers outside the city!"

Ning Baoguan appointed his generals to continue expelling the people on the streets, and he went to the city to observe the situation.

Xu Chu had been following Ning Baoguan, or rather being taken with him. At this time, he said to the general who was ordered: "Just drive him home, don't use swords or guns. When there is no one on the street, immediately go to the city to support." "

No one knew that King Wu had angered Ning Baoguan, but the general still respected him and left as promised.

Rather than knowing the way, Xu Chu took the lead and galloped to Beicheng, climbed up the stairs and looked outside.

The rudimentary camp established by the rebels has now been occupied by another group of people. There appear to be many torches, and there are no signs of siege for the time being.

I would rather be more concerned and leave the trusted generals to guard the north city. I will patrol along the city wall and rearrange the defenses everywhere, especially the city gates, which must be closed and guarded.

Many problems were discovered along the way, and Ning Baoguan corrected them one by one. His calmness also infected many people. The soldiers went from surprise to panic. After seeing King Ning, they finally gradually stabilized.

Ning Baoguan always paid attention to the situation in Beicheng, and deployed more than half of his troops on that side, so that someone could come to him at any time to report the situation.

There were more and more torches outside the city, and a small group of people rushed to the city and shouted questions. They were indeed officers and soldiers. The rebels obeyed the orders and did not answer a word.

Although he was riding a horse, it still took a long time to patrol the city. Ning Baoguan returned to the north city and saw that there was no attack outside the city. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled up to the sky, causing the surrounding soldiers to look sideways.

"The officers and soldiers are incompetent. The East is all ours. I assure you that the officers and soldiers will retreat at dawn."

Ning Baoguan spoke categorically, and the soldiers felt more at ease.

Ning Baoguan sat in the tower to the north of the town and ordered his people to build another batch of Advent Army flags overnight. At the same time, he mobilized all the soldiers who could shoot arrows together, facing the north road, and asked them to shoot at anyone they saw, without being polite.

Everything was arranged, and the generals each stayed together. Ning Baoguan became less calm, pacing back and forth faster and faster, muttering in his mouth, suddenly stopping, and listening, "Why is it so quiet outside?"

Xu Chu walked to the window and looked for a while, "The officers and soldiers are hesitating."

"Why are you hesitating? Do you want to escape?"

"It doesn't look like it. The torches are arranged in an orderly manner. The officers and soldiers should be setting up formations."

"Setting up a formation? Are they going to attack the city?" Ning Baoguan rushed to another window, stared at it for a long time, and murmured: "The officers and soldiers have sufficient equipment. If we attack the city under siege, our army will not be able to hold out for half an hour."

"The officers and soldiers only saw the vast camp outside and did not know the real situation in the city, so they did not dare to attack the city easily. King Ning did the right thing and put up many flags..."

Ning Baoguan turned around suddenly with an angry look on his face. Facing ordinary soldiers, he could act calm and confident, but facing Xu Chu, he could not hide the anger in his heart. "If the officers and soldiers encounter the fleeing common people, they will immediately understand our army." Virtual Reality.”

Xu Chu shook his head, "I told Fei Zhen that there were 30,000 rebels, and the people fled in panic. I would only exaggerate the number, and the officers and soldiers would not dare to attack."

Ning Baoguan sneered, "Who are you helping?"

Xu Chu handed over his hand, "This was my plan to destroy the city. I was worried that King Ning would not allow it, so I didn't tell the truth earlier. Please ask King Ning..."

Ning Baoguan walked up to Xu Chu and said, "What a bullshit plan to destroy the city!"

Xu Chu did not give in and replied: "Fei Zhen will never surrender. I think he must have elite soldiers. Therefore, he publicly announced that the rebel army was only on the east side of the capital, and ordered the soldiers to open their doors and flee on their own. Only then would the rebel army have a chance to enter the city smoothly. Fortunately, isn't Prince Ning already standing on the tower, looking out at the officers and soldiers? "

"No, if this is your plan, I have no reason to disagree. Moreover, as soon as the people of Dongdu start fleeing, I can enter the city without having to wait for an hour. You are just deliberately delaying time by advising me to become emperor. I ignored the anomalies in the city. Hey, I took all precautions, but I still failed to guard against your evil intentions."

"Planting trees on the roadside can protect you from the wind and provide shade. It is not uncommon for one thing to have two or more benefits. My strategy is the same. One is to let the people of Dongdu open the city gate by themselves, and the other is to invite Ning The king took action at the last moment and used imperial skills to control the imperial capital to accomplish great things."

"What you call the emperor's art means that you cannot rob the people?"

"The art of the emperor exists in the heart of the emperor and cannot be taught by others. Prince Ning thinks to himself why the people of Qinzhou rebelled, and he will naturally understand how to deal with Dongdu."

"Hey, it was because of Dongdu's excessive demands that the people of Qinzhou rebelled. Now I finally have a chance to take revenge..." Ning Baoguan thought for a while, "I will definitely regret sparing your life today. But I won't kill you, not because of the nonsense you said, but because the soldiers respect you. Killing you will arouse suspicion from the people of Wu. From now on, you should hold your head and mouth tightly, and don't say a single word of nonsense."

"Yes, I have nothing to say, just guard King Ning."

Ning Baoguan turned to the window and looked at the torches. He felt a wave of fear in his heart. Every time he was extremely scared, he wanted to draw his sword and chop down the King of Wu beside him, but the longer he waited, the weaker his killing intention became.

The night wind was blowing, and the chill was getting deeper and deeper. Ning Baoguan finally calmed down completely and said, "You are quite capable, and sooner or later I will need you to speak again."

