That evening.

The residence of the head of the 321 branch base.

After finishing his training, Darren simply rinsed his body and walked out of the steamy shower.

Looking at the body in the mirror that was full of scars and as explosive as a cheetah, he was in a trance for a moment.

Physical fitness: 58.418

Strength: 53.890

Speed: 57.548

Fruit: 71.345

After the final anti-blow training, I also had a lot of wounds on my body, but they have basically scabbed and it is estimated that they will be completely healed after a night's sleep.

This is reflected in the body perception data, which is that the physical fitness has successfully improved by 0.312, reaching 58.418, one step closer to the 60-point mark.

"It is true that the progress is getting slower and slower. It seems that we will have to find time to transport several heavy guns from the warships to the school grounds."

Darren frowned as he looked at the dense scars on his body.

As his physical defense becomes stronger and stronger, ordinary swords and guns are basically ineffective against him.

The slashes of the saber and the bullets of the flintlocks could only leave a shallow red mark on the surface of the body's skin.

In today's training, most of his injuries were actually mainly caused by the flying squirrel's bombardment.

If he wanted to continue to improve his physical recovery and resistance to blows, Darren knew he had to increase his "intensity".

This is the benefit of the "perception" talent.

With accurate feedback from the data, he can well control the intensity of "training".

It will not cause injuries that cannot be healed, let alone fatal, but the training intensity will be controlled within a reasonable range.

Compared with the beginning, the improvement of my physical fitness data has become slower and slower, but it is still improving.

Although Darren has been promoted to Governor of the North Sea and controls the naval power in the entire North Sea.

But power is one thing, and Darren knows better than anyone else that personal strength is the foundation for settling down on this sea.

What he has to do now is to run the North Sea as a monolith and make the entire North Sea Navy his "territory" as much as possible before passing the "examination" and going to the headquarters officer training camp.

More power means better access to cultivation resources.

On this basis, improve personal strength as much as possible.

Before mastering Haki, improving strength, speed and physique is the best way to improve your strength.

Darren believed that he was not as talented a monster as Sakaski, so he practiced harder than anyone else.

According to Darren's judgment, the strength of an adult giant is about 60 points.

And when his physique reaches 60 points, even under normal conditions, his physical strength will reach the strength of the six-position "iron block".

And he is getting closer and closer to this goal.

Yes, Darren has followed a monster path.

There are no shortcomings, it is powerful in all aspects!

The kind of power that makes people despair! !

He believes that with the help of his "perception talent", he will one day be able to reach Kaido's terrifying and inhuman physical strength.

"Tuk tuk tuk..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Darren threw on a bathrobe and walked over to open the door.

"Captain Darren."

The one outside the door is the flying squirrel,

"The ice cubes you requested have arrived."

Darren nodded and smiled:

"sorry to bother you."

The flying squirrel then gestured to the two navy soldiers behind him, and soon they walked into the mansion carrying boxes of ice.


The cold ice cubes were poured into the bathtub. The two navy men looked at Darren with admiration and left respectfully.

"What's the situation with those two guys now?"

Darren took off his bathrobe and walked into the bathtub with floating ice cubes without changing his expression. His whole body was not submerged in the zero-degree ice water, and he asked casually.

Ice baths were his habit.

After intense training, ice baths can promote blood circulation in the body, aid recovery, eliminate inflammation, and relieve soreness.

The flying squirrel looked at the tank full of ice water and felt goosebumps appear on his skin.

Hearing Darren's question, a strange smile appeared on his face and said:

"They must have been stimulated by you, and they are training on the school field now."

Darren was startled, and then he stopped laughing:

"It seems that the geniuses in this department are proud of themselves."

But then I thought about it and realized that the reactions of the two of them were normal.

There is also a chain of contempt within the naval system.

The elite of the Navy Headquarters looked down upon the branches stationed in the Grand Waterway, and the branches in the Great Waterway looked down upon the naval bases all over the world.

This is also normal.

After all, in terms of strength, military discipline, and equipment, our navy has a crushing advantage.

As for the Sihai Navy, due to its high degree of autonomy and the fact that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, management is even more neglected and military discipline is lax.

Kake and Gion grew up in the headquarters. They were well-educated and loved, and their talents were extremely outstanding. How could they have imagined that when they came to a place like Beihai, they would be easily tortured and killed by Darren?

No, I was suddenly aroused by myself to be competitive.

"But Darren, are you sure that the arrival of the two of them will not affect anything?"

When there is no one else around, Flying Squirrel acts as Darren's right-hand man and usually calls him by his first name.

Darren half-squinted his eyes,

"My actions here cannot be hidden from the headquarters. The so-called "review" this time is actually just a superficial effort to go through the motions."

"That shrewd old man from the Warring States Period sent Gion and Kake here. In fact, to a large extent, he wanted me to take care of them."

"The third officer training camp is about to begin. Although they have already been selected as candidates, they still have to put on a show and accumulate some resume and meritorious deeds."

"If the headquarters wants to move me, I'm afraid it won't be the two of them who are stunned, but I will have to accept the "baptism" of Lieutenant General He."

The flying squirrel was silent for a moment,

"I always feel that your situation is too dangerous. I think the headquarters will find something soon."

Darren smiled and shook his head.

"Beihai is too small, and the headquarters will look down upon it."

"And even if the headquarters finds something, what can we do?"

"If they want to investigate, let them investigate. Let them see the situation in Beihai clearly and openly."

Darren paused, then changed the topic:

"I heard that Vinsmoke Gaji has been causing a lot of trouble recently?"

The flying squirrel replied:

"Yes, he showed off his power everywhere, expanded his troops wantonly, led his troops to conquer the east and west, and threatened to behead the kings of four countries, including the Kingdom of Yadis, in order to "dominate the North Sea again."

Darren sneered:

"That guy seems to have acquired a lot of advanced weapon technology, and he is probably levitating."

Vinsmoke Gage once collaborated with Vegapunk, known as "the genius scientist who is 500 years ahead of the world."

In the original plot,

After Vegapunk was taken away by the World Government, he fled back to the North Sea with some of Vegapunk's technology.

After returning to the Kingdom of Germa, Vinsmoke Gaji used science and technology to revive Germa 66, and later led Germa 66 to trigger the "Killing of the Four North Sea Kingdoms" event, killing the heads of the four North Sea Kingdoms. Behead it and draw a giant painting to commemorate the event.

"Send someone to deliver a message to him. Beihai can't help but let Germa 66 mess around. Although the review of this department is just for show, if Vinsmoke Gaji really messes up Beihai under my rule, It won’t do if the world is turned upside down.”

He tapped his fingers lightly on the edge of the bathtub,

"The overlord of the North Sea is not Germa 66."

The flying squirrel nodded, then hesitated and stopped talking.

"Anything else?"

Darren glanced at him.

The flying squirrel considered his tone and said slowly:

"Recently, a new power group has arrived in Beihai. It is very powerful and its methods are extremely cruel."

"They have defeated several well-known mafia families, including the Galen family, and taken over their businesses."

"I sent people to check the background of this gang and found that something is not simple."

He took a deep breath, his face solemn:

"The leader of this gang is a kid less than 10 years old."

"his name is……"

The flying squirrel exhaled slowly,

"——Don Quixote Doflamingo."





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