Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 143: Establishing Authority

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News from the front came in like snowflakes, like a gust of wind, blowing away the morale in the camp of the five kings that was inflated by a lot of jokes, making the whole incident look like a joke.

The officers and soldiers finally went out to fight in large numbers. There were so many that there was no real number, only inconsistent rumors. The messenger said it was 10,000 or 200,000, and then it was more than 200,000. When it spread in the camp, it was multiplied several times.

Ning Baoguan asked the kings to patrol the camp with him to appease the people, and then took more than ten guards to go out of the camp to check the situation, leaving Gan Zhao to guard the central army.

Xu Chu returned to his camp, re-arranged the troops and boosted morale, but the soldiers hoped that the King of Wu would come up with a clever plan to win without fighting, rather than encouraging them to fight a fierce battle.

Xu Chu tried for a long time, but the effect was minimal. The soldiers were like fallen leaves, swept by fear, and couldn't help but gather together. The formation that was finally arranged was slowly destroyed.

Xu Chu looked back and saw a bunch of soldiers in the east and west. He murmured in a low voice: "Do we have to kill people to establish our authority?"

Tang Weitian, who was following closely, heard it and patted the stick on his waist, "Let me do it, keep one."

Xu Chu smiled and shook his head, "It's not time yet, wait for King Ning to come back."

He climbed up the nearby watchtower and looked at the central army camp first. There were more soldiers there and it was easier to get into chaos. Gan Zhao was also helpless about this. The 1,000 cavalrymen left by Ning Baoguan played a role. They lined up and ran back and forth, and finally scared some people, so that the whole camp would not get out of control.

In the Liangwang camp, which was farther away, only flags could be seen, but no people.

Xu Chu once again realized his weakness. He lacked the ability to attract people. When facing a certain person, he could talk freely and guess the other person's true thoughts in an instant. Once the number of people on the opposite side was large, his guesses would always be wrong, and his words would often be irrelevant.

Ning Baoguan came back, and instead of summoning the kings and generals, he spoke directly to the soldiers in the central army. Xu Chu was too far away to hear what Ning Baoguan said. He only saw the crowd rushing forward, and soon there was a cry of grief, and even crying.

Xu Chu was startled, and the soldiers in his camp were even more shocked when they heard the sound. They ran to the watchtower to ask the King of Wu, and some people simply crossed the camp to go to the King of Ning's camp to inquire about the details.

"Don't panic, everyone." Xu Chu said loudly. As soon as he said it, he knew that platitudes alone could not appease anyone, but would make everyone more panicked.

"The officers and soldiers are coming out in full force, and they will arrive soon!" Xu Chu raised his voice and turned his head to look at the central army camp. There was still panic over there, and he didn't know what Ning Baoguan was talking about?

"What does it mean to come out in full force?" "How many officers and soldiers are there?" "Will they be led away?" A series of questions were raised downstairs.

Xu Chu made up his mind and said even louder: "There are countless officers and soldiers, just as many as us, and they are strong and powerful, and each of them can fight ten people at once."

The King of Wu's camp also became filled with wailing.

Xu Chu did not stop them, and let the soldiers cry and curse at will - the soldiers were angry and cursed everyone, from the kings to their friends on weekdays. The King of Wu on the watchtower was even more rude, and put all the responsibility on him.

"Aren't you known as a genius? Come up with an idea." "We were tricked by you, are we just waiting to die?"

A small number of Wu soldiers tried their best to protect the King of Wu, but their voices were weak and could not suppress the foreign soldiers.

Xu Chu insisted on not speaking, and waited until the voices below gradually died down, then he said: "Look back."

The soldiers turned back one after another, but only saw more soldiers, and didn't understand what was special about this.

Xu Chu pointed to the depths of the camp, "Think about your parents, wives, and children, and think about what the soldiers will do to them after they break into the camp."

The people rebel when the officials force them. These people knew the methods of the soldiers too well, and they all became quiet at once. Only a few people muttered, "Send more people to block them outside."

