In the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates have assembled and are ready to rescue Marshall..D.Teach.

In fact, in the original work, Teach has been forbearing in the Whitebeard Pirates for decades, just to get the Dark-Dark Fruit. If he can't get it, he will spend the rest of his life in the Whitebeard Pirates. It is very courageous for a person to bet his future on an uncertain result.

Whitebeard's evaluation of Teach is conceited and rash, but he treats every crew member on the ship equally and without distinction, because they are all his sons.

So for this rescue plan, all Whitebeard members went out and gathered more than 40 pirate groups under his command.

The day before the execution, Blackbeard Teach was imprisoned in Impel Down. He couldn't figure it out. He had been forbearing in the Whitebeard Pirates, and he didn't even have a bounty. How could he be caught in Impel Down? And it was the infinite hell of LV6.

Why? Why on earth?

Late at night, Qin Feng came to Impel Down. He came here for two main things. One was to send diarrhea medicine to Magellan, and the other was to visit Marshall Teach.

"Mr. Magellan, this is an upgraded version of the diarrhea medicine. You don't have to take it every day. Just one tablet every three days. The effect is remarkable."Qin Feng said with a smile. Magellan hurriedly thanked him:"Thank you for your kindness, General. I have been taking the medicine you gave me last time. It really helps."

"I guess you'll be a sickly person in the future." Qin Feng joked.

Magellan said,"That doesn't matter, hahahaha, as long as I can go to the toilet less often, I'll do anything."

"Well, I am here to look after Blackbeard Teach on the orders of the Marshal. He will be escorted to the headquarters at noon tomorrow. There must not be any mistakes."

"Don't worry, I guarantee with my life that there will be no problem."

"I believe you."

Qin Feng met Teach in the sixth underground prison.

Teach was tied up with seastone and could not move.

At this stage, Qin Feng was not sure whether Blackbeard was a superpower. He did not show any characteristics of a superpower in the last battle, but for safety reasons, Qin Feng still asked Magellan to detain him with the purest seastone.

"Can I talk to him alone for a few minutes?" Qin Feng said to Magellan

"Of course."

After Magellan and others left, Qin Feng stood outside the cell and said to Teach,"You have been racking your brains these days to figure out why I arrested you, right?"

"You damn bastard, Dad will definitely come to save me."Teach cursed

"Daddy? Edward Newgate? You still call him Daddy, others may not know, but I do. You have bad intentions in the White Pirates. You call him Daddy affectionately every day, just because you want to hide in the pirate group and wait for an opportunity, a devil fruit that can make you turn things around, am I right?"

Teach's heart skipped a beat, how come this guy knows everything?

"So, you deliberately used the Dark-Dark Fruit to lure me, right?" Teach gnashed his teeth in hatred.

"You are an obstacle on my way forward, you must die, but I can promise you that I will give you a quick death tomorrow at noon." Qin Feng said with a chuckle.

Death is too terrible for Blackbeard.

He does not have the open-mindedness and heroism of Whitebeard. In fact, in the face of life and death, he is not as good as any captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. He is very afraid of death.

""If you let me go, I can promise you anything. I can work for you. As long as you let me go, how about that? How about that?" Blackbeard pleaded urgently.

In an instant, the smile on Qin Feng's face disappeared.

Then, Qin Feng said:"You don't even have the awareness of death, and you still want to be the king of the world? Maybe in the next life."

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die.……"

"It’s not up to you."

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