Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 154 Persuading the Emperor

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Tang Weitian stared at the sunset. As soon as the afterglow disappeared, he tightened his belt, did not ride a horse, and quietly left with a bag of dry food without telling anyone. After running for several miles, he whispered to the East Capital: "Grand Commander, be careful. If you are really lucky, I will be your guard. Alas, I took the magic stick away. I don’t know if it will affect your luck?"

When Xu Chu rushed back to the camp, Tang Weitian had just walked for a while, and no one could catch up with him. Xu Chu did not intend to chase him. Although the rebel army was about to enter the East Capital, he did not want Wang Dian to lead the Wu army to meet him.

"An hour?" Ning Baoguan looked at the city in the night, "The soldiers outside will arrive at any time. Once the people in the city know that reinforcements are coming... it's really a cooked duck flying again!" "The general won all the battles in his life because he knew the enemy well in advance, so he was able to hit the key points directly. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Once you know yourself but not the enemy, the general will become too cautious, and the battle of Qinzhou is a clear proof. If I guess correctly, although the general hurried back to Dongdu, he must stop dozens of miles away and send people to check the situation before daring to move forward. As long as the rebels can keep the news and don't let the people in the city know, Dongdu will surrender on time." "Are you sure they will surrender in an hour?" "I guarantee it with my life." Ning Baoguan frowned slightly, "Dongdu If you really won't surrender, what's the point of me taking your head? Who agreed to surrender?"

"Fei Bing."

"Hey, when he killed my beloved general, he didn't mean to surrender."

"I explained the righteousness and persuaded him to put the people of the city first, and he was willing to surrender the city."

"In that case, why wait for an hour?"

"The emperor and the empress dowager have fled, and only the empress dowager is left in the palace. Fei Bing needs some time to persuade the empress dowager."

"The Eastern Capital is in danger, and he still listens to the orders of a woman?"

"There are many officials in the city, and they dare not act without an order. Although the empress dowager is a woman, when the emperor and the empress dowager are not around, her words are the will."

"No wonder Tiancheng will die. If I were not there, it would be the generals under my command who would make the decision, and I would never allow women to interfere."

Xu Chu smiled and said nothing. Ning Baoguan sent more scouts to find out the whereabouts of the returning officers and soldiers. "Come back as soon as you get any news. Dongdu must either surrender in advance or I will send people to attack it."

Xu Chu interrupted and said, "The rebels must be prepared for both situations. We need to make a new batch of siege ladders. We don't need to have many, but we must ensure stability."

Ning Baoguan nodded, "Indeed, the rebels lost a general for nothing. Alas, why do people say that you killed Lu Kuan?"

Xu Chu was stunned, "General Lu volunteered to climb the city and fell off the ladder. I didn't say a word from beginning to end. How could it be blamed on me?"

"It seems to be related to women. I didn't listen carefully."

"Oh, General Lu made the most outstanding contribution yesterday. On the march, I gave Feng Ju Niang to him as his wife, so..."

Ning Baoguan laughed, "So In this case, women are all trouble. If it is not for the purpose of having children, the farther away, the better. Lu Kuan is dead, and the King of Wu should be careful next time. "

"Whether Feng Ju Niang is a trouble or not, I will not keep her around."

"Well, although the King of Wu is young, he is not tempted by women. He is a real hero. The King of Liang is a little worse. There are rumors in the army that he has had feelings for Feng for a long time..."

Xu Chu was unwilling to listen to Ning Baoguan's provocation, and bowed his hands and said, "King Ning, can you please talk to me?"

Ning Baoguan smiled and said, "Yes. To be honest, every time I see you, I don't believe that you killed the Emperor of All Things with your own hands-maybe the Emperor of All Things himself doesn't believe it, so he fell into your hands."

Xu Chu did not argue, but smiled and led the way to a spacious and deserted place.

Ning Baoguan hesitated, followed with big strides, without bringing any guards.

Xu Chu bowed and said, "We are about to capture the Eastern Capital. What are King Ning's plans after entering the city?"

"I am only concerned about the future now, not the future."

"If you don't think about the future, you will have immediate worries. King Ning is the commander of an army, so you have to think long-term."

Ning Baoguan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Scholars have many evil minds. I know what you want to say."

"It's time to think about this."

Ning Baoguan walked away a few steps, reached out to hold a pole, and made a sound of clicking his tongue, as if he was trying to pick out food residues from his teeth with his tongue. After a long time, he turned around and said, "Speak, let me hear it."

"King Ning should be crowned emperor as soon as possible to calm the world."

"Let's capture the Eastern Capital together. I am the King of Wuyue and you are the King of Wu. Why don't you be crowned emperor yourself, but persuade me?"

"It's not that I don't want to, I really can't. When King Ning started his army in Qinzhou, he was deeply loved by the soldiers of the Jiangshi Army. After he became emperor, even if some people were dissatisfied, King Ning's great strategy and strategy, and the large number of soldiers and generals under his command, he could keep the throne. I have only been king for a few days, and all the soldiers under my command are from Jingzhou and Jiangdong, and they have little friendship with me. Although I have the title of king, I have not got the real power, so I can only call myself the ruling king. How dare I be emperor? What good is it for me to be emperor today and die tomorrow? "

"Hey, whoever becomes emperor will be everyone's target. King Jiangshi will not agree first, and King Jin will not serve me as the master. You are afraid of dying, and I am afraid too. "

"If King Ning does not become emperor because of fear, I have nothing to say. The people of Dongdu will offer the city to the righteous army tonight, and King Ning and I will offer the city to King Jiangshi and King Jin tomorrow. "