Xu Chu heard this and said loudly, "That's right, let the old and weak who don't have soldiers at home block them outside, and then what? The soldiers will kill vigorously and their morale will be stronger. And if you are injured or killed, your parents, wives, and children will suffer the same fate."

"But we won before." Someone raised his voice and said.

"You only defeated a small group of soldiers. This time it is the real Tiancheng Iron Cavalry, a 100,000-man army. The armor on one person is heavier than the ten of you put together. The spears are sharp and the bows are swift. How many of you can shoot arrows?" Xu Chu said casually.

No one said a word.

"There is only one way to save the lives of myself and my family, that is to lead the soldiers to the world-destroying army. No matter how many soldiers there are, they are no match for the world-destroying army. Only when everyone works together can we win."

"What can we do if the King of Jin lures the soldiers?" someone asked.

Xu Chu had explained this matter countless times, but before the battle, most soldiers were still confused.

"The soldiers will definitely attack the camp here first. Let's be tough and prevent the soldiers from attacking. Let them suffer a little, and then the King of Jin will have a chance to lead the soldiers away."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and they finally listened.

"Go back to where you were, everyone go back to where you were!" Xu Chu walked downstairs and strode into the crowd. "If you don't want to wait to die, fight a real hard battle. If you win this battle, everyone will be rewarded. If you lose this battle, no one will survive alone. The soldiers will not spare anyone!"

The soldiers in the camp were rearranged.

Tang Weitian caught up and whispered, "Is it time?"

"There are military laws, you don't have to do it." If necessary, Xu Chu really wanted to kill people to establish his authority.

Tang Weitian was very disappointed.

The soldiers moved faster than ever before. Xu Chu asked for horses, mounted his horses and walked through the team. He shouted a few words loudly from time to time, thinking that there was no need to kill people to show his authority, but soon someone came to the door.

In front of a group of soldiers, there were only flags and no generals. Xu Chu could not pretend not to see them and pointed at the flag with his riding whip, "Who is here?"

"Xiao Liu Mazi." Someone replied.

Xu Chu remembered this man. He was a strong man with pockmarks on his face. He came from Liang Jun. His strength was as strong as his temper, but he was not timid and did not look like someone who would run away from battle.

"Where are people?"

"It seems... he should have gone back to see his wife. He will be back soon. Don't be angry, King Wu. I will stand for him for a while." In the rebel army, soldiers and generals are usually old friends and have a close relationship, the man said while saying , while getting out of the queue and walking forward.

Xu Chu snorted, drove his horse forward, drove the man back, and said sternly: "Everyone has his own place. Anyone who disturbs will be killed. Do you want to be the first?"

The man was so frightened that he shook his head and backed away quickly.

Xu Chu said to a guard behind him: "Go to Xiao Liu Mazi and ask him to come back immediately."

The guards took the order and left.

Seeing that King Wu was really angry, Xiao Liu Mazi's subordinates were all worried. However, one man was bold and wanted to defend his superiors, "We are not the only ones who have left their positions without authorization. King Wu, look, your own people are not here either."

The Wu army left a small number of infantrymen and three generals, but at this time there were only two left. Another deputy general named Chang Shunzhi was missing.

Chang Shunzhi was a descendant of the Seven Clans and had always been loyal and respectful to the ruling king. Meng Nilun kept him here to set an example for others.

There were soldiers from the three kings gathered under Xu Chu's tent. Only the Jin soldiers were the most disciplined, with no shortage of people, and the fastest formation.

"Where is Changshun?" Xu Chu drove his horse to the front of Wu Jun's queue.

Another general hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Go back to the ruling king. General Chang went to King Ning's camp to inquire about the news. He will be back soon."

"Moving without orders is the same crime as fleeing."

"General Chang should have asked for instructions. The ruling king...don't you remember?" The general wanted to find a step.

Before Xu Chu could speak, a man ran from a distance and shouted: "Here! I'm here!"

It turned out to be Xiao Liu Mazi. He was already on his way back when he met King Wu's guards on the way. He hurriedly ran back, panting and with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry, King Wu, there is a small matter at home. I've finished handling it." I won’t leave again today. If you give me a count, I will definitely kill enough officers and soldiers to atone for your sins today.”

