Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 229: 【Disaster】Professional upgrade task

  Chapter 229 [Disaster] Profession Upgrade Task

  A few days later.

When the   Moon Yuan floated up and breathed, Adrian also saw his new reward order.

   "Wuhu! Take off!"

  "This time the bounty amount is finally reliable. In other words, I thought the navy headquarters' bounty system was down!"

   "The [Five Emperors] in the original work is just to hit Taming Brother, hit the card two, and the bounty will skyrocket."

   "I'm hitting aunt, white beard, and Kaido. As a result, your navy didn't give me an increase!"

   "So it was here waiting for me!"

   "The amount of rewards soaring by one billion Baileys is still in this era of little water."

  "If I just drag a few people on board and go back to the new world to make a fuss, wouldn’t I be able to get a reputation as a ‘little emperor’ right away?"

   "I'm up, it's a shot in seconds, what can I say?"

  Although the change in the amount of the reward, it will not bring any substantial benefits to Adrian.

   But anyway, the amount of reward is also one of the main cards of the [pirate] identity.

   is like a reindeer in a new era.

  Before in the IWC Totland, he only used the Emperor Sword to resist BIGMOM.

  Later, after I arrived in the country of Wano, I still had to fight the battle of one billion Baileys, the second sign of the pirate group of beasts and beasts on the line every day.

  As a result, the reward amount is only 100 Baileys...

  Heart-hearted labyrinth companies in another world dare not be as dark as the Straw Hat Pirates!

   "By the way, the reward amount of 1.6 billion Baileys should have already met the [Supernova] sub-professional promotion requirements for the next stage, right?"

  "Remember that [Supernova]’s job upgrade mission was mainly composed of two parts. One part was a reward of over 100 million yuan, and the other part was to defeat a lieutenant admiral."

   Adrian touched his chin and looked at the experience slot on the panel.

  Since he completed the 80th level advancement on Mystoria Island, his level has been stuck on the advancement task of [Extreme Trial].

   But the level is stuck, but it does not affect the experience value.

Continuous high-level challenge missions, challenged White Beard’s 2.3 billion, beat Kaido’s 1 billion, and Lien Chan’s Charlotte Lingling’s 3.3 billion; plus this time against the Warring States in O’Hara, and the [Devil Killing Order] O'Hara]’s doubled experience reward.

  Unconsciously, Adrian has accumulated more than 17 billion experience points!

  Even though [Supernova] is the seventh sub-professional owned by Adrian, it has a terrible experience upgrade penalty, but the current accumulation of experience points is enough to immediately increase it, and there is still a lot of remaining!

  Thinking about this, Adrian no longer hesitated and immediately invested in the experience value upgrade.

  【【Supernova】Upgrading to LV10 (MAX), the vigor value is greatly improved, strength +45, endurance +45, 45 free attribute points, and 9 skill points! 】

  A force is generated out of thin air from the body, and it spreads to the limbs along with the blood flow.

  Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly, activating the ability to return life, and feeling the quiet changes in the depths of his body.

  After a while.

  Adrian raised his palm and made a fist lightly. The feeling of increased strength made him slightly obsessed.

  Look at the personal attributes of the panel, and put the newly obtained 45 free attribute points into the intelligence attributes.

  The current intelligence attribute points, under the specialization bonus of [Phantom Fruit], has reached 1524 points, which is the highest attribute value under normal conditions.

   However, when it comes to outbursts, the power attribute is still higher.

  862 power points, plus 500 points temporarily increased by [Dragon Power], with a 1.2 power judgment for [Critical Attack].

  At present, the ultimate strength attribute that Adrian can explode has approached 1,635 points!

   "It's another 9 skill points, and now the skill point is 40 points again. I just feel that there is nothing to improve the ability with skill points. It's a bit annoying."

   "[Extreme Trial] is about to accumulate more than half of the points?"

   "Remember that when sailing in the paradise stage, I didn't even save 50 o'clock in a month and a half, right?"

   "This wave of O'Hara battle, you have swiped so much, and it's still a profit!"

