
As long as it is a dry fight, the flat head is never hesitant, and as soon as Xia Yu’s words fell, it opened its blood basin and rushed towards Kapu!

“What kind of pet is this?”

Looking at the little guy who came straight to him and wore a white-haired flat-headed silver cape, Karp suddenly widened his eyes curiously, not putting the flat head with a super fierce expression in his eyes at this time.

Of course, with his strength, let alone this little guy, even if it is a sea king in the sea, he will not put it in his eyes at all! Therefore, when the flat head rushed to him and jumped up neatly to bite, Karp immediately shot out like lightning and twisted the neck of the flat head.

“Ahahaha, this little guy is quite fierce!”

After grabbing the flat head and bringing it forward, Karp laughed heartlessly, “The old man has been galloping the sea for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen this animal!” ”

Just when Karp was laughing curiously, the flat head whose neck was twisted by Karp suddenly turned its head strangely, and then bit Karp’s wrist!


Unexpectedly, the little guy whose neck was twisted by himself could still twist his head to give himself a bite, Karp immediately widened his eyes, then threw the flat head away with a shake of his hand, and shouted angrily, “Hey, little ghost.” What the hell is this pet… Eh, don’t come over, I’m welcome to come to my old man’s house again!” ”

Seeing that the flat head had just been thrown out by himself and rushed up again, Karp hurriedly withdrew two steps. However, as soon as his words fell, the flat head suddenly accelerated and rushed to him again.

Seeing this, Karp quickly bent down and grabbed the flat head again.

“Uh… Yes!!!! ”

Karp just bent down to grab the flat head, and suddenly screamed irrepressibly, and then threw the flat head out again like an electric shock, and at the same time covered his body and bent down and squatted down to the flat head who rolled down to the corner of the yard and yelled, “Bastard, can you little paw stop scratching!” ”

At this moment, the group of naval soldiers who had completely completed the pool had just entered the yard and were stunned by the scene in front of them! Then, the Navy soldiers fell into complete disarray.

“Lord Karp?”

“Lord Lieutenant General???”


“It’s not good, Lieutenant General Karp was also egged by Brother Flathead! Master Karp, you have to be careful, Brother Flathead likes to take out people’s eggs the most, run quickly! ”

Hearing a sudden voice behind him, Karp quickly looked up. After seeing that the naval soldiers who walked into the courtyard were all wearing the naval uniforms of the 16th Division, his eyes immediately lit up, and he said urgently, “What are you still stunned about, hurry up and hold that little guy down!” ”


As soon as Karp’s words fell, the Navy soldiers immediately echoed their fear of being pulled out by the flat-headed brother, and then there was no trace of decisive refusal!

Joke, let them go and hold flat heads? Would they rather go to jail?

During this time, they not only learned from Xia Yu that this little guy was called Honey Badger, nicknamed Brother Flathead, but also knew that this was a master who absolutely could not be provoked.

I still remember the day after being dominated by Xia Yu to reclaim the wasteland, one of them accidentally stepped on the tail of the flat-headed brother. This time is good, the flat-headed brother is crazy to attack the unlucky egg soldier like crazy, and the unlucky egg soldier does not dare to do anything to the flat-headed brother, so he can only run away!

Originally thought that Brother Pingtou would give up after chasing for a while, but the soldiers, including the unlucky egg, never expected that Brother Pingtou chased from morning to night, from night to dawn the next day, and directly chased after the unlucky egg to suspect that life gave up treatment! Fortunately, Xia Yu finally stopped Brother Pingtou’s madness, otherwise, that unlucky egg would definitely have been completely cooled by the broken egg!

Now Karp is being targeted by the flat-headed brother, although they still don’t know why Karp, the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, appears here, but this is not important, the important thing is that they dare not provoke the crazy flat-headed brother!

Without Xia Yu’s order, it was absolutely impossible for Pingtou to give up the attack.

After being thrown out by Karp again, it rushed towards Karp like crazy!

Seeing this, Karp also didn’t care about the image of his vice admiral, turned around and ran out towards the courtyard gate, shouting at Xia Yu while running, “Little ghost, quickly call your pet back, otherwise the old man will really kill it!” ”

“Kill, anyway, you rely on the old and sell the old, and run to my little mushroom house to eat the overlord meal!” Isn’t killing a pet or something normal for you ?! ”

Looking at Kapu, who was chased out by the flat head to show his embarrassment, Xia Yuqiang held back a smile, and then said, “Kill, kill, it’s best to kill the next one!” ”

Hearing Xia Yu’s words, Karp almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. As a naval hero and always insisting on his own justice, how could he take a pet to kill?!

But Xia Yu’s tone of voice made him very unhappy!

If he could, he would really give Xia Yu a lump and directly knock him unconscious.

Well, you can’t kill, you can always run!

In this way, Karp ran in front and chased after him with his flat head, and before he knew it, this strange combination climbed over the peak of Moxi Village and entered the territory of Cocosia Village!

As Karp and Pingtou disappeared into the village of Moshi, the mushroom house suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Xia Yu was not worried about the flat head.

Although Karp has the strength to easily take out flat heads, Karp certainly won’t do it. Because if he kills even a ‘cute’ pet, then he is not a righteous naval hero!

Of course, judging from the route of Karp’s escape, Xia Yu could probably guess that Karp took the opportunity to go to Kocosia Village to confirm whether everything he said before was true!

Don’t look at Karp like a stupid goose, and he likes to wear a dog’s head mask when he works, but in front of right and wrong, he is never sloppy! Therefore, even if he has seen the seriousness of the situation from the rat, he must personally confirm it before he takes action!

The returning naval soldiers swept their gazes at Colonel Mouse, who had fallen to the ground and had a small mushroom on his head, and were silent.

Without waiting for a group of naval soldiers to react, Xia Yu suddenly got up and picked up the gun that the mouse threw on the ground, and then in the terrified eyes of the naval soldiers, he pulled the trigger on the mouse’s head!


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