Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 144 Confrontation

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Ning Baoguan did not bring back any good news. He saw with his own eyes that the rebel cavalry were running in all directions. Some of them even ran in the wrong direction. There were no officers and soldiers behind them, but they were as panicked as a bereaved dog. He did not see King Jin and Tan Wuwei, but he could There was definitely nothing these two could do about it.

Ning Baoguan did not intend to hide it. As soon as he returned to the camp, he told the truth to the soldiers, which caused a lot of mourning. Then he said: "Can two legs outrun four legs? They have horses. You can run away if you want. No. You are born with two legs, just for standing. You would rather face the officers and soldiers than give up your back. "

Ning Baoguan jumped off his horse, slapped hard, drove his mount away, and let it run around at will, "Today, I am standing here, and no one wants me to take a step back. Isn't it just officers and soldiers? I have seen it, I have fought before, and he will be strong when you are weak. He will never give you a way to survive. If you are strong, he will be weak. He can run faster than a rabbit, whether it is a big general or a small general, whether the building is high or low, they are all the same. Just break it. In Qinzhou, I beat the general and fled in panic. This time I want to take his head!"

The thousand cavalrymen left by the Wuyue Army followed suit. They all dismounted, drove their mounts out of the camp, and lined up around King Wuyue. It was this move that quickly calmed down the soldiers of the Chinese army.

Ning Baoguan ignored the formation of troops, walked to the front of the team, and was the first to leave the camp. He did not intend to rely on the fence to protect himself, but wanted to confront the officers and soldiers directly.

The generals each summoned their own soldiers and found a place to set up their formation. It seemed a bit chaotic, but at least no one retreated.

Before the officers and soldiers arrived, Ning Baoguan approached the King of Shu and said, "Go and see Xu Chu and Ma Wei. Don't let these two young men ruin my affairs. If anyone can't calm down, bring him to see me immediately and change." People control the army.”

Although Gan Zhao had become king, he was still as respectful to Ning Baoguan as before. He took the order and left. On the way, he met Chang Shunzhi, the general in Wu's camp.

"When will the officers and soldiers call? How many people will there be? Does King Wu want... to make some preparations?" Changshun asked when they met.

"No need, Prince Ning has his own arrangements." After saying this, Gan Zhao's heart sank, thinking that Xu Chu was timid and wanted to escape.

The scene he saw in Wu Jun's camp made Gan Zhao all doubtful, so he said goodbye, crossed the Chinese Army, and headed for Liang Jun's camp.

There was another scene on Ma Wei's side. He had already prepared the tablets of the emperors of Liang, Jin, Shu, Jing, Wu and other countries, placed them together with his king's flag, ordered his soldiers to take turns to worship, and each vowed to avenge his motherland. .

The soldiers did not miss the dead emperor much, but the worship ceremony was personally supervised by Ma Wei. The whole process was solemn and solemn. Those who worshiped could not help but feel a sense of awe, feeling that this battle seemed to be really for someone very important. Important characters take revenge.

Gan Zhao conveyed the news from the front and asked Liang Jun to prepare and take people back to recover.

The Chinese army has the largest number of people, and Ning Baoguanzheng encourages and leads the generals one by one. He knows everyone and understands their preferences. Even if he only knows each other for two or three days, he can tell the other person's thoughts clearly.

"The officers and soldiers killed your wife. After entering the Eastern Capital, I will give you ten beauties in return. Princess, madam, young lady. You can choose whoever you like."

"The treasure house in the palace, you take twenty people in, take as much as you can, it depends on how strong you are."

Ning Baoguan returned to the front again and stood firm. Behind him were thousands of dismounted cavalry, all elites selected by him, and behind them were groups of rebels.

"How?" Ning Baoguan asked.

Gan Zhao stepped forward and whispered back: "King Wu's side is fine. King Liang's side can be used to seize the opportunity to pursue the victory. Do not face the officers and soldiers directly."

"Hey, just don't let him run away with his troops."

"As long as the front can support him, he won't be able to escape."

"Well, you go back and guard the camp. You will kill anyone who dares to retreat."

Gan Zhao led hundreds of his confidants to line up at the gate of the camp to supervise the battle.

