No matter which world it is, the lack of an ascending channel is the source of chaos in this world.

Liu Qian saw this, but he didn't want to just suppress it violently like the world government.

So he chose another way.

That is to rebuild an ascending channel.

This road is of course difficult to take.

After all, after hundreds of years of development, the people on the sea have solidified their thoughts.

Perhaps they can't accept such new ideas for a while.

But it doesn't matter.

Any new thing that wants to be accepted by others will not be successful in a short time.

Liu Qian firmly believes that as long as he persists, this road will be successful sooner or later.

Again, no one wants to be a thief when they are born.

As long as there is a better choice than being a pirate, Liu Qian believes that they will make the right choice.

Now, the War Guild is another ascending channel that Liu Qian is building.

In Liu Qian's vision, the War Guild is an auxiliary platform.

Assist those strong people to obtain social status, resources, reputation, etc. that match their strength in a reasonable and legal manner without using violence or external plunder.

For example, all members who join the War Guild can participate in the level assessment of strength.

Every year, members can receive a certain amount of remuneration according to their level.

In addition, the War Guild will also do a lot of publicity for those members with high levels, so that everyone in the whole sea knows how powerful they are.

This operation is just like the hype of those young and handsome men on Blue Star.

Then after the hype, they will use the fame of these strong men to make money.

For example, various conferences can be held regularly, just like the various competitions on Blue Star.

On Blue Star, those capitalists make a lot of money by using these competitions.

Not only that, they also hype up a large group of stars.

The reputation of these stars is no worse than that of the five emperors on the sea.

As for social status, I think no one dares to ignore a strong man with the power to destroy the world?

In this way, it may not be possible to solve all the people. At least more than half of them can be bound by the War Guild.

They will be bound by the ranking of combat power and the level of the War Guild.

Naturally, they fall into the cage prepared by Liu Qian for them.

By then, even if there are still some people who want to be pirates, the War Guild can issue tasks like the Mercenary Guild, asking members to hunt pirates in order to improve their ranking.

I believe that by then, there should be many people who are willing to do so.

When all this is on the right track.

There must be more and more people who, after gaining strength, will no longer think of becoming pirates first, but choose to become members of the War Guild.

Over time, without the replenishment of fresh blood, the pirates on the sea will naturally die out.

Originally, this time had not yet come, because Liu Qian had already chosen the person who could fire the first shot of the War Guild.

It was the strongest man on the sea, Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

But he never found a chance to convince Whitebeard.

But fate always favors those who are prepared.

Liu Qian has been thinking about this matter, and this time he got Whitebeard's promise.

"Newgate, I want to form a professional guild for combatants. You can call it the Battle Guild.

I want you to be the first member of this guild."

"War Guild? O'Hara, what is this for?"

"Newgate, the so-called Battle Guild, is a platform that serves the vast number of people with powerful strength.

This Battle Guild does not impose any restrictions on its members. Anyone who has not robbed ordinary civilians can apply to join, regardless of whether they are pirates or not.

Every member who joins the Battle Guild will be ranked according to their strength.

After joining the Battle Guild, members will be given a certain salary every month according to their strength level.

Moreover, the Battle Guild will also be responsible for the promotion and publicity of members, so that they can have a huge reputation on the sea without increasing their bounties.

But all members must abide by the rules of the Battle Guild.

Moreover, when the Battle Guild needs it, they must stand with the Battle Guild and fight for the Battle Guild when necessary.

I think, without becoming a pirate. Risking being hunted down by the navy, you can get everything that you had to become a pirate to get in the past. It must be able to attract a lot of people, right?"

White Beard listened to Liu Qian's introduction and fell into deep thought.

White Beard pondered for a long, long time.

"O'Hara, I'm a pirate. You're trying to undermine our pirates' foundation. Do you think I'll agree to that?"

After hearing this, Liu Qian laughed.

"Hahahaha, Newgate, you will definitely agree.

Because deep down in your heart, you don't really want to be called a pirate.

If possible, I think you would rather be the director of an orphanage, right?

Looking at those little kids, surrounding you, calling you daddy, this is the life you want most, right?

It's a pity that in this damn world, your wish is impossible to achieve.

Because you are Whitebeard, your life is doomed to be impossible to be peaceful.

So you can only form a pirate group and teach your sons to fight.

I know that you really regard them as your sons, so you are sad in your heart for every person who died in the battle, right?

Now, there is a chance to realize your dream, will you refuse?

Tell me, Newgate, your final choice!"

Whitebeard may have been a little angry because he was told what was on his mind.:

"Damn you little O'Hara. Do you think you know me well? Don't be so self-righteous. I'm Whitebeard. I never thought that.

But I always keep my word. I promised to owe you a favor, and I'm just returning the favor."

""Hahaha, OK, OK. Newgate, whatever you say."

Liu Qian would not argue with him about this.

Anyway, as long as Whitebeard agrees, it will be fine.

As for the level setting of the Battle Guild, it is the level that Liu Qian popularized to Robin and the others before.

From bottom to top, they are:

Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and King.

There are also levels below Black Iron, from one to nine, which are roughly equivalent to the military ranks of the Navy in the four seas.

The first batch of members of the Battle Guild is the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Whitebeard is the first pillar that Liu Qian found for the Battle Guild.

I believe that with the joining of Whitebeard, it will be easier to persuade others to join in the future.

Moreover, Liu Qian set a mandatory rule for applying to join the Battle Guild, that is, only those who have not attacked ordinary civilians are eligible to join the Battle Guild.

Most of the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates meet this condition.

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