
Gunshots rang out, and blood splattered.

After shooting the mouse neatly, Xia Yu returned to the wooden table with the gun in his hand and sat down, and said lightly, “After Colonel Mouse woke up, because he had been with Along and his gang for all these years, he had no face to face the naval hero Karp, and committed suicide in fear of crime!” ”

“What about this explanation?!”

Without waiting for the group of naval soldiers to react, Xia Yu suddenly raised his head and said with a calm face, “This is the only way for you to save yourself.” When the rat dies, you can get rid of the crime of following the rat to help you all these years. You know what you mean, right? Now Old Man Karp goes to Cocosia Village, if nothing else, Aaron and his gang… Finished! ”

The naval soldiers had just recovered their hearts from the shock of the rat being shot by Xia Yu, and immediately broke into a cold sweat by Xia Yu’s words.

Although Xia Yu’s act of shooting the colonel of the naval branch was too crazy, Xia Yu was not wrong at all. If the rats don’t die, the things they have followed the rats and Aaron and the gang over the years will definitely make them all squat in prison. But now the rats ‘commit suicide’ in fear of crime, and if Aaron and his gang are killed by Lieutenant General Karp again, they can clear their guilt!

Thinking of this, a naval soldier at the head immediately raised his head and said with a firm face, “Mr. Xia Yu is right, Colonel Rat committed suicide in fear of crime!” ”

“Yes, yes, Colonel Rat committed suicide to apologize for the mistakes he has committed over the years, faceless to face Lord Karp!”

Looking at the naval soldiers who stepped forward one by one and said the words ‘rat suicide to apologize’ in unison, Xia Yu gradually narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved with an evil charm.

Rats must be killed!

Although Karp personally said that once it was confirmed that the rat had been complicit with the pirates over the years, it would be impossible to escape death, but Xia Yu still decided to personally kill the rat to be safer!

After all, this product wanted to kill him before.

Whoever wants to kill others will kill him!



Cocosia Village.

Xiao Ba, Croobi and the members of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group stood viciously one by one behind Aaron who was sitting at the entrance of the street.

Looking at the villagers of Cocosia Village standing trembling on the street, Along suddenly laughed in a good mood, “Scared hahaha, the new month is coming, 100,000 adults, 50,000 children, if you don’t want to die, hurry up and hand it over!” ”

As soon as Along’s voice fell, the villagers standing around suddenly exploded.

“Didn’t you just turn it in once ten days ago? Why do you have to hand it over again now! ”

“Yes, this year’s orange harvest was not good, I finally managed to make up enough money once, and it only came again in ten days!” How can we have so much money! ”

“Didn’t you say yes once a month?”

“Boss Along, can you spare a little time?” We just handed it in ten days ago, and now we really can’t take it out! ”

“Can’t take it?” Hearing this very unpleasant sound, Along looked sideways at the villagers standing in the crowd making this noise, and said with a bloodthirsty grin, “If you can’t take it, then die.” Scared hahaha…”

“Hey, hey, don’t chase anymore, little one!!!”

At this moment, an exaggerated voice suddenly came from the other end of the street. Immediately afterwards, Karp, who was chased by Pingtou from Moxi Village to the Cocosia Village Market, rushed into this street in embarrassment, and then rushed towards the joint where Aaron was located at full speed.

Without waiting for Aaron’s gang and the villagers at the entrance of the street to return to their senses, a black and white, flat head with white hair and a silver cape rushed to the street at an alarming speed, and bit Karp’s butt.

Seeing this, Karp quickly accelerated and shouted at the villagers who stood in front of him, “Get out of the way, get out of the way!” ”

Amid Karp’s shouts, the villagers standing on the street quickly dispersed on both sides.

As soon as the villagers dispersed, the figures of Along and his gang immediately met Kapu’s eyes.

Seeing the fierce Along and his gang sitting at the entrance of the street, Karp’s eyes suddenly tightened. However, he did not stop there, but accelerated forward!

“Damn, where did the old man come from!”

Standing next to Aaron, Croobi saw that Karp was running straight towards them so arrogantly, and he immediately took a step forward to the middle of the road, facing Karp and shouting in a deep voice, “Stop!” ”

As soon as Croobi’s words fell, Karp rushed in front of him.

“What a speed!”

Seeing that Karp actually came to him at such an amazing speed, Croobi’s eyes tightened, and the next second he took a fighting stance and prepared to attack!

However, the next scene not only made Croobi a little shocked, but even the surrounding villagers were a little stunned.

Because Karp just stopped, the flat head that had been chasing from Moxi Village simply jumped up and jumped behind Karp, and then bit down on Karp’s ass!


Karp, who was bitten by the flat head, suddenly couldn’t help but shout, and then he grabbed the flat head with his backhand, and said in a vicious voice, “Can you stop for a while!” Chased all the way from Moshi Village to here, aren’t you tired? ”


The flat head that was grabbed by Karp in his hand was still not to be outdone, and the dragon teeth roared at Karp, and a pair of paws were even more indiscriminately waving at Karp.


Today’s first change, ask for flowers, ask for scoring votes!

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