Caesar, Gaji and the others were leisurely drinking afternoon tea in the castle of the Kingdom of Germa.

After waiting for about half a day, Caesar and their peaceful tea time was broken with the arrival of a German soldier.

“Report, Your Majesty King, Lord Caesar, the navy captain and the Mafia’s Black Rose are already waiting on the beach outside. They said they have cleaned up all the pirate forces on the island and want to see you.”

Upon hearing the news, Caesar also put down the half-drunk Coke in his hand.

“Let’s go, Gaji, it’s time for your Germa Kingdom to be reborn.”

After hearing what Caesar said, Gaji hurriedly got up and excitedly came to the beach with Caesar.

I saw Captain Vince and Black Widow again. They looked a little embarrassed, with some blood on their bodies, some damage to their clothes, and even a few wounds on their bodies.

These were all caused by the two of them personally taking action to quickly deal with the pirate forces.

This is because the pirate captains in the pirate force who have bounties worth millions inflicted some damage on them.

When the two saw Caesar and the others, they immediately bowed cautiously and reported to Caesar.

“Sir, we have wiped out all the pirate forces on the entire island. I wonder if you have any other orders?”

Looking at the two knowledgeable people in front of him, Caesar nodded with satisfaction and said.

“It’s very simple. From now on, everything on Gallon Island belongs to the Vinsmoke family. Do you understand?

After hearing Caesar’s words, the two looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

In the next few days, the entire Gallen Island underwent earth-shaking changes.

A huge castle appeared on the small mountain range in the center of Galen Island.

This is Caesar using his own gas fruit to directly move Vinsmoke’s castle to the mountains.

After Caesar moved the castle to the hill, his whole body withered.

Caesar rested for a full day and ate five or six small sea kings before he recovered.

What followed was the development of the entire Gallen Island.

The first is to take over the entire port of Gallen Island, and then to establish a seaside defense line.

Gallen Island is surrounded by cliffs tens of meters high. There is no place to dock a boat, only four ports where it can dock.

These four ports are located in the east and west, each with two ports.

After taking control of these two ports, the entire Gallon Island came under the control of the Kingdom of Germa, and the next step was a large-scale cleansing of the entire Gallen Island.

Countless villains were imprisoned and later punished according to their crimes.

Those who meet the penalty of death will be killed directly. Those who do not meet the penalty will be made as criminals to build a wall on the coast of Gallen Island.

As for the Navy, Caesar ordered not to move for the time being. He also wanted to use the Navy Branch 169 to test the Navy’s attitude.

But Black Widow’s mafia isn’t so lucky.

Under Black Widow’s trembling complaint, the mafia headquarters in Xihai disagreed with Caesar’s request and even threatened Caesar to give up control of Gallon Island.

Hearing this, Caesar can only say that you have a way to die.

Then Caesar killed all the mafia on Gallon Island, leaving only the Black Widow alone.

Caesar was not coveting her beauty, but the Black Widow was very sensible and immediately went to Caesar after reporting to him.

It just so happened that Caesar currently lacked talents to manage the underground forces in the entire Galen Island, so he let the other party go for the time being. If the other party performed well, Caesar would spare her life.

After hearing Caesar’s words, Black Widow immediately actively went to work for Caesar.

According to Caesar’s instructions, she needs to lead the soldiers of the Kingdom of Germa to control all the underground forces on Gallen Island and take over all their industries.

The area of ​​​​Gallon Island is not small, about 1/3 of the size of Alabasta.

The resources above are also very rich, so there are many people living there, about 2 million people.

The population of Gallen Island is distributed near the east and west ports, while the central and north and south are sparsely populated virgin forests.

In the central part, there is a very wide road connecting the east and west areas.

The castle of the Kingdom of Germa is located on a small mountain range in the middle of Gallen Island.

The entire Gallon Island trade mainly relies on cargo transfer stations and the sale of Gallen Island’s natural resources.

Because this island has a special location and has become a gathering place for many forces, it has never been ruled by one force.

Then, Caesar gathered all the wealthy businessmen on Gallen Island together.

The two most famous ones are the two richest men located in the east and west of Gallen Island.

a man named kuslmi, is a handsome middle-aged man in his 40s. He is the giant of one of the two pillar industries on Garen Island.

He has a transport fleet that can cross the East China Sea, which can exchange the natural resources on Garen Island for materials from other islands and sell them to other islands in exchange for money.

Another one is called Sabir, a 60-year-old wealthy old man, who is also another pillar industry on Garen Island.

He set up casinos, nightclubs, auctions and even human trafficking on Garen Island.

He is the richest man in the west of Garen Island and the representative of the illegal industry on the entire Garen Island.

However, this does not mean that Kuselmi is a good bird, although he uses the natural resources on Garen Island to exchange resources to earn the difference.

But all the money he got was taken away by him alone, and he only used a meager salary to pay the workers who worked for him.

The two of them are now sitting in front of Caesar, lowering their heads in fear and not daring to look at Caesar.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Caesar did not kill them.

The two of them are now in control of the development of the entire island.

If they were killed, no one here in Caesar could take over their industry in a short time.

So Caesar planned to take them in as his subordinates and let them hand over what they knew to the Kingdom of Germa.

If they disagreed, they would have to die now. Of course, if they agreed, they would have to die after they taught the Kingdom of Germa how to manage.

As for the slave industry, Caesar did not intend to intervene, but he did not mind casinos and nightclubs.

After all, this was their normal demand, and Caesar could make more money through these industries.

It was just something that we both agreed to, and Caesar did not force them to gamble or go whoring.

Although the two were very reluctant to hand over their wealth and industry, they chose to obey Caesar between life and death.

Caesar was very satisfied with this.

He asked Judge to send hundreds of management members loyal to the Kingdom of Germa to follow them to learn how they did business and took over their industry.

After solving these tedious matters, Caesar set his sights on Captain Vince who had been waiting outside for a long time.

Then the next step is Caesar’s negotiations with the Navy and the World Government.

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