Not long after the rebels formed the formation, scattered cavalry appeared in the distance, running away desperately. They were supposed to run towards the World Army, but they were in chaos. When they saw the army, they rushed towards them, thinking that this was the camp of the World Army, completely forgetting that they were there two days ago. Just left here.

"Shoot them." Ning Baoguan ordered. There were not many archers in the rebel army, only a few hundred, scattered among different teams.

"That's one of our people." The general next to him said in surprise.

Ning Baoguan cursed fiercely, "If you are asked to cum, you will cum. Even if it is your mother or the King of Jin in front of you, you will still irradiate me."

The general rushed to deliver the order.

The archers fired wildly. It was neither a volley nor accurate, but it was enough to frighten the fleeing cavalry into turning around and running away. This time they finally found the right direction and ran towards the Advent Army camp.

More and more cavalry were fleeing, and they gradually showed some formation. They did not run around, and did not stop when they passed the Ningbaoguan Army Formation.

The officers and soldiers appeared, all cavalry, and the team was more orderly. In order to maintain the formation, they would rather slow down.

Some bold rebel cavalrymen often turned back and provoked the officers and soldiers. Some who were too courageous fell into the ranks of the officers and soldiers and never came out again.

The continuous stream of officers and soldiers seemed to reach to the horizon.

The position Ning Baoguan specially selected generally faced the setting sun. He knew that the soldiers behind him were in panic without looking back, so he held the gun in both hands, roared, and was the first to approach the officers and soldiers.

The rebels have drums, but not many people can understand their meaning, and even fewer can use them. Ning Baoguan simply abandons them. When he roars, thousands of elites respond in unison, and the teams behind them also roar continuously.

The officers and soldiers had already noticed the team here and immediately divided into two teams. One team continued to chase the fleeing cavalry, and the other team faced the "ambush".

The snow on the ground is thick, but the roads are better. Cavalry and pedestrians trample back and forth. The snow is hard enough, but there are pits in the wasteland. People can't walk fast, and horses can't gallop.

The officers and soldiers were a little confused, thinking that the rebels would be defeated by the wind as before, so they did not adjust their formation, did not wait for the army behind, and did not have enough bows and arrows.

During the confrontation between the two armies, Ning Baoguan had long forgotten his identity as the King of Wuyue and stabbed the nearest horse with his spear. Before he could see any blood, he was already red-eyed.

Wu Jun has also walked out of the camp. The formation cannot be said to be well-organized, but at least it is no longer a mess, and no one has left their positions without permission.

The sun was setting quickly, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the sound of fighting in front was getting louder and louder. Those who heard it were frightened. Although they were still two or three miles away, it was like swords and guns were clashing in their ears.

Xu Chu noticed that Ning Baoguan had abandoned all his cavalry, so he also dismounted and led the entire army towards the battlefield.

Although the rebels had a commander, they did not have a clear command. Xu Chu could make his own decisions.

He felt it was time to join the battle, but the longer he waited, the more timid the soldiers became.

Although King Wu had said that his troops only had to guard the camp, at this time, no one raised any objections, and the scene of the two generals being killed was still firmly etched in everyone's mind.

Xu Chu led his troops to join the battlefield from the flank. He arrived just in time to catch up with the arrival of a large group of officers and soldiers, many of whom were infantry. The two sides soon fell into a melee.

During the previous sneak attack on the officers and soldiers camp in Runan City, Xu Chu was separated from his men and almost died. Tang Weitian remembered his lesson and followed closely this time. He still had a stick in his waist and two knives in hand, cutting down all those who dared to get close. I almost hit one of my own people several times.

Liang Jun on the other wing did not participate in the battle.

The commander-in-chief Pan Kai came and asked several times, but Ma Wei's only answer was, "Wait for the order from King Wu Yue and don't touch it without permission."

"The sky is getting dark and a fierce battle is going on. The King of Wu and Yue may not be able to deliver orders."

"Don't be anxious." Ma Wei smiled and said, "When it comes to leading troops, I'm not as good as you. When it comes to the art of war, I know everything. When two armies are fighting, how can they send out all their troops when they come up? The King of Wuyue is brave and strategic. insufficient……"

"I heard that the Wu army has also joined the war." Pan Kai reminded that this was the news he had just reported not long ago.