For the soldiers who came from the World Army, Xiao Liu Mazi's behavior was really not a big deal. It was this kind of thinking that made the rebel army never become a real army despite hundreds of battles.

Xiao Liu Mazi has always been brave and arrogant, and he is willing to give in before the battle, which is a big concession.

To spare or not to spare, Xu Chu had to make a decision in an instant, and he couldn't think of which decision was more correct.

"Escaping from battle is an unforgivable crime." Xu Chu said coldly.

Xiao Liu Mazi's face changed color and he lost his smile. He glared and said: "Who escaped? I didn't escape. Isn't this back? King Wu, don't make a fuss. To be honest, I was just seconded here and will return to King Liang in the future. Go, I won’t forgive you, it’s the King of Liang who makes the decision. Besides, I don’t feel guilty.”

Xu Chu was about to open his mouth to refute when he suddenly saw a group of people riding on horseback. The leader was Chang Shunzhi, and behind him were the guards of Shu King Ganzhao.

Changshun came running over on horseback and said, "Government, I have found out clearly. King Ning sent King Shu here..."

"Farewell without saying goodbye is like running away. Changshunzhi, do you know the crime?"

Changshun was stunned, "I...forgot it for a moment." Although he is a descendant of the Seventh Clan, he is relatively young. He has never experienced military service before and doesn't know much about military discipline.

Xiao Liu Mazi laughed, "Okay, King Wu, the war is about to begin, so don't waste your time on the two of us. We will apologize to you. I promise to kill enough ten officers and soldiers. If not, we will record it in the account." I'll give it back to you sooner or later, General Chang, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, I also...kill ten officers and soldiers." Chang Shunzhi cupped his hands and said.

Gan Zhao stopped nearby and did not come to interfere.

Xu Chu hesitated again. At this time, it seemed that he could be a little more tolerant, or imprison the two of them, or demote them to soldiers and let them kill the enemy and serve themselves.

The whole battalion of soldiers looked over, but the people behind them couldn't see it, so they tried their best to wait and see, whispering to find out what was going on here.

Xu Chu pulled out his sword and said loudly: "Military orders are like mountains, and the law tolerates no mercy. Those who obey orders will be rewarded, and those who disobey orders will be killed."

Several guards came forward and knocked down the two generals.

Chang Shunzhi was dumbfounded and knelt down obediently, but Xiao Liu Mazi was unconvinced and punched and kicked him. After being forced to kneel down, he shouted: "Xu Xiaobailian, if you have the ability, come and kill me with your own hands! Frown, I'm not a good man."

Xu Chu walked up to Chang Shunzhi and expelled the last trace of unbearable feeling, "Leaving the camp without authorization, you are guilty of escaping."

"Ah?" Chang Shunzhi still didn't understand what happened.

Xu Chu held the knife with both hands, aimed at his heart and stabbed it diagonally, then pulled it out. Blood spurted out and splashed onto his armor.

The guard let go and Chang Shunzhi fell down.

All the soldiers in the camp changed their expressions. The people behind them couldn't see it, but when someone passed the words, everyone shrank their necks and stood back to their positions.

Xiao Liu Mazi was the most surprised and frightened. He forgot his identity as a "hero" and shouted: "Brothers, come and save me!"

Several soldiers walked out of the queue, and Xu Chu walked over quickly, aiming at Xiao Liu Mazi and stabbing him randomly.

Little Liu Mazi screamed and soon became silent, and the soldiers returned to the ranks - they finally understood that they were soldiers, not "brothers".

Xu Chu held the bloody knife and looked at Gan Zhao.

Gan Zhao bowed his hand, turned around and led his men away without saying a word.

He had nothing to say.

"I will advance and retreat with you. If anyone leaves his position without permission, he will be punished like these two."

Xu Chu still didn't know whether the decision he had just made was right or wrong. The whole camp was quiet and no one gave him a conclusion.

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