Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 125 Military Law

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From the first meeting, Meng Nilun showed kindness and enthusiasm to Xu Chu like a family member. He very frankly admitted that he was not a soldier. He was willing to be a peacemaker, appease the children of the seven tribes, and exempt Xu Chu. of worries.

Xu Chu never imagined that Meng Nilun would do such a thing as massacre the generals without revealing a word beforehand.

The enemy was facing a formidable enemy, but Wu Jun cut off one of his arms.

Xu Chu was shocked and angry, forgetting the pain on his body, and walked up to Meng Silun, "You..."

Meng Nilun knelt down, "Everything was my idea and my actions. It has nothing to do with others. Please punish me."

A dozen guards behind him also knelt down and claimed that they were the mastermind.

Xu Chu suppressed the anger in his heart and sighed, "General Meng is loyal, but you have broken military discipline and cannot be forgiven."

"The final general does not ask for forgiveness, but only asks that the commander-in-chief be safe in the army."

Xu Chu sighed again and said to Tang Weitian: "Please come, General Bao." Then he said to Meng Senglun: "Get up and take me to have a look."

"Grand Governor..."

"I am not a child hiding behind others. How can I avoid seeing a general who died because of me?"


Meng Senglun led the way, and everyone supported Xu Chu as he left the tent.

The soldiers in the camp were happily showing off their rewards. When they saw Xu Chu approaching, they bowed and saluted from a distance. After this battle, they were already in awe of the young commander.

The killing took place in a tent. The bodies of seven leaders with minor surnames were lying on the ground. Most of them had their necks wiped. It seemed that there was no struggle. Meng Nilun's planning was extremely precise and the killing did not attract any attention.

Xu Chu watched for a while, and anger surged in his heart. He forced himself to hold it back and ordered: "Tear down the tent."

"Tear down the tent and people outside will see..."

"Can you hide this kind of thing?"

"There are many small leaders in the Shiying Camp named Xiao. We must at least keep them under supervision." Meng Nilun tried to persuade him again.

Xu Chu gave the order directly to the guards, but the guards did not dare to disobey and started dismantling the tents in a hurry.

Xu Chu stood outside, and Bao Dun hurried over, cupping his hands and saying: "The military rewards have been distributed and recorded in the books. The Governor..."

Bowden was shocked when he saw the seven corpses under the tent.

More and more people found the corpse. The children of the seven tribes were fine, but the soldiers with the small surname were shocked. Everyone called out and asked what was going on. More and more people gathered around.

Xu Chu refused to let the guards follow him and walked alone among the soldiers with a small surname. As soon as he arrived, everyone gave way and the shouts gradually died down.

"I know that some people are dissatisfied with me and want me to die." Xu Chu said loudly.

The soldier surnamed Xiao muttered, not knowing whether to defend or admit it.

"Jindao Liu wanted to take action yesterday. Fan Jianglong saw that the matter was exposed and escaped on his own. Many people saw it."

One of the soldiers said: "Does the Grand Governor want to take revenge on us?"

Xu Chu raised his arm and continued: "Just this morning, when we attacked the officers and soldiers camp, Qianjin Scale wanted to cut off my head and give it to the government for reward."

Compared with the first two people, Qianjin Scale has a higher prestige. In this night attack, the Wu army suffered few casualties. Qianjin Scale died inexplicably, which has long aroused suspicion among the soldiers with the lower surname. Now the truth is revealed.

"The Governor killed Qianjin Scale?"

Xu Chu took off his shirt several times, revealing bruises all over his body, "He almost killed me."

Everyone exclaimed, Tang Weitian stepped forward, held up a stick and loudly said: "I was the one who killed Qianjin Scale, who is not convinced?"

No one said a word.

Xu Chu put on his clothes, turned to look at the seven corpses, and then turned to the soldier named Xiao, "Those three are not the only ones who want me dead."

Although the leaders of the tenth battalion with the nickname Xiaoying were not subordinate to each other and often fought openly and secretly, they were always consistent externally. Three people including Qianjin Scale had the highest status, and the other seven people would usually participate in their plans.