  At this moment, a new task notification sound came from the panel.

  [Detected [Supernova] sub-professional upgrade to full level! 】

  [You have triggered the job upgrade task [Disaster]! 】

   [Task requirements: 1. The bounty amount exceeds 1 billion Baileys; 2. Defeat a pirate with a bounty amount exceeding 800 million Baileys OR defeats an elite lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters; 3. Destroy a country】

  Looking at the task prompt on the panel, Adrian was slightly silent.

  The first mission objective, his current reward amount has far exceeded.

  The second mission objective is not difficult to complete.

   Had it not been for the job upgrade task triggered at this time, Adrian would have completed this goal several times.

  Only the third task...

   "Destroy a country?" Adrian sighed, "I have no mental preparation at all."

  Although I have always regarded [Pirate] as an ordinary sub-professional.

  But the task prompt on the panel has been expressed very clearly.

  Even in the judgment of the task system on the panel, [Pirate] still belongs to the ‘chaotic and evil’ side, otherwise there would be no such task as destroying a country.

   "What should I say? Is it a disaster? It's really worthy of the name."

  [Disaster] upgrade task requirements are simple and clear.

   But if nothing happens, Adrian does not expect to complete this task in his life.

   "Destroying a country", although it seems very easy, it completely violates Adrian's heart, and he can't do such a frenzied thing.

   "Anyway, let this upgrade task aside."

   Gently exhaled a sigh of breath, Adrian picked up his mood and asked Rumi to continue to control the Mingyuan and drive towards the "Outfit Island".

  Under the attack of the Demon Slayer Order, the current O'Hara has been completely reduced to ruins.

   Coupled with the follow-up investigation that the world government and navy headquarters may come at any time, O'Hara is no longer the island of knowledge suitable for human living.

  Because of the thought of good people to do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west, Adrian could not do the ruthless operation of finding a place to drop the O'Hara residents who were admitted into Rumi Castle.

  Moreover, the effect of the dream ghost·Slumber Curse is just to put those O'Hara residents into a long sleep, not to completely freeze their life time.

  If you stay in Rumi’s Fortress for too long, these O'Hara residents will also be in danger of life.

  The innocent residents of O’Hara must be released from Rumi’s castle as soon as possible and be properly settled.

  Thinking about it.

  Adrian has thought of another way.

  That is to throw the pot——

  Ahem, strategic shift.

no doubt.

  In Xihai just after the execution of the Demon Killing Order, and under the premise of Adrian forcibly intervening.

  At this stage, people who are suspected of being residents of O'Hara anywhere in the West Sea may attract the attention of the world government and naval branch and be subject to repeated scrutiny.

  In that case, Adrian's previous efforts to save the lives of innocent civilians in O'Hara are basically all scrapped!

  But Xihai can't stay any longer, and other sea areas are not bad.

  It just so happens that the Razor Party on Outfit Island has a connection with the Don Quixote family of "North Sea"!

  Transfer those innocent O'Hara residents to Beihai through the communication channel between the Razor Party and the Don Quixote family to start life again. This is Adrian’s current plan.

  And it talks about making trouble for the world government.

  There should be no one on the sea more active than the former Denonman Don Quixote Doflamingo, right?

  If those O'Hara residents insist on continuing to live in Xihai...

  For those who want to die, what can Adrian do?

  It is the archaeologists of the Tree of All-Knowing Library. Adrian can't figure out how to deal with it for the time being.

  I can only wait until after Dr. Kloba wakes up and discusses with him together.

  After half a day.

  On the deck of the Mingyuan, the outline of the port of Outfit Island can already be seen faintly.

    Thank you very much for the reward of 100 starting coins from "Xixin Nostalgia"!

     Thank you very much for the 200 starting currency reward of "The Prosperity of Xia World"!

     Thank you very much "Book Friends 20200923164436916" for the reward of 500 starting coins!

     Thank you "LONELY15" for the 6000 starting currency reward! ! And become the first elder in this book! !

     It’s the third change of hard work.

     The sixth day of August.



  (End of this chapter)

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