Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 124 Protecting the Master

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Xu Chu was wearing armor, and the blow to his back did not cause serious injuries. However, he fell off his horse and his eyes went black. He could not get up for a long time. When he was a little more awake, he saw Qian Jincheng walking towards him with a short blade in his hand.

Qian Jincheng knelt on one leg, took off his helmet first, grabbed his hair bun tightly, and wiped his neck with the short blade.

Xu Chu could not struggle, and his heart sank. He did not expect that he would die so unjustly.

With a bang, Qian Jincheng fell forward, and involuntarily supported himself with both hands, and the short blade passed by Xu Chu's neck.

With three consecutive bangs, Qian Jincheng fell to the ground, motionless.

Xu Chu was pressed down and could not move either.

"Look at his face, it's not right, Grand Commander, are you still alive?"

"Yeah." Xu Chu responded with difficulty.

Qianjin Scale was moved away, Tang Weitian helped Xu Chu up, "You should keep the magic stick, it can protect you."

Xu Chu shook his head, and became more sober, looking down at Qianjin Scale, "I can't believe it..."

"What can't be expected? When the young master became the Grand Commander, many people looked wrong, especially this guy, I thought there was something wrong with him at the time." Tang Weitian spat on the corpse.

"You have a better eye for people than I do." Xu Chu smiled, walked a few steps slowly, felt a little pain in his ribs, but it was not serious, gently pushed Tang Weitian away, picked up the helmet on the ground, "I can still walk, find me a horse."

Xu Chu's mount had disappeared, Qianjin Scale's horse was still beside him, Tang Weitian led it over, "Is it okay?"

Xu Chu gritted his teeth, climbed on the horse, and smiled, "If you're not dead, you're fine, how can you find it... Let's talk about it later, meet up with others first."

Tang Weitian also got on the horse.

Xu Chu pulled out the thousand-jin scale spear. Although he didn't know how to use it, he felt more secure in his hand and could also be used to bluff people.

The night attack was very successful. The officers and soldiers did not expect the rebels to have the courage to attack actively. They really thought that the Eastern Capital had fallen, so the rebels could break into the camp from the rear.

The officers and soldiers ran as fast as they could, and almost no one stayed to resist.

The soldiers of the Wu army tasted the sweetness and had forgotten the instructions of the Grand Commander in advance. They chased the officers and soldiers everywhere, and the rest looted the camp.

Xu Chu gradually gathered a group of people and ordered them to stop looting. Half of them went to put out the fire, and the other half pushed the vehicles parked outside the camp to the other end and rearranged them to become a checkpoint for the Wu army.

The sky was shining, and Xu Chu counted the number of people and found that there were only seven or eight hundred people left. The other soldiers ran to chase the officers and soldiers and had not returned yet.

Xu Chu threw away his spear, dismounted and shouted in the crowd, ordering officers to gather their subordinates and arrange their battle formations to prevent the officers and soldiers from making a surprise attack.

As for the items in the camp, everyone will have a share, and they will be distributed after everything is settled.

Near noon, a group of reinforcements came to Runan City. They arrived just in time. The Wu army soldiers who went out of the camp to chase the officers and soldiers were running back desperately - they ran into a large group of officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, the large group of officers and soldiers were influenced by the fleeing soldiers and thought there was an ambush ahead, so they did not dare to rush up immediately, and the Wu army soldiers were able to escape back to the camp.

When the officers and soldiers appeared in their sight, they had come to their senses and formed a battle formation to approach step by step.

Song Xingcai went out to chase people, and when he came back, his face was full of sweat, excited and terrified, "All cavalry, there must be tens of thousands of people!"

He exaggerated too much. At most half of the officers and soldiers were cavalry, and the number was not as many as tens of thousands, but it was still more than ten times more than the Wu cavalry.

"Move the vehicles away." Xu Chu ordered. He was going to use the strategy of confusing the enemy again.

The prestige of the Grand Commander had been established. Everyone was willing to listen to his orders, but when moving the vehicles, they would always look at the officers and soldiers from time to time.

Xu Chu sent down another order, ordering Song Xingcai and Dai Pohu to lead their men back to the city to rest, and the other soldiers who participated in the battle last night to move all the military supplies that could be moved away, and the thousands of newly arrived reinforcements lined up to confront the officers and soldiers.

He also specifically instructed that when the soldiers came and went, they should create more dust. From a distance, it seemed that tens of thousands of people were frequently mobilized.

The newly arrived officers and soldiers also fell into the trap. Instead of launching a charge, they retreated several miles and took a defensive stance.

Some people did not leave and insisted on staying with the Grand Commander. Meng Senglun felt very guilty. He had vowed to protect the princess's son, but he lost his way soon after entering the camp. He returned to Xu Chu after dawn and never left again.

In winter, it gets dark early. The officers and soldiers sent out hundreds of people to launch two tentative attacks. Xu Chu forbad his men to raise their swords and guns, and instead sent away half of them, leaving only more than a thousand people.

The Wu army lacked training, and more than a thousand people stood in a mess, not in formation. Xu Chu did not arrange the troops, but only asked the soldiers to keep an eye on the officers of his own unit.

When it was a little dark, Xu Chu mounted his horse and led his troops forward for several miles, also posing a tentative posture. Seeing that the officers and soldiers were unwilling to accept the attack, he slowly retreated to the camp outside Runan City.

The same trick actually worked well, and Xu Chu felt lucky in his heart.

After entering the camp, he could no longer hold on, and almost fell to the ground when he got off the horse. Tang Weitian rushed over and hugged him quickly.

Meng Senglun noticed something was wrong and immediately came over to ask, "Is the Grand Commander injured?"

Tang Weitian spoke quickly, "Isn't it that Qian Jincheng? He attacked the Grand Commander last night and almost..."

"It's nothing serious. Qian Jincheng is dead. He deserved it."

Meng Senglun was shocked, "A general with a small surname actually did such a thing!"

"It's just Qian Jincheng, it has nothing to do with other generals." Xu Chu pushed the two away and insisted on walking back to the tent.

With Tang Weitian's help, Xu Chu took off his armor. There were bruises and swelling all over his body, and there was blood under his right rib.

Meng Nilun blamed himself even more, "It's all my fault. It was me who recommended the thousand catty scale to the governor, thinking that he would not have evil intentions. It was also me who failed to protect him last night..."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "This is a battle, how can we not get hurt? Just scratch it, I can bear it."

Xu Chu stood up and was about to get dressed and go out to patrol the camp. Meng Nilun pressed him down and said, "Captain, rest. I will arrange the guards. If anything happens, I will ask you to decide."

Xu Chu actually supported himself and said: "Then there is General Lao Meng. Call General Bao and let him be responsible for rewarding the soldiers. Don't delay tonight."

"Yes." Meng Nilun resigned.

Tang Weitian found water and silk cloth, wiped off the blood, and looked at it carefully, "It's okay, the bleeding has stopped."

"I said it's okay." Xu Chu put on his clothes again. The armor was heavy and hard, so he had to give up.

There were shouts outside, and Xu Chu said, "Go and see, what's the noise outside?"

Tang Weitian went out and came back soon. He said with a smile: "It's a group of officers and soldiers. We are teasing them."

The officers and soldiers ran fast, but hundreds of people were still captured. The Wu army won a great victory for the first time, and their morale was high. They humiliated the prisoners in the camp regardless of the danger of the army outside.

Xu Chu didn't like this kind of thing, so he said to Tang Weitian: "Ask Song Xingcai."

Song Xingcai had the greatest credit. He came in like a gust of wind. Excitement, cold wind and good wine all came together, making his cheeks flush and his chest puffed up. "The Governor called me? Tomorrow we will have a decisive battle with the officers and soldiers, and I will be the vanguard!"

Xu Chu had not yet figured out how to deal with the army of officers and soldiers. He only knew that Wu Jun would definitely not be his opponent in a head-on fight.

"We'll talk about the decisive battle later. Have you divided the rewards?"

