Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 621 Kill if you say so

Tom is a real cat. If his master says that if he stops Hawkeye, he will get a fish, he will stop him with all his strength. Anyway, this is not the first time he fights Hawkeye. Tom thinks that although this person looks a bit fierce, he is not very powerful. .

This was not the first time that Hawkeye had fought with Tom, and he was also very curious about Tom. But while others would be surprised and have questions, he would only use his black knife to ask.

But this time he still didn't understand why the swordsmanship he had practiced so hard for many years seemed fake in front of him. Why are the sword moves that could split mountains and seas in the past ineffective at all? Why is this cat jumping up and down like a joke, but always able to parry its own attacks?

Not to mention that Flying Squirrel didn't believe that he was fighting seriously, even he himself was unwilling to admit that this was his full strength.

But the fact is that, whether it is stabbing or withdrawing, the small Western sword can always block the black knife's attack route just right, and sometimes it will stab Hawkeye's knee in a tricky way.

Although Hawkeye was troubled, he also enjoyed it. Nothing made him happier than meeting a swordsman who couldn't see through it.

Hawkeye, the most powerful fighter on their side, could not command them, and they themselves could not escape. The Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider could only place their hope in their subordinates.

But all this happened so suddenly. It seemed that one second they saw people from the Kohaku tour group helping the navy treat his injuries, and the next second they were fighting with the Shichibukai. The two lieutenants seemed to be trying to protect the Shichibukai.

What shocked them the most was that the Shichibukai, who were said to be able to check and balance each other with the Navy Headquarters and the Yonko Pirates, were defeated so easily?

This is simply unbelievable.

By the time the sailors heard the Vice Admiral's order and were about to step forward to protect Doflamingo, Rui Mengmeng's big sword had already stabbed him hard.

In terms of last-hitting, Rui Mengmeng never disappoints Zhang Daye.

Whether it was stabbing Doflamingo's heart in the usual psychological sense, or now it was stabbing Doflamingo's heart in the physical sense, Rui Mengmeng's move was clean and neat.

Doflamingo's eyes widened, and he muttered unintelligible words like "It's you, it must be you" with difficulty, and his breath quickly disappeared.

"What the heck...what!!!"

"Shichibukai, they really killed the Shichibukai!"

"It's fake! I must be dreaming!"

The sailors were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that one day they would see someone else kill Shichibukai in front of them.

Judging from her neat appearance, she seemed to be just killing an ordinary pirate, and she seemed a little confused after the killing. The expression on her face seemed to be asking what to do next.

The remnants of the Don Quixote family are more confused than anyone else. Aren't the family's cadres very strong? Hasn’t the navy already arrived? Didn’t Hawkeye also side with us?

Why did the young master die like this?

The expressions of Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider were gloomy. The actions of the Amber Tour Group were somewhat beyond their expectations, both in terms of strength and courage.

"You actually dare to kill him." Flying Squirrel's tone was low.

Zhang Da also retorted: "I thought it would be an advantage for him to just die so easily. It's all your fault for messing around."

Now that they have done this, there is no choice for the next action. Ghost Spider said loudly: "Everyone listens to the order! The mission has been changed, the target is..."

"Report!" the naval scout shouted, "Lieutenant General, a large number of troops are approaching here. Preliminary estimates are that there are more than 5,000 troops!"

"Why are there so many people?" Cold sweat broke out on Flying Squirrel's forehead. The total number of people he and Ghost Spider brought together was less than two thousand. Who are these people coming for?

Ghost Spider asked Zhang Daye directly: "Do you still have reinforcements?"

Zhang Da also knew it well: "Everyone who comes here should be victims. Don't panic. There are probably people from your navy inside. We'll find out soon."

"It's our Dressrosa army!" Violet used her own ability to see the identity of the person coming, "There are many other people."

A team of several thousand people, led by the one-legged Cyrus, rushed over in a mighty manner. When they saw the remaining soldiers of the Don Quixote family, they rushed forward without saying a word.

Everyone suffered a lot during the period of being turned into toys. The most intolerable thing is that they will be forgotten by their relatives and friends, and they will also forget those friends who were turned into toys.

Now they are venting all their anger on the guards at the toy factory, and also on the remnants of the soldiers here.

The navy did not act rashly for a while. Judging from their attitude towards the Don Quixote family, there is a high probability that they are their enemies today, but most of these are armies. The navy and the armies of the participating countries should not be hostile...

The angry victim team faced the remnants of the Don Quixote family who had just lost their fighting spirit, and it was a complete devastation.

Within a few minutes, Cyrus had arrived near the navy's team. His soldiers consciously stood in line to confront the navy.

Some of the people who were not part of the army were still taking revenge on the remnants of the pirates, while others followed them.

What caught their eyes was the messy terrain, the fallen Doflamingo, the Don Quixote family cadres whose life or death was unknown, and the Amber tour group surrounded by marines.

Of course, there is also Violet, who is standing with Zhang Daye and the others, that is his wife's sister.

Combining Ye Yan's identity and what he had said to him before, Cyrus almost understood the current situation. He stepped forward and said loudly: "I am Cyrus, the commander of King Liku's army in the Kingdom of Dressrosa. May I ask who led the navy into our country this time and what is the purpose?"

Although Cyrus had already faked his death and lived in seclusion with his wife, it was just a tacit secret shared by the whole country. He now believed that no one would object to it, even the commander of the army.

Seeing Ghost Spider confronting Zhang Daye and looking like he might take action at any time, Flying Squirrel had no choice but to step forward and reply:

"I am Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters. I am currently the base commander of the 1st branch of the Navy Grand Line. I was ordered by the Five Old Stars to protect Doflamingo in the Shichibukai and bring back the Amber tour group that attacked the Shichibukai and the king of the participating countries without permission. Ask questions.”


Thousands of dusty people suddenly exploded. Who are you trying to protect?

Those with a more explosive temper would start scolding me on the spot. When I was turned into a toy by Doflamingo and used as a coolie, being ordered around, where did your navy go?

Now that someone has finally come to defeat Doflamingo and save us from suffering, you actually come to protect him?

Does that mean that if your navy didn't come to cause trouble, we would have been able to change back?

The eyes everyone looked at the navy became more and more evil.

As the leader, Cyrus asked on behalf of everyone: "Can I think that Doflamingo's actions of deceiving the people, murdering the king, usurping the throne, and enslaving us were approved and supported by the navy?"

Cyrus raised his sword: "What position does your navy take to interfere in our country's affairs?"

Others also picked up their weapons and pointed them at the navy. The sailors were a little panicked. They had never seen this scene before.

The flying squirrel was also a little panicked. If Doflamingo was alive, then he was the king here, and all the navy's actions were approved by him, which was justified.

But now that Doflamingo is dead, what kind of position is the navy trespassing into a country without a king and confronting the country's military?

But if you just leave in despair, how should you explain to Wulaoxing?

Brother Ming sacrifices to heaven

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