The soldiers surnamed Xiao were still confused and uneasy, but they were no longer angry. One person said: "If they really have different intentions, they should be killed, but we have no second thoughts towards the governor."

"There is no difference of heart." Everyone agreed.

Xu Chu refused to let Tang Weitian follow, and walked a few more steps into the crowd, completely trapped among the soldiers with a small surname. "Qianjin Scale and others want to seize the position of Grand Governor. If they fail to be elected, they have murderous intentions. Who else wants to be the Grand Governor?" Governor?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"So I believe you." Xu Chu patted a few people on the shoulders, turned around and walked out of the crowd.

Meng Silun was looking at the Governor with concern, his sword unsheathed, just in case.

Xu Chu also stared at him, sighing in his heart and then angry, and stopped walking: "This is the camp of our Wu army, a place for everyone to protect themselves. As long as the camp is there, everyone will be safe. So no matter what the reason, Don't kill people at will in the camp. You must use swords and guns on the battlefield. Killing the enemy is a meritorious service. Killing one's own people is just cowardice."

Meng Nilun and the guards who participated in the killing looked ashamed.

"Meng Seng Lun, do you know your guilt?"

Meng Nilun put down his knife, cupped his hand and said, "I killed the seven leaders on my own initiative without asking the Governor for instructions. I deserve death for my crime. Please kill me to appease the public."

Xu Chu said to Bao Dun: "General Bao oversees the entire army. According to military law, what crime should Meng Nilun and others deserve?"

It was said to be military law, but there were no ready-made provisions. Bao Dun was not from the military, so how could he know anything about military law? But he guarded the city for many days and made some rules of his own, so he said: "Intentional murder in the camp should be punished by death, but these seven people had evil intentions and killed them for a reason - General Meng can atone for his sins, and the others can act according to orders. It’s a crime, but it’s a military reward.”

Xu Chu nodded, "Meng Nilun will be exempted from all positions and sentenced to one month of hard labor. The others are not guilty. I am the governor, and if I am guilty of connivance, I should give up my position to reflect on my mistakes..."

"Absolutely not. How can the Commander-in-Chief give up his position when we are facing a formidable enemy?" Everyone immediately objected, even the officers with a small surname did not agree.

Bao Dun said: "The governor did make mistakes, but he had merit in defeating the enemy. If the two offset each other, the military reward can be confiscated and divided among the family members of the deceased."

Xu Chu just made a gesture, nodded and said: "Okay, that's it for now. Everyone, go and have a rest. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

After the crowd dispersed, Xu Chu and Bao Dun patrolled the camp and rearranged the guarding arrangements to ensure that everything was in order.

Xu Chu was worried that if the news spread, it would cause riots in the city, so he asked Bao Dun to return to the city to appease him, while he stayed in the camp outside the city.

Meng Nilun knelt in front of Xu Chu's tent, motionless. Several generals from the seven tribes stood nearby and talked quietly. They immediately shut up when they saw the governor.

Xu Chu directly entered the account.

Song Xingcai followed up, cupped his hands and said: "Although General Meng is guilty of not asking for permission, he is trying to save the governor from future troubles. It is enough not to reward him. There is no need..."

Xu Chu asked: "Does General Song think that the Wu army can defeat the officers and soldiers?"

"We just won a game, everyone's morale is high, and we have at least a seventy-eight chance of winning."

"The night attack is a strange plan. The two armies have not yet clashed. If we have a head-to-head confrontation with the officers and soldiers of the brigade tomorrow, what are the chances of winning?"

Song Xingcai had to admit, "The chances of winning are not good."

"The Wu army has not yet established a stable footing, and with a formidable enemy in front of them, it has no chance of winning. However, Meng Nilun kills generals at this time, leaving the tenth battalion of the Xiao family in shock and uncertainty. Can the merits and demerits be offset?"

Song Xingcai lowered his head and said nothing.

