As early as when he was in the West Sea, Liu Qian was thinking about a question.

That is, why are there so many pirates on the sea?

This question has been puzzled.

Until one day, he saw an ordinary fisherman who accidentally ate a devil fruit.

As a result, he gained powerful strength beyond ordinary people.

The first thing the fisherman who got the power did was to kill the sheriff in the town and occupy the sheriff's wife and daughter.

Liu Qian was watching nearby at the time and watched the whole thing.

It was this incident that awakened Liu Qian. The reason why there are so many pirates on the sea is, in the final analysis, because of power, unrestrained power.

It is said that the rich rely on technology and the poor rely on mutation.

But both of these roads are extremely difficult.

The technology of the rich requires a huge amount of resources, and the mutation of the poor requires probability.

But in the world of pirates, because of the random rebirth of the devil fruit, this probability has been greatly improved, and the resources required have been greatly reduced.

On the sea, there are many people who suddenly get the devil fruit and become strong overnight.

What's more, some people, relying on devil fruits, have become powerful and can even influence the situation on the sea.

For example, Tesoro, who has been killed by Enel.

Tesoro was originally a slave. Later, the fishman Fig climbed up the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands and released a large number of slaves.

Tesoro was one of the slaves who escaped during the chaos at that time.

Among them are one of the current Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Pirate Empress, and the Empress's two sisters.

Later, Tesoro took the risk of robbing the Don Quixote family of a devil fruit, the superhuman Gold-Gold Fruit.

This devil fruit is very consistent with Tesoro, who believes in money first.

Tesoro also relied on this devil fruit to grow up all the way. In just a dozen years, he became a big boss who could influence the world government.

The same is true for the Pirate Empress, who relied on the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

There are too many examples like this.

When a person suddenly has power beyond ordinary people, what will he do?

He will feel that his current social status is not in line with the power he has.

In short, they are dissatisfied with the distribution of social resources.

But when they were weak, they were powerless to resist this dissatisfaction. When they suddenly had great power, they felt that they should change this situation.

This is normal.

People always have desires of one kind or another.

The so-called desire is hard to satisfy.

This idiom was created specifically for humans.

But the way they achieve resource redistribution is often to use violence and rob others of their labor.

The result of this is that they become pirates.

When the first batch of pirates on the sea successfully obtained the resources, fame, social status, and everything else they wanted.

More and more people began to follow suit.

So more and more people became pirates.

This is the fundamental reason why there are so many pirates on the sea, like stars.

When the reason was found, Liu Qian was thinking about how to solve this problem completely.

Have you discovered this reason before?


The World Government has discovered this long ago. Did they find a way to solve it?

I thought about it.

Aren’t there pirates on the sea?

Then we set up a navy and let the navy clear out the pirates.

So the navy appeared.

Pirates and the navy, this pair of enemies has been hostile for hundreds of years.

But has the problem been solved?


Because the World Government suddenly discovered that the pirates who were killed would be randomly reborn on the sea with their devil fruits soon.

Those who got the devil fruits followed the old path of the previous owner of the devil fruit and became new pirates.

Over and over again, and this cycle is very short.

For this reason, the World Government came up with another way.

Since killing them will make the devil fruit reborn and create a new pirate in a short time, then don't kill them, I will imprison them.

So, a lot of manpower, material resources, and time were consumed.

Finally, they built a huge cell to imprison those pirates.

This is the birth of Impel Down, Impel Down.

But this is only a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution.

Because the lives of pirates are limited after all.

So, every few decades, the pirates on the sea will usher in a period of outbreak.

This is also a cycle.

But the cycle is much longer.

At least, a cycle of several decades is acceptable to most people.

So, it has been maintained until today.

But this method is also a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution.

Neither the suppression of the navy nor the imprisonment of the Impel Down has fundamentally solved the problem.

The key to the problem is not how many pirates were killed or how many pirates were imprisoned.

The key is that those newcomers who gained power overnight did not have a stable upward channel to improve their welfare and benefits.

The navy's treatment is good, but many people can't stand the navy's military law constraints, and they prefer freedom.

But apart from this, there is no second way for them to choose.

In order to get the prestige, resources, and social status that match their own strength, they have to go to sea as pirates.

Then, in the battles with the navy again and again, they were either killed or imprisoned.

Liu Qian was thinking, if there is another way that can allow these people to legally and reasonably get the social status, resources, fame, etc. they want, will they still choose to go to sea as pirates?

I think not.

After all, no one is born willing to be a thief.

On the blue planet, the ancient rabbits did a good job of this.

In order to restrain scholars, they opened the imperial examination system.

Let countless scholars in the world go to the single-plank bridge.

In the end, only a few lucky ones can succeed.

But as long as someone succeeds, it will inspire those who come after to continue their efforts.

After the scholars were bound, the emperor's country was stable.

In fact, it has been proved that throughout the dynasties, no rebellion without the participation of scholars has finally succeeded.

This is the famous cage rule.

Now, the scholars have been replaced by the endless strong men on the sea.

How to use a method to bind all these strong men and form an alternative cage rule is a question that Liu Qian has been thinking about.

Originally, there were scattered strong men like pirate hunters who wandered between black and white in this world.

But due to the inaction and chaos of the navy, many pirate hunters were eventually forced to become pirates.

In the philosophy of many navies, anyone who goes to sea is guilty as long as he is not a navy.

In this way, even the upward path of the pirate hunter is blocked.

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