"Wait, say more. "

"There are three great conveniences for King Ning to become emperor: First, the eastern capital city is intact. With King Ning's troops and the help of the people in the city and food and grass, it is not a problem to hold on for several months. King Jishi and King Jin will run out of food and grass and have to retreat before spring. The decision of whether to fight or make peace is decided by King Ning; secondly, King Ning has the highest prestige among the kings, and the rebels must defect one after another. King Jishi and King Jin will have to retreat before the food is exhausted; thirdly, if there is chaos from all directions, the first one is called The emperor must win the hearts of the people. If King Ning can grant a general amnesty to the world, more than half of the counties in the nine states can make a decision. Once the situation is established, there will be no rival in the world. "

"You talk about three major conveniences, let me talk about three major disadvantages: first, I lent the best of my troops to the King of Jin, and most of the soldiers I brought were lent to you by the two kings of Liang and Jin. I have trouble using them; second, I lent them to the King of Jin. Second, in terms of prestige, I am not as good as King Ji Shi. People in Qinzhou do admire me and are willing to be my subordinates, but if it comes to proclaiming themselves emperor, they will still support King Ji Shi. Third, Emperor Tiancheng ran away, and he is still alive. One day, I am still a fake emperor, how can I win people’s hearts?”

Xu Chu smiled and said: "All three disadvantages can be turned into conveniences. Although King Ning's cavalry was borrowed from King Jin, the leader was still King Ning's confidant. With Luo Hanqi's loyalty, he would definitely lead his troops into the city to join King Ning. As for the The Liang and Jin soldiers we brought with us were promised huge profits after entering the city, so that they would no longer miss their old masters. Although King Jingshi has high prestige, how can he be called the emperor if he has a stick in his hand to kill the emperor under the guise of divine power? ? King Ning can use some words to worship the descended king as a living Buddha, which will make the people of Qinzhou more popular. Emperor Tiancheng is still alive, which is a threat to King Ning and also to other rebels. In the name of crusade against the emperor, Prince Ning can merge with the rebel army and expand his power."

Ning Baoguan shook his head gently, "Wait for me to think about it again, this matter should not be taken lightly. It has been agreed that the Eastern Capital will return to the King of the World, and I will go to Jiangdong... You kid didn't lie to me to stay in the Eastern Capital and go to Jiangdong by yourself. Take root?"

"If King Ning proclaims himself emperor, I should stay and assist him in order to follow the dragon. Even if I want to go to Jiangdong, it will only be after the world is peaceful. King Ning allows me to go to Jiangdong."

"Hehe, the world is peaceful, that sounds nice." A smile appeared on Ning Baoguan's face, but slowly, the smile disappeared, "No."

"What worries does Prince Ning have?"

"It's useless for you to persuade me on your own to become emperor. When Luo Hanqi comes to persuade me and all the generals think I should be emperor, the time will be mature."

"King Ning wants to wait until the time is right, but others may not be willing to wait. After all the kings enter the Eastern Capital, there will be a fight."

"The King of Jin and the King of Liang want to kill me, right?"

"I dare not say this."

"There's no need to pretend, you must know. How could those two people not win over you? King Jin is a smart man, but King Liang can't keep his temper. Every time he sees me in the past few days, his expression is wrong, but he has no courage. If you kill me, you must seek refuge with the King of Jin, and you will eventually seize Jiangdong from me."

Ning Baoguan held the handle of the knife and stared at Xu Chu coldly. He did not notice that one of his guards was standing in the distance, wanting to enter.

"I want Jiangdong, but I don't necessarily have to compete with King Ning. If King Ning controls all nine states in the world, why should he care about the southeast corner?"

Prince Ning sneered and released the hilt of the knife, "I will believe you for the time being, but the conversation ends here. Whether and when to proclaim the emperor is my business. I alone make the decision. I don't need others to persuade me."

"It is not enough to have the ambition to become emperor. If Prince Ning wants the world to regard you as the new master, he needs to set an example early."

"What kind of example?"

"Be kind to the people of the Eastern Capital to win over the people of the world."

"Huh?" Ning Baoguan showed a trace of doubt, "Then how can I treat my soldiers well? Everyone is waiting to share things."

"The dignitaries of the Eastern Capital fled in a hurry, leaving behind countless gold and silver treasures, enough to reward the soldiers."

"It wouldn't be enough if all the kings entered the city."

"That's why I advised King Ning to occupy the Eastern Capital for himself instead of sharing it with other kings."

Ning Baoguan became more and more confused, "What's going on with you? You suddenly said these things to me, it's not like... come here!" Ning Baoguan shouted, finally seeing the guard.

The guard hurried over and said, "Prince Ning, the spy has something to tell you..."

"The officers and soldiers are here?" Ning Baoguan was most concerned about this matter.

"No, I haven't seen it yet, but the spies discovered something strange."

"What's weird?"

"People in the city seem to be fleeing in large numbers."

"Where to escape?"

"Except for the city gate we are facing, there are people running out in all directions. It is said that there are the most people in the south..."

Ning Baoguan glared at Xu Chu, "How dare you lie to me!"

"I dare not lie to Prince Ning. Everything I say is true. Please think again, Prince Ning."

"Think twice, I..." Ning Baoguan cursed a few words, pulled out his knife, stared at Xu Chu fiercely, suddenly turned around and walked away, and said loudly: "Enter the city, everyone enter the city immediately."

After a few steps, he said to the guard: "Take King Wu with you and keep an eye on him. If he runs away, you will pay with your life!"

Xu Chu looked towards Dongdu and murmured: "Master Fei, this is my answer."

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