Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 620 Hawkeye! How long do you want to play?

"Shiroten Shiro! Umihara Hakuha!"

Doflamingo quickly retreated and raised his hand to use the awakening move. He knew that these three people were not easy to mess with. Although the awakening ability was very heavy on physical strength, it was better than losing his life.

The ground turned into white threads, undulating violently like the sea in a storm. The thick white threads formed three giant shields to block the three people's attacks.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderbolt struck his head in the sky. Doflamingo withstood the blow, gritted his teeth and shouted to the flying squirrel and the ghost spider: "When will you see this!"

The two lieutenant generals reached a consensus: "No matter what, Doflamingo's life must be saved."

The Flying Squirrel drew his sword and rushed towards Artoria, while the Ghost Spider wielded a total of eight swords in his hands and six bundles of hair controlled by Life Return to attack Zhang Tatsuya.

Artoria held up the flying squirrel's sword and said, "We don't want to conflict with the navy. Do you know what Doflamingo did to the navy?"

The flying squirrel said: "Don't do this kind of thing if you don't want conflict. I don't know what Doflamingo did, but the most severe order I received was just to control him, not to let you deal with him."

Zhang Daye also dealt with the eight-handled sword of the Ghost Spider: "Speaking of which, I saw an eight-sword swordsman on Fish-Man Island, and he was beaten to death."

"Is that so?" Ghost Spider stepped up his offensive and said, "Then..."

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Zhang Da also interrupted him and explained, "I have a bad habit of mocking my enemies. I just said it smoothly."

"..." Ghost Spider was silent, what did I want to say just now?

Rui Mengmeng was not blocked by the navy. After the attack was blocked, Rui Mengmeng immediately changed direction with a moon step. While avoiding Doflamingo's white line attack, she looked for an opportunity to go around and stab him in the waist.

Doflamingo was a little angry, what was going on with this woman: "Sixteen rounds of holy bullets, God's Killing!"

Sixteen white threads rose up from around Doflamingo, the tips covered with dark armed Haki, and they all stabbed at Rui Mengmeng.

"Ba..." Thanks to Zhang Tatsuya, Rui Mengmeng didn't know what to call her move now, so she just slashed it down without saying a word.


The sword blade collided with the spiked threads, making a tooth-breaking sound, but Rui Mengmeng only had one sword, and Doflamingo controlled sixteen strands of threads at the same time.

He did not fight with Rui Mengmeng's sword desperately, but let half of it stab Rui Mengmeng's body.

Maybe the intention was to kill her directly, but the result was just to blow her away.

At this time, Uncle Long no longer had to worry about accidentally injuring friendly troops. He raised his hand and used the Dragon Talisman to attack Doflamingo's face.

Doflamingo turned his head to dodge the attack and wanted to crush the guy who blew up his face for the second time: "Desolate Wave White Line!"

Two strands of white thread thicker than a human tightly wrapped around Jackie Chan's body, but the cow charm on his wrist guard lit up, and he forcefully opened the two strands of white thread and jumped out of the siege, followed by another dragon blast. .

Doflamingo was angry: "Thousands of arrows pierce..."


Although he dodged when he realized something was wrong, Doflamingo was still shot through the shoulder by Misaka's sister's railgun, almost knocking off his entire left arm.

"Ahem..." Doflamingo urgently connected his left arm with a line, and the hole near his left shoulder was filled with white line.

The flying squirrel was anxious, but could not do anything under Artoria's suppression. He felt that if the other party had murderous intentions, the sword might be placed on his neck at any time.

Although he wanted to escape, his strength really didn't allow it.

Ghost Spider's situation was a little better. The eight-handled sword danced wildly and forced Zhang Tatsuya back, trying to rescue him.

But Zhang Da also took two steps back and put down his sword directly, and put on the posture of dragon-slaying magic: "The secret of dragon-slaying·Zhaopo·Sky Penetration-Prelude!"

Whoosh, whoosh, a fierce wind barrier appeared out of thin air around Ghost Spider, and Ghost Spider bumped into the barrier.

"What?" Ghost Spider slashed with his knife, but the blade was bounced back by the hurricane, so he took the moon step and tried to escape from above.

Zhang Da also only used half of this move to hinder the Ghost Spider's actions, while the other half was aimed at Doflamingo.

As if she had been reminded, Wendy also used the same move: "The secret of dragon slaying, illumination, and sky penetration!"

Doflamingo's body was surrounded by countless spikes composed of white lines, trying to break through the wind barrier, but the barrier quickly disappeared without him having to worry.

Two almost identical attacks fell on him at the same time. The two dragon-slaying secrets from Zhang Tatsuya and Wendy came together with Doflamingo as the intersection point, and then unscientifically condensed into one force, pushing Doflamingo forward. Brother Ming flew backwards, and the hurricane wrote a beautiful Chinese character "Ya" in the air.

Zhang Da also thought that this word was one of the words he wanted to say to Doflamingo.

In a moment, the strong wind gradually subsided, but everyone's hair was still fluttering gently.

Most of Doflamingo's body has sunk into the ground. His pink feather coat is torn to pieces, his shirt and cropped pants are in tatters, and one of his pointed shoes is missing. He put on a new one after it was broken by Zhang Daye. The sunglasses shattered again, revealing the scar on his eye that Tom had scratched.

Ragged clothes and bruises were his current state.

Zhang Da also picked up his sword and rushed to catch up with him.

The escaped ghost spider stopped him and slashed his head with an eight-handled knife: "Don't go too far!"

How could he stop at this time after he was beaten to such an extent? Zhang Da did not reply to him, but shouted from a distance: "Mengmeng! Give him a blow!"

"Stop!" Ghost Spider wanted to stop him, but Violet opened her arms to block him.

Ghost Spider didn't hesitate to slash with his sword. Like Akainu, he was the type who would not hesitate to attack anyone who hindered the mission.

Seeing this, Jackie Chan quickly raised Mahabaisi and threw it, hitting the ghost spider's knife edge.

Blood splattered, and the unconscious Mahabais screamed and woke up.

When he opened his eyes and saw the navy, he subconsciously regarded the ghost spider as an enemy and rushed towards the ghost spider, using his strongest move: "Hell's Ten Thousand Ton Bais!"

Damn it! Ghost Spider wants to curse, really, I don’t like your Don Quixote family, right?

He avoided the fat man's inflexible moves and slashed eight times with his backhand.

The flying squirrel on the other side was also very anxious. He noticed Hawkeye's movement and shouted: "Mihawk! How long do you want to play?"

The Five Old Stars specially sent you a compulsory summons in the name of the World Government. Is it to get you to come here and play house with a cat?

Is it ridiculous that you, the greatest swordsman in the world, have fought dozens or hundreds of moves against a cat without even shaving off a single cat hair?

"I just came here with you. I never said I would obey your orders." Hawkeye is not like a flying squirrel at all.

And no one may believe it, but he is really fighting with all his strength.

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