Ma Wei let out a laugh, "The King of Wu was full of strategies, but he was too hasty. He often lost his temper and took risks personally. He lost the style of a counselor and had no appearance of a king. He rashly joined the battle, causing one wing of the rebel army to fall, and the officers and soldiers were like To defeat the rebel army, a passage will be cut from him.”

Pan Kai turned his head and took a look. There was only a trace of the setting sun. The rebel army had been stationed here for many days. He could not tell the direction, let alone where the central army was and where the flanks were. It is estimated that the officers and soldiers were also confused.

"Do you want to ask the King of Shu? He is..."

"What are you asking the incompetent King of Shu?" Ma Wei said dissatisfied.

Guo Shifeng stayed beside King Liang and interjected: "General Pan, don't be anxious. King Liang is right. When the two armies are fighting, be sure not to use too much force too quickly. There is an endless supply of officers and soldiers, but our army is the only one left. We must leave some reserves." ”

"Yes, I will understand." Pan Kai resigned and ordered the soldiers to wait where they were.

The cold air hit them, and the soldiers stamped their feet on the spot, secretly glad that they did not have to participate in the battle, and at the same time looking forward to the end of the battle ahead soon, so that they could go back to the camp and light a fire to keep warm.

Guo Shifeng whispered to Ma Wei: "There has been no movement for a long time, and the army is suspicious. It is right for King Liang not to participate in the war, but something should be done to prevent morale from declining."

"I have an idea." The more anxious others became, the calmer Ma Wei became. After waiting for another quarter of an hour, after the sky turned completely dark, he ordered the entire army to advance. Once they were within a stone's throw, he gave the order to stop and ordered people to move forward. Step forward to watch the battle, "If you see the King of Wu Yue, please immediately ask for orders, saying that Liang Jun is waiting in full formation. Just give the order and join the battle immediately."

The person who sent the troops came back soon. He only saw that the melee was still going on, and he couldn't tell the winner. He couldn't find the figure of King Wu Yue.

Liang Jun was not too far away from the battlefield, and the sound of killing could be heard. He didn't need to watch to know that the battle was not over yet.

Ma Wei continued to send people to check, but he stayed where he was and directed Liang Jun to advance some distance.

A spy ran back in a hurry, "Our army retreats! Our army retreats!"

Ma Wei was shocked and immediately ordered the troops to retreat back to the camp. Guo Shifeng reminded: "The sound from the front does not sound like a retreat. King Liang will wait a moment."

When they retreated, the shouts were chaotic, but this time, although the shouts on the battlefield were loud, they didn't sound very chaotic.

Ma Wei let himself calm down and waited for a while. The second spy brought back another news, "The officers and soldiers will withdraw first, and our troops will also withdraw. They said they would fight again tomorrow."

"Who wins and who loses?" Ma Wei asked.

The spy looked confused. He had only come into contact with very few rebel soldiers and did not dare to go deep into the battlefield. He had no way of knowing the outcome. "It should...should be the victory of the officers and soldiers, right?"

It was Guo Shifeng who promptly reminded him, "It's probably because both sides retreated regardless of victory or defeat, so neither of them was defeated."

Ma Wei nodded and ordered the whole army to move forward, still holding down the speed and not wanting to go too fast.

A large group of people came towards him. Pan Kai rode up and said loudly: "The King of Liang is here, who is in front of you?"

"King Wuyue." Someone replied.

Ma Wei hurriedly got off his horse and hurried up to meet him.

Ning Baoguan's whole body was stained with blood, and he still held a long spear in his hand. He was followed by a large number of soldiers, all of them stained with blood. Only his eyes were still clean, and he looked menacing in the night.

Ma Wei stepped forward, feeling weak and involuntarily kneeling down.

Ning Baoguan turned the long spear upside down and gently supported it with the end, "You come to guard the camp tonight." After a pause, he continued: "Are you and the King of Wu really studying in the same place? What you learned is not quite the same."

Ma Wei blushed, and he did not blame Ning Baoguan, but Xu Chu, whom he had not met yet.

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