Kaido called Captain Vince to him.

As the highest-ranking official in the 169th Marine Branch, Captain Vince could only contact his superior, Brigadier General Vans, the Governor of the East Sea.

However, a mere brigadier general could not give Caesar what he wanted.

So, Caesar could only helplessly call Judge in.

Judge, do you have a way to contact the Navy Headquarters directly?

As a member of the World Government, the Germa Kingdom should have the means to contact the World Government or the Navy Headquarters.

Caesar recalled and nodded:

“I do have a Den Den Mushi here that can contact the Navy Headquarters Office.”

“It is said that it can directly connect to the Navy Admiral or even the Marshal, but I have never used it.”

“Oh, that’s good, Judge, go get that Den Den Mushi, I want to have a good chat with the Navy.”

The purpose of Caesar’s move is to eliminate his bounty.

As for why Judge was not rewarded, Caesar suspected that it was probably because Judge was the king of a member country of the World Government.

Judge came to the room where Den Den Mushi were placed and took out a Den Den Mushi from a pile of Den Den Mushi.

This was a white Den Den Mushi, and a navy seagull logo was printed on its shell.

“Caesar, this is the special Den Den Mushi that can contact the Navy Headquarters Office.”

“This is a Den Den Mushi left over from my father’s generation. I have always asked my men to feed it so it hasn’t starved to death.”

Caesar picked up the Den Den Mushi without hesitation and called it.

As the beeping sound came, the appearance of the Den Den Mushi in front of him began to change.

The Den Den Mushi actually grew a thick afro on its head and a pair of glasses appeared.

This look was exactly the current Navy Admiral that Caesar had seen before – Buddha’s Sengoku.

When Sengoku saw the double horns and purple hair growing on the head of the Den Den Mushi, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Who are you and why did you use the Den Den Mushi sent by the World Government?”

However, Sengoku was not sure whether the other party’s identity was the person he thought, so he specifically asked.

“Hello, General Sengoku.”

“I am M. Caesar. Kulan, the criminal you want with a bounty of 115 million.”

Hearing this name, Sengoku’s eyes flashed and he knew that the other party was the one he wanted.

In the last mission, he captured a scientist named Vegapunk in a mysterious research organization.

According to Vegapunk’s confession, there were four other people who conducted research with him.

One of the four was Gatusi, a spy sent by the World Government, but she had another mysterious identity that I believe everyone knew.

As for Caesar, Quinn and Judge, their identities were also leaked by Vegapunk.

In Vegapunk’s mind, none of the three of them were good people, and the projects they were researching were all dangerous things.

Especially Caesar. Although Vegapunk did not say how powerful the bloodline factor they studied was, he said in detail that Caesar made a poisonous gas bomb and had the gas fruit.

This is also the reason why Caesar was offered a reward of 115 million and was also given the title of evil scientist.

In this regard, if Caesar knew that it was the old man Vegapunk who leaked it, he would definitely beat the old man Vegapunk into a pig head.

“It’s you, the evil scientist Caesar Kulang!”

“You actually have a Den Den Mushi issued by the World Government. Do you mean you have kidnapped the king of a member country of the World Government? You are looking for death!”

Hearing Sengoku’s angry words, Caesar smiled helplessly.

“General Sengoku, you think too much. I am using the Den Den Mushi of the Germa Kingdom to contact you.”

When Sengoku heard the words of the Germa Kingdom, his face instantly became worse.

As a member of the World Government, the Kingdom of Germa does not have its own territory, but it still has the protection of the World Government, which means that the navy cannot interfere with it.

“What do you mean? Do you want to attack the Kingdom of Germa?”

Caesar snorted disdainfully.

“General Sengoku, don’t play dumb. You should know that the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, the king of the Kingdom of Germa, is my companion in the research institute.”

“You didn’t offer a reward for him. It seems that you really take into account the identity of the king of a member of the World Government.”

Seeing that his little thoughts were guessed, Sengoku no longer hid.

“Yes, we know that Vinsmoke Judge is also a member of your laboratory.”

“But as far as I know, what he has studied has not been successful so far., and he is also a member of the World Government, so we did not offer a reward for him. ”

“But you are different, M. Caesar. Kulang, you are just an evil scientist who wants to study poison gas weapons.”

“And you have a powerful natural fruit like the Gas Fruit, so we offer a reward for you, which is what you deserve.”

“Thank you, you think so highly of me.”

Caesar was also laughed at by the other party’s words.

Although he Caesar is not a good bird, he has not made any dangerous inventions so far.

On the contrary, the weapons he developed after joining the Navy Science Class caused certain harm.

“Forget it, Sengoku, this time I don’t want to talk to you about these things.”