"I am here, King Ning will give you orders at any time."

"I heard that Liu Youzhong once read your face and said how you would be when you shut your mouth and how you would be when you open your mouth. Is it true?"

"That was when I was a child. Liu Youzhong read the faces of the general's sons. It was just a joke to please the general."

"A joke can be so accurate. Liu Youzhong is really a living god." Ning Baoguan sighed. It was a pity that Liu Youzhong was unwilling to use his own words. When the troops were divided, he did not hesitate to join the King of Jin.

"The officers and soldiers are going to attack the city." Ning Baoguan straightened his body and stared at the window.

A torch was slowly moving towards the city gate.

Ning Baoguan immediately went downstairs and arranged for the nearby soldiers to be ready, especially the sixty or seventy archers, who had to shoot with the momentum of a thousand people.

"Wait for my order, no random shooting!" Ning Baoguan ordered. After experiencing the volley shooting of officers and soldiers, he knew how important it was to shoot arrows at the same time.

The torches stopped just one arrow away from the city gate, and only one continued to move forward. Ning Baoguan said: "Put down the bows and arrows first, officers and soldiers, are you going to negotiate?"

Sure enough, only one person came to the wall on horseback, raised his head and shouted: "General, respectfully ask the righteous army, is Lou Chu, the seventeenth son of the Lou family, in the city?"

Ning Baoguan called an officer and whispered to him. The officer shouted back to the city: "He is not the seventeenth son of the Lou family now. He has changed his surname to Xu. He is the ruling king and the general commander of the Wu State. He led an army of 100,000 and just captured the Eastern Capital. Go back and tell the general that if you have the ability, come to attack the city with real swords and guns, don't talk about father-son relationship."

The people in the city said: "The general is not here to discuss father-son relationship. I just ask the King of Wu to remember the grace of raising him for 18 years and let the general's family leave the city. Officers and soldiers Retreat immediately. "

The officer didn't know how to answer, Xu Chu whispered a few words, and the officer said to the people below the city: "Lou Ying has already fled with his family. Not only the Lou family, but also the Lan family and the Liang family have already fled with the emperor."

The people below the city turned around and left, and soon came back, "The general greeted King Wu, he said that with King Wu, the East Capital will be safe. The officers and soldiers will leave before dawn, the general asked King Wu to take care of the old people a little, and not to harm the innocent because of the father and son's rift. The general also said that the son does not recognize the father, and the father cannot deny the son. The blood is connected, and it is not a surname that can be changed. Farewell today, there may be a time for father and son to recognize each other in the future. "

The people below the city waited for a while, and seeing that there was no answer from the city, they turned around and left again, joined the torches behind, and returned to the camp together.

The soldiers of the righteous army on the city secretly watched King Wu.

Xu Chu said to Ning Baoguan: "Please prepare early, King Ning. The general will definitely attack the city before dawn."

Ning Baoguan laughed loudly and said: "Lou Wen is using this counter-espionage plan. Do you think I will be fooled? If the King of Wu has second thoughts, why wait until today? When Lou Wen is on the expedition, he can surrender to him."

The soldiers nodded one after another, and their suspicions about the King of Wu were all gone.

Ning Baoguan said to Xu Chu: "I was a little worried when the general didn't use this plan, but now it's okay. I'm not familiar with this place. You take people down, guard the streets, and find some useful things for me."

"Yes." Xu Chu bowed and accepted the order. He didn't choose people himself, but waited for Ning Baoguan to assign.

Ning Baoguan sent fifty soldiers of the Wuyue Army to patrol the city with the King of Wu on horseback.

Xu Chu grew up in Dongdu for eighteen years. He couldn't say that he was familiar with every street, but at least he knew the main roads and some important places.

The Dongdu Arsenal was built on the edge of the imperial city. The gatekeeper was not there and it could not be opened for a while. Xu Chu looked for equipment in several military camps in the city and sent hook guns, forks, stones, rolling logs and other items to the city one after another.

Shortly before dawn, there were indeed loud shouts outside the city. The officers and soldiers launched an attack, but they made a mistake in judgment and really thought that there were tens of thousands of rebels in Dongdu. Therefore, they did not launch a full siege, but concentrated their forces to attack the north city, which was exactly what Ning Baoguan wanted.

Xu Chu did not climb the city, but continued to patrol along the main road to prevent people from gathering and making trouble in the city, especially Fei Bing. If he did not leave and stayed in the city, it would be a big trouble.

Xu Chu did not bring many people with him, but the constant sound of horse hooves was quite deterrent, and no one dared to come out to check along the way.

The sky was getting light, and the shouting outside the city was weakening. A knight chased after them, shouting excitedly: "The King of Jin has arrived, the soldiers are retreating, and the King of Ning asks the King of Wu to ascend the city immediately!"

Everyone cheered, Xu Chu smiled, but his eyes were attracted by something nearby.

It was a red lantern hanging at the door of a family. It was not lit at night, so it could only be seen at this time.

Xu Chu looked from a distance and found that many families had lanterns hanging. He said to the rebel soldiers around him: "The New Year is coming soon."

"Yes, the New Year is coming soon, what a good year!" The soldiers were in high spirits.

For the people of Dongdu, this year was not easy.

Xu Chu suddenly felt for the first time that Dongdu had changed its owner. He walked on the street as if he were walking in his own courtyard. He no longer had to lower his head to avoid other people's gazes. The gates of the houses on both sides were no longer obstacles. He could enter whenever he wanted and kill anyone he wanted...

Dongdu had become a piece of fat meat surrounded by wolves. The only question was who could take a bite first and who could take the biggest bite.

(End of this volume)

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