Finally, the day of execution came. Qin Feng personally escorted Blackbeard Teach to leave Impel Down and go to the Navy Headquarters, Marineford.

At this moment, at the Navy Headquarters, 100,000 elite navy soldiers were waiting for a century-long battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Below the execution platform, there were three chairs, representing the highest combat power of the Navy, which belonged to Admiral Akainu, Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Kizaru.

Under the three chairs were the Seven Warlords of the Sea, who assisted the Navy in fighting the Whitebeard Pirates as the second echelon of combat power.

The third echelon of combat power was the Navy's vice admirals.

Near noon, all the navy soldiers held their breath and endured the brief calm before the storm.

Soon, Qin Feng appeared, and beside him was Marshall Teach.

The executioner escorted him to the execution platform. At this moment, Teach was already desperate to the extreme, and endless fear filled his heart. He did not expect that he would be executed in public after enduring for most of his life, and in a global live broadcast.

Qin Feng met Zhan Guo, who said with satisfaction:"Thank you for your hard work, Qin Feng."

Qin Feng smiled and said:"It's not hard, it's my job."

"Okay, you go down and rest first."


Qin Feng happened to meet Garp when he walked down the execution platform.

When the two passed by, Qin Feng stopped and said in a cold voice:"Vice Admiral Garp."

Garp also stood there, a little puzzled.

"You should thank me." Qin Feng continued.

Garp frowned, his expression very puzzled.

Qin Feng did not explain much, but walked directly to the execution platform.

Indeed, Garp should thank Qin Feng, because according to the original plot, the person on the execution platform should be his good grandson Ace, but now it has become Blackbeard Marshall Titch.

According to the timeline, the current Ace has not even gone to sea.

After Qin Feng walked down the execution platform, he walked into the soldiers' camp and reminded everyone of the many things that should be prepared before the war.

The people who were originally highly nervous became extremely excited because of Qin Feng's appearance.

They were like piles of dry firewood, and Qin Feng was the one who ignited the dry firewood. Fiery fire.

After walking around, Qin Feng found the chain-smoker Smoker. At this stage, he is not a vice admiral, but a brigadier general at most.

Because of Smoker's unruly character, he is called a mad dog in the navy by the outside world.

His devil fruit is the smoke fruit, which seems invincible, but is actually useless, but Qin Feng admires him.

Qin Feng walked to Smoker and stretched out his hand. Smoker tactfully handed Qin Feng a cigar. Then, Qin Feng glanced at the bespectacled girl Tashigi next to Smoker, and Tashigi helped Qin Feng light the cigarette immediately.

Obviously, Smoker respects Qin Feng very much and is impressed by Qin Feng's personal charm to a certain extent.

"General Qin Feng, what do you want me to do?" Smoker asked.

Qin Feng smoked a strong cigar and said,"The war is about to start. Your ability is crucial to the situation of this battle. Do you understand?"

Smoker didn't quite understand and frowned and said,"I don't quite understand. What the general means is……"

"Smoke can confuse the enemy's vision and play a good auxiliary role."

"I know this, I will do my best to kill the pirates."

Qin Feng shook his head and said:"No, no, no, what I want to say is that your ability cannot be used lightly, but to confuse the enemy at the critical moment."

"Critical moment, then when is the critical moment?"

Qin Feng took out a signal gun and gestured:"Wait for my command. When the signal gun sounds, you use the ability of the smoke fruit to release white smoke throughout the map. Remember, the thicker the smoke, the better."

"But that would cause large-scale chaos, which would be detrimental to our army's efforts to kill the enemy."

"Believe me, it won’t happen. There is a kind of domineering called Observation Haki, you must know it, right?"

"I see"

"Well, it's good to know. Remember what I said, chaos is relative. I believe our soldiers can stand firm in the chaos. Moreover, I have ordered all the soldiers to only recognize the clothes and not the people. You just need to do it boldly."

"All right, General."

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