Chapter 359 Chapter 358: Eight Trigrams

A quarter of an hour later.

Mio returned to the bank, wiped the blood in his hand, waved his right hand, and suddenly a bucket of wine in the town was replaced on the deck.

“Let’s go, go to the next island, tut, it will take a few more days to waste.” Miao said with a curled mouth.

“This is something that can’t be helped.” Lilith smiled lightly.

“Yeah.” Robin also nodded, but after all, it’s the Pirate World, slaughtering towns and things like that. There are a lot of sailings on the sea. Basically, you will encounter it several times. If you don’t encounter it, you can only say that you are lucky.

You know, when most pirates slaughter the town, you may also be slaughtered if you go.

“But speaking of it, that guy and Whitebeard seem to be really alike, wouldn’t they really be Whitebeard’s son?” Erica looked at Miao curiously and asked, not to mention, as far as the beard and physical fitness are concerned. , Very similar to Whitebeard.

“Where do I know.” Mio turned Byakugan, but he was also very curious about this. After he ordered Baifeng to continue driving, he took out a phone bug, and some Eight Trigrams made a call.


The phone worm is connected.

“How did you guy contact me? Is there something important?” Whitebeard’s thick voice came from the phone worm, with some doubts.

“No, I just have a question I want to ask you.” Miao asked with interest. “I just ran into an old woman. She wears a guy with a beard that resembles you. She is also very powerful. She said it was your son, so I came to ask if you really have an illegitimate child out there.”

“Is it Miss Barking?” Whitebeard smiled. “Hired la la la la, I didn’t expect you to run into that guy, and when did you guys be like Eight Trigrams?”

“Hahaha, it depends on who the Eight Trigrams are targeting. If you have an illegitimate child outside, this is big news, isn’t it?” Miao grinned.

“That’s true, but the old man is not interested in that woman, or do you think the old man’s eyesight will be so low? Gu la la la la. Miss Bajin, the woman, just stayed with me on Rocks Pirate. Although there are many strong people on that ship, not all of them are strong. There are also some people who like to use their brains. Miss Ba Jin is one of them, but compared to other people who like to use their brains, she has nothing to stand out.” Whitebeard laughed. To explain a sentence.

Hear the words.

Min nodded, there was no surprise, but his tone was still regretful. “That’s really a pity, I thought it would dig out some big news.”

“You guy, your tone is really awkward. The old man wants to beat you.” Whitebeard said with a curled mouth.

The corners of Miao’s mouth rose. “If you want to fight, wait until I return to New World. I don’t have time now.”

“Oh? The guy with the red hair said he was going to the first half of the walk, do you want to go too?” Whitebeard asked in surprise, thinking that Mio’s purpose was to go to the first half of the Grand Line for a walk like the red hair.

“I’m not that interested, it’s just that there are some things to be done.”

“Then wait until you come back. It just so happens that the old man is a bit boring. Find a suitable place to let the old man see all of your power.” Whitebeard said with a slight expectation in his tone.

“Okay.” Min grinned and nodded, and hung up the phone worm.

Put away the phone worm.

Robin asked the Eight Trigrams quite aside. “Captain, isn’t it?”

“What do you think? Of course not.” Mio turned Byakugan and rubbed Robin’s head and said. “At a young age, too Eight Trigrams are not so good.”

“My growth rate is still very fast, I am young, but my body and mind have long been fully developed, okay?” Robin curled his lips back.

“Really?” Mio glanced casually and shook his head. “If you have already developed, then you may be flat for the rest of your life.”

Feeling Miao’s gaze, Robin immediately embraced his chest with his hands, his cheeks flushed and he had no good airway. “It’s different here, it will still grow up here, huh.”

After speaking, Robin turned around and left.

Miao shook his head and laughed, drinking wine, feeling the sea breeze coming towards him, and couldn’t help lying on the deck to rest.

The boring days will undoubtedly start again.

Sometimes when you become the top power in the sea, you will actually lose some freedom.

Because it is not yet strong enough to ignore everything, plus the difficulty of getting to this point, any subsequent plans have to be careful to avoid being noticed by the World government.

If it hasn’t reached this point, then you can do what you want to do, even if it causes some impact, it will not be regarded as a thorn in the world government.

Shaking his head, Mio stopped thinking about it.

The ship continued to sail.

at the same time.

The first half of the Grand Line.

A ship appeared and was driving on the sea. This ship was Red Force and Red Hair Pirates that had just left the Sabaody Archipelago.

I went to Sabaody Archipelago before. The redhead and Rayleigh, who hadn’t seen him in a long time, drank for a while before leaving.

At this time, stand on the deck.

Benn Beckman looked at the red hair and asked. “Where are you going next? Even if you want to stroll around, you still need to find a direction?”

“Go to East Blue first.” The red hair pressed the straw hat on his head and said in a deep voice, with a few memories in his eyes.

Logue town…

It’s also time to go back and take a look at the place where the captain executed the sentence.

He also missed his old captain a bit, but only in Logue town can he feel the breath of his old captain.

“Do you want my treasure? If you want it, go to the sea to find it. I put it all there.”

With this sentence, Red Discovery was still impressed.

It also made him once again feel the courage of his old captain in Logue town.

The previous time was when facing the Golden Lion fleet.

“Captain Roger…I don’t know what this era looks like, is it what you want to see?” He whispered in his heart, and the corners of his red-haired mouth raised, showing an expectant smile.

I hope this time I go to East Blue, he can come across the ‘thing’ he wants to find.

Otherwise, a lot of time will be wasted.

This era is very exciting and terrible.

But red hair can feel that there is still a lack of one person in this era.

It lacks an existence like Roger.

He wanted to see if he could find it.

After all, with this straw hat on his head, he is only the temporary owner, not the ‘real’ owner

With the order of the red hair fell.

The ship of the Four Emperors in the future also quickly sailed towards East Blue.

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