Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 228: New bounty

  Chapter 228 New Bounty

  Great Route, Headquarters of the Navy, Malin Vandor.

  In the spacious and bright central conference room, the atmosphere is heavy and quiet, and all the senior generals wearing justice coats are solemn.

  The tall Navy Headquarters Marshal Kong Duan sat at the top of the conference table. He looked deeply at the elite navy around the conference table.

  As if inadvertently, Marshal Sora's gaze would always be swept over a young lieutenant general who was missing a small right leg.

  There are not a few high-ranking generals who have the same reaction as Marshal Sora.

  After all, there are many people who are as surprised as Marshal Sora. The three well-known monster lieutenants in the navy headquarters will be defeated in succession by the legendary great pirate White Ghost.

  Focus this time, it is still under the two-to-one situation!

  Beside the conference table, Polusalino, dressed in a white suit and a black top hat, also looked at Sakarski, who joined the navy at the same time as him and entered the elite training camp at the same time.

  Porusalino, who was originally enjoying “paid leave”, after hearing the news, I don’t know why he gave up this kind of enjoyment and returned to his headquarters to report on his work