Chapter 360 Chapter 359: Goodbye Shirahoshi [seeking support]

The fish men island.

From a distance, Mio can see the flag of the Black Raven Pirate Group on the island.

In many places, even some of the houses of the residents of The fish men island have been voluntarily planted with flags.

During this period of time, Mio has occasionally been able to get news from The fish men island. The first pirate groups have some special ideas after they come to The fish men island, but basically after they just shot, they will It was discovered by the black crow members of The fish men island and was killed directly.

There are also some slave-catching groups that will be discovered as soon as they are ready to take action, and then bombarded and killed.

No livelihood was left.

Until now, the residents of The fish men island have become more and more fond of the Black Crow Pirates, and they are full of respect for the Black Crow Pirates.

Some residents even began to use the black crow flag as a patron saint and put it on the roof of their home.

With the arrival of the Black Glory and entering The fish men island, it was discovered by many residents of The fish men island for the first time. Some residents of The fish men island took out their own food or brewed wine. , Shouting the title of Min.

“It’s Master Black Crow, that’s great, I was so lucky to see Master Black Crow.”

“Master Black Crow drinking? I brewed it myself, but it tastes good. I’ll give it all to you.”

“Master Black Crow!!”

In addition to the residents, soldiers from the Dragon Palace also arrived, inviting the black crow to go to the Dragon Palace city. After learning the news of the black crow’s arrival, they immediately opened a banquet and prepared a large amount of food and wine.

“Master Black Crow, welcome you.”

In Longgong City, some maids gathered around Miao, pouring wine for Miao.

The minister sat opposite Mio at this time, and said enthusiastically toward Mio.

Now he also feels the benefits of The fish men island belonging to the Queen of the Black Crows. At least those powerful pirates don’t have to worry about how to deal with it. There will be people from the Black Crows to solve it, and the slave hunters and pirates dare not. No matter how presumptuous, the residents don’t have to worry too much about being afraid.

Therefore, he is grateful for the black crow from the heart at this time.

“These are the wines and foods carefully prepared for you, you may find that it suits your appetite.”

“Thank you, it looks like I am very appetite, bothering me.” Mio smiled and nodded, picked up a glass of wine and drank it. Just after drinking, the mermaid beauty next to her was immediately filled.

“This time I just passed by The fish men island. I won’t stay for a long time. I just took a rest and left. I originally planned to pass by The fish men island, but I wanted to see how the fish men island is, so I came up and took a look. It seems that everything is fine now.” Mio said softly.

“This is all because of Master Wu Liu and the others, as well as the help of the Black Crow Pirate Group.” The minister said quickly.

The vast majority of pirates and slave hunting groups are afraid of the name of the black crow, so that they dare not presumptuous.

Otherwise, only death will face them.

The minister’s tone was full of emotion. The fish men island once was not as stable as it is now. Some residents dare not leave the fish men island, otherwise they may be captured and used as slaves.

Thinking that all this was due to the black crow, the minister couldn’t help but said hurriedly. “If Mr. Black Crow has anything to use on our The fish men island, please speak up. The residents of The fish men island have always wanted to do something for you.”

“Then send me some drinks and desserts every once in a while, these two things on The fish men island are quite in line with my appetite.” Mio said with a smile.

“This is what we should do.” The minister nodded repeatedly.

“Where is Shirahoshi?”

Miao asked.

“I’m resting, Princess Shirahoshi is too young, and spends most of her time in bed every day.” Thinking of Princess Shirahoshi’s cute appearance, the minister’s smile brightened, even though the king and Princess Otohime had both passed away. But fortunately, The fish men island has an inheritor, coupled with the current stability, with the care of the black crow, now he can be said to have a smile on his face every day.

“Let me take a look at it later, after all, it’s my apprentice in the future.” Min laughed softly.

“Good.” The minister nodded. “I think Princess Shirahoshi will miss you too.”

Eat meat and drink alcohol.

In the chat, time passed slowly.

Almost the black crow arrived.

Mio got up, ready to go with the minister to see Shirahoshi.

But just raising her foot, Mio beckoned to Lilith.

Lilith suddenly moved closer to Mio, leaning to her ears.

“Lilith, those Sea Kings near The fish men island, see if you can find them, and communicate.” Miao said with a calm expression on his face. “Although there is not much danger near The fish men island, let’s see if they are willing to protect The fish men island in normal times, especially Princess Shirahoshi. After all, we can’t always notice this side. Condition.”

“Yes.” Lilith nodded, knowing what Mio meant.

The main thing is to take care of Shirahoshi.

As Mio said, it is impossible for them to know the situation here at any time, and Shirahoshi’s identity and ability are very important, and his arrival has caused a lot of plots other than the original.

In order to ensure Shirahoshi’s safety, Mio had to prepare.

Those huge Sea Kings can be regarded as a good guarantee.

Although they face the top powerhouses, even in the deep sea, they will not be the opponents of the other party, but after all, this is the sea. It is the site of the Sea Kings. The huge Sea Kings are not the opponents of the strong on the sea alone, but Sea Kings There are so many of them that they can call together their companions.

In this deep sea, no one would dare to face a group of huge Sea Kings.

In addition, Shirahoshi’s identity is the king of the Sea Kings, and I thought to myself, these Sea Kings should not refuse, just need to discuss it.

“I’ll fix it, sir, don’t worry.” Lilith said with gleaming eyes, it’s not a difficult thing. Using Shirahoshi’s identity as the subject of conversation, those Sea Kings would not refuse.

As for her incomprehension of those Sea Kings?

It does not matter.

Sea Kings only needs to understand her.

Soon, Lilith’s figure disappeared.

Mio continued to follow the minister to the place where Shirahoshi lived. It was not the hard shell tower in the original work, but a beautiful pink room in Dragon Palace. Every day, a maid arranged to take care of Shirahoshi.

When entering the room.

I can feel the pink breath of a girl.

At this time, on the soft shell bed, a baby was lying on it, asleep peacefully, with his little hands shaking from time to time, which looked extremely cute.

The baby is very white. Although it hasn’t grown up yet, it also shows a cute face. It will make a snoring sound from time to time.

Mio couldn’t help squeezing Shirahoshi’s face, and said with a smile on his face. “It’s cute, so take good care of Shirahoshi.”

“Haha, yes, Princess Shirahoshi is getting cuter and cuter.” The minister nodded with a bright smile.

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