Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 8 The Road to Monsters

When the flying squirrel heard Jiaji's words, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Monster? Maybe..."

"Colonel Darren and I joined the 321st branch at the same time. I clearly remember his first day of training five years ago..."

There was a hint of nostalgia in the flying squirrel's always cold and resolute eyes.

"He was very thin at the time. Running 10 laps on the school field completely exhausted his energy. He had to rest for half an hour before he could catch his breath and stand up again."

"Among the recruits in the same period, his physical fitness is the weakest."

“But he didn’t let that stop him.”

"I keep training every day and challenge my physical limits almost every day."

"First it was dragging a gun barrel, and then a canoe... It took three years for Colonel Darren to reluctantly drag this abandoned warship one meter."

"Compared to the natural 'monster' like Major General Sakaski, Colonel Darren is a monster on another level."

Gion and Kake couldn't help but fell silent when they heard this.


Darren threw down the thick iron chain and stood in the scorching sun, gasping for air. He felt his throat and lungs were tearing and painful like bellows.

The muscles all over his body seemed to be on fire, and there was a burning pain.

But he has long been accustomed to this kind of pain.

Darren looked back at the long groove left on the ground after the warship was dragged, and roughly estimated the distance.

One hundred and one meters...

Well, I finally broke my own record.

He sensed his body data again.

Physical fitness: 58.106 (+0.03)

Strength: 53.837 (+0.06)

Speed: 57.539

Fruit: 71.345

Physical fitness increased by 0.03, and strength increased by 0.06.

"The growth of attributes is getting slower and slower. It seems that we need to change to a larger warship."

Darren stared at his "data panel" and muttered to himself.

This is the best use he can discover and explore for his "perception" talent.

Use feedback from various data to determine whether the current training method is effective.

The human body has strong adaptability. The same weight-bearing and external pressure, and similar training methods, may achieve good training effects at the beginning, but as the human body continues to adapt, the effects will gradually weaken and eventually come to a standstill.

This is a scientific explanation.

Before Darren traveled through, he had a general understanding that professional athletes would constantly change their training plans in order to continuously improve their sports performance.

"Progressive overload" is a very basic principle in kinematics.

——It means to continuously increase the "load" of training within the acceptable range of the human body, thereby achieving improvement in sports performance.

However, for Darren, who has the talent of "accurate perception", he can more accurately use the feedback of various data to judge whether his current training is effective.

So even though he experiences "hell-like" torture and "monster-like" practice methods in the eyes of others every day, he is still happy with it.

Because you can get immediate feedback.

With every additional push-up and weight-bearing squat you do, you can clearly see your "attributes" improving.

It's almost like a character in the game.

Of course, this world is not a game, but real.

He knows the dangers of the pirate world better than anyone else.

So he practiced harder than anyone else.

Because only in this way can he compete with the real "monsters" in this sea!

With the help of his talent, he deeply believed that as long as he put in inhuman efforts, one day he would be able to be like Whitebeard, possessing unparalleled power and easily intercepting a high-speed warship with his bare hands.

"Then let's start physical training."

As his breathing gradually became steady, Darren raised his head and waved to the flying squirrel.

He felt that today's physical load had reached its limit. Continuing to forcefully perform strength training would not only have no effect, but would also cause hidden injuries to the body, strain muscles, and overdraw the body's potential.

"Colonel Darren called me."

On the other side of the school grounds, Flying Squirrel said something to Jia Ji and the other two, and immediately took steps.

But he stopped quickly, as if he remembered something, turned back and said with a smile:

"By the way, what's coming next is exciting, don't blink."

Kake and Gion were stunned.

The flying squirrel didn't explain much, just smiled mysteriously.

Although it is not his character to have a bad taste, I don't know why. Seeing these two "proud men of heaven" in this department look like they have never seen the world and are shocked, I always feel inexplicably happy.


The flying squirrel drank coldly.

In less than twenty seconds, dozens of naval soldiers around the school grounds had quickly gathered in the center of the school grounds.

They seemed to have been prepared a long time ago and divided into two queues.

Keng! !

Accompanied by a crisp buzzing sound, the navy in the front row drew out their sabers.

Uh-huh! !

At the same time, the navy in the rear queue also raised their flintlock guns in unison.

All of them held their breath.

The target whose eyes were locked... turned out to be Darren in the middle of the school field! !

"Hey hey hey...this is a joke..."

Jiaji seemed to realize something, his face was full of astonishment, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Gion swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a harsh voice:

"This kind of training method...can really kill people..."

Before they could suppress their shock, the flying squirrel over there had already issued an order in a stern tone.


The words fell,

The marines in the front row, holding sabers in their hands, charged towards their base commander menacingly.

The sharp and cold saber... showed no mercy, slashing at Darren's body crazily!

Head, face, neck, chest, back, arms, thighs, throat...

Every part is "taken care of" properly.

Clang clang clang clang! !

However, it was as if they were cutting on steel, with large sparks popping out from the blade, and then a gap opened.

After a round of "cutting", the sabers were scrapped one after another, and the navy in the front row quickly dispersed.

The navy in the back row, who was ready to attack, immediately pulled the trigger of the flintlock gun.

Bang bang bang bang! !

A dense rain of bullets enveloped Darren's figure, constantly refracting and bouncing, leaving clear craters on the ground.

After a round of bullets was fired, the marine in the back row immediately drew out the saber from his waist and rushed towards Darren.

At this time, the navy in the front row gathered again at the position of the navy in the back row and began to load bullets into the flintlock muskets.

back and forth...



From time to time, I even saw Flying Squirrel dragging out a heavy cannon from the armory next to it, and taking advantage of the gap between the rotation of the two navy teams, to shoot Darren.

Swords broke, bullets fired, and shells exploded. Rolling black smoke and fire rose up in the school grounds, kicking up vast amounts of smoke, dust, and yellow sand. From a distance, it looked like a small war was taking place.

Kake and Gion, who were standing on the edge of the school grounds, stared dumbly at this horrific scene of "self-mutilation".


There is no iron block, no dodging, no blocking...

That madman,

He was just relying on his body's defense to resist such a ferocious attack!

"Is this... something humans can do?"

Kake and Gion looked at the man who was still standing despite the hail of bullets, and murmured with pale faces.





Asking for all support, full praise, and gratitude.

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