"Together we are strong, and apart we are weak. You still don't understand this truth."

"In case of misfortune, the chief governor dies at the hands of a leader with a small surname, and the Wu army will inevitably be dispersed. This is the saying that 'divided make us weak'."

"Things have priorities, and rewards and punishments must be clear. There are many people in the Tenth Battalion with the surname Xiao, who are the main force of the Wu army. We can only win over them at the moment, but do not make them suspicious. As for the intention to kill me, everyone may have it. If we kill them all indiscriminately, , How many people are left in my account?”

"General Meng and I will definitely be the ones left, but I understand what the Grand Governor means." Song Xingcai handed over his hand, "The seven tribes are united. One person is guilty and everyone is responsible. I am willing to hand over the reward I got this time. Not to atone for sin, but to express shame.”

"Let's talk tomorrow." Xu Chu's body ached, his heart was tired, and he didn't want to bother anymore.

Song Xingcai resigned.

Xu Chu sat on the bed, and for the first time his enthusiasm for self-reliance cooled down slightly, but he had no intention of admitting defeat and murmured: "There is always a way, there is always a way..."

"Yes, there will be a way." A voice said.

Xu Chu was startled and reached out to draw his sword, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Lu walked out of the corner. There was only a small oil lamp lit in the tent. It was very dim. He stood in the shadows and no one noticed him. "The Governor asked someone to bring me here, remember?"

Meng Nilun caused an accident, and everyone was attracted to it, forgetting Zhou Lv.

"Ah, please sit down."

Zhou Lu pulled a small stool and sat down from a distance, with his legs together and a flattering smile on his face.

Tang Wei Tian stormed in. He had gone out to the camp to inquire about the enemy and had just returned. "The officers and soldiers have not moved. This boy is a prisoner of the officers and soldiers. How can he stay here? I will take him away."

Zhou Lu looked at Xu Chu sincerely.

"Leave him alone and go rest first."

"But what if he wants to assassinate the Governor?"

Zhou Lu kept shaking his head in denial, and Xu Chu said: "Don't be afraid, he can't beat me."

"Okay." Tang Weitian walked out of the tent and stood guard outside instead of resting.

Facing Zhou Lu, Xu Chu didn't know what to say and yawned, "You won't do it while I'm sleeping, right?"

"No, no, how dare I." Zhou Lu said immediately.

Xu Chu took off his boots, put on his clothes and lay down. He couldn't sleep no matter what. He was angry and intolerable to Meng Nilun.

The oil lamp went out and the tent was dark. Zhou Lu sat on the small stool, still not daring to move.

"This is a military camp. You can just find a place to lie down." Xu Chu said.

"I'm fine. I'm not tired or sleepy." Zhou Lu took a long breath, as if he had been pardoned. After a moment of silence, he said: "The Governor...will you be the emperor in the future?"

"Can't I?"

"Yes, of course I can. Anyone can be the emperor nowadays, especially the Governor. Our Zhou family is willing to protect the Governor."

Xu Chu laughed. Dongyang Hou was a veteran, but he would not protect him. As for Zhou Lu, he was of little use.

Zhou Lu was very loyal, but Xu Chu didn't listen. He was thinking about how other heroes would deal with people like Meng Nilun: Xue Liujia must have picked up a stick and beat him randomly. After the beating, he would be like a normal person, drinking and joking. Joking; Shen Dan... was probably angry and convicted on the surface, and then secretly let Meng Nilun escape; Ma Wei would probably kill Meng Nilun to calm the morale of the army; Ning Baoguan - Xu Chu thought about it and felt that in Such a thing would never happen in Ning Baoguan Camp.

"...General Guan is the former subordinate of the General. To your Lou family..." Zhou Lu was still nagging.

"What did you say?"


"You talked about managing the general?"

"Yes, the commander of the troops is General Guan Changling. If he knew that the commander-in-chief here is the Seventeenth Young Master, maybe there would be no need to fight."

They had to fight, but Xu Chu came up with an idea, not to confront them head-on.

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