"It's being divided. General Bao is a fair man. Everyone is very satisfied and is willing to donate a share to the governor."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "No need, it is the officers and soldiers who contributed, and they all deserve the reward. Well, you go and imprison the officers and soldiers prisoners, don't let them be humiliated."

Song Xingcai was stunned, "Huming officers and soldiers can improve the morale of our army."

"Morale is enough, I'm worried about going too far."

"Okay... well, since the Governor gave the order." Song Xingcai went out and the noise outside quickly disappeared.

Tang Weitian said: "Don't be too kind-hearted, Commander-in-Chief."

"Am I too kind?"

"In the Advent Army, half of anything stolen must be given to the leader. The leader will return part of it depending on his mood, but no one wants to take away any of it."

"Hey, so there are many soldiers coming into the world but it is extremely chaotic. After all, it is difficult to become a big climate."

"I also think this distribution is unreasonable, but the officers and soldiers are all bad people, and it is not unjust to kill them. The governor should not save them."

Xu Chu sighed softly, "All officers and soldiers were drafted. They were originally ordinary people and were forced to join the army. Why are they all bad people?"

"You're not bad at first, but you become bad when you become an officer and a soldier... What the Governor said may have some truth to it. Anyway, don't be too kind. Be careful that there are guys like Qianjin Scale in the army."

"I'll be careful."

Xu Chu still wanted to take a look to prevent the soldiers from becoming suspicious. Just as he stood up, Song Xingcai came in from the outside again and asked, "Does the Governor recognize a person named Zhou Lu?"

Xu Chu was stunned, and after a moment of reaction, he suddenly remembered that this was an old friend of Dongdu, and said in surprise: "Zhou Lu, the son of Dongyang Marquis?"

"Yes, he did claim to be the son of a certain marquis, and said that his family would pay for his ransom. He also said that he was a classmate and friend of the Governor."

"Bring him here." Xu Chu was not Zhou Lu's friend, but he didn't mean any harm either.

Zhou Lu was pushed into the tent by the soldiers, knelt on the ground and crawled over. He kowtowed first, then raised his head, stared at Xu Chu for a while, and suddenly burst into tears, "It turns out it's really you!"

Tang Weitian pulled out the stick in his belt and shouted: "You are a big man, why are you crying? This is Governor Xu of the State of Wu. Please pay my respects quickly."

"My old friend Zhou Lu, I'd like to pay my respects to Governor Xu." Zhou Lu was obedient and immediately changed his tune.

"Why are you here?" Xu Chu asked.

Zhou Lu knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up. Although he stopped crying, his face still looked like crying, "It's all my father who insisted on letting me come out to practice. I thought the rebels here... No, no, Wu Jun is relatively weak. He was defeated in one blow, but I didn’t expect to encounter Governor Xu after he was captured. I learned that Governor Xu’s original surname was Lou..."

Xu Chu shook his head. If the officers and soldiers were all people like Zhou Lu, they would be "defeated in one blow." "What happened to Dongdu?"

"Huh? Still... like that."

"Let me ask you, are the King of Eastern Hunan and the Empress Dowager still in the Eastern Capital? Does Lan Xun still control the military? Does the Liang family control the young emperor? What is the mood of the people in the city? Are there any changes in the ministers? Are the officers and soldiers still willing to sacrifice their lives for the Tiancheng Dynasty?"

Zhou Lu blinked and couldn't answer a single question. He thought for a while and said, "I know one thing. The general has been reinstated and will soon lead his army to quell the chaos..."

The Lan and Liang families must have been desperate before they let the general come out again.

Just as Xu Chu was about to ask more questions, Meng Nilun led a dozen guards in, all holding swords and guns, and there were blood stains on their bodies.

Xu Chu was startled, Tang Weitian tightened his grip on the stick, and Zhou Lu screamed, paralyzing on the ground and trembling in fear.

Meng Senglun said: "The Commander-in-Chief can rest at ease. From now on, no one in the army dares to have any dissent. We have killed all the generals with lower surnames."

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