“The purpose of my calling you this time is to let the World Government withdraw my bounty order.”

“You are dreaming. The kings of the East China Sea have jointly reported your news to our navy to send people to get rid of you.”

“Our navy will send a powerful general officer to eliminate you immediately. ”

“Then if you, Admiral, I am in the Kingdom of Germa, can you do something to me?”

Hearing Caesar’s words, Sengoku’s face darkened instantly, and the worst result he guessed in his mind appeared.

The Kingdom of Germa wants to shelter Caesar.

“Do you know that your behavior violates the laws of the World Government?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Admiral, if you can really do something, then the Eight Treasures Navy in the Kingdom of Flowers would have ceased to exist long ago.”

Hearing Caesar’s ridicule, Sengoku was somewhat helpless and deflated.

That’s right, their navy really can’t do anything to the member states of the World Government, because these member states of the World Government are the economic foundation of the World Government and the source of their navy’s military expenditure.

“What do you want? Although we can’t catch you on the territory of the Kingdom of Germa, we can arrest you if you leave there.”

“And. As far as we know, you now want to bring Gallen Island under the command of the Kingdom of Germa, and our navy will not agree to this. ”

Although Sengoku had known about the Garen Island from the King of the East China Sea before.

But he just learned that the other party had taken over the entire Garen Island.

After all, it has only been three days and the entire One Piece world is so huge that the Navy has no time to deal with those small matters.

“If the World Government and the Navy can cancel my bounty order and not care about the matter of Garen Island, I am willing to provide pure news.”

When he heard the word “pure gold”, Sengoku’s eyes changed instantly.

“You actually have news about pure gold? You know that pure gold has disappeared with half of the island more than 100 years ago.”

“Yes, I do know the news about pure gold. I wonder if this bargaining chip can be used as my condition.”

Hearing Caesar’s words, Sengoku was silent for a while. The things involved in pure gold were too big, and even he could not decide the subsequent development of this matter.

“Wait a moment, I will use my Den Den Mushi to connect to the Five Elders of the World Government. ”

“The news about pure gold has a huge impact. If you really have news about pure gold, you can talk to the Five Elders yourself.

Caesar nodded with satisfaction. This was exactly what he wanted.

Then, Sengoku in the admiral’s office at the headquarters of the Navy picked up another Den Den Mushi and called the Five Elders in Pangu City on the Red Earth Continent.

A beeping sound came, and as the phone was answered, an old man who looked a little fat came out to answer the Den Den Mushi.

“What’s wrong, Sengoku.”

“Lord Saturn has a reward for the person who has pure gold.”

Hearing the word pure gold, the Five Elders named Saturn also changed color instantly.

“I understand. Next, I will talk to him and you can go out.”

“It’s Lord Five Elders.”

Sengoku walked out of the office directly, and the Five Elders then said to the Den Den Mushi in front of him:

“What do you want.”

Caesar heard that the other party was Saturn among the Five Elders, and he felt that it didn’t matter in his heart. After all, any of the Five Elders was the same.

Hearing the other party’s inquiry, Caesar replied: “Master Five Elders, I wonder if you can cancel my status as a wanted criminal and the right to rule Galen Island. These two requests are very simple, right?”

The Five Elders did not hesitate and directly agreed to Caesar’s request.

“Okay, I agree to your request, so now can you tell me the news about Pure Gold?”


“No, Master Five Elders, wait until your newspaper spreads throughout the world and you completely eliminate my bounty, then I will tell you the news about Pure Gold.”

After hearing Caesar’s words, Saturn’s face showed a trace of anger, but then suppressed it.Pure gold is too important to the noble Celestial Dragons, so if there is news about pure gold, he must get it.

“Okay, I will ask the Navy to do it as soon as possible.”

“The Navy will contact you at that time. If your news does not satisfy me, you will be waiting for the Navy’s Demon Killing Order.”

“Okay, it’s a deal. When you, the Five Elders, can eliminate my bounty order, I will definitely give you the news about pure gold.”

“But if you want to silence me after knowing the news, be careful that the news about pure gold will be revealed to the whole world the next day.”

Hearing Caesar’s threat, the Five Elders showed a trace of dissatisfaction on their faces.

Although he originally planned to kill Caesar directly after learning the news about pure gold.

But he had no choice but to be threatened by the other party. If Caesar died, the news about pure gold would be leaked, and they would suffer the most.

“Don’t worry, we won’t do anything to you.”

“It’s a deal. I’ll wait for your good news.”

Although he was bountied, the Navy would most likely not do anything to him.

But what Caesar needs next is a period of stable development. He does not want to be targeted by the Navy and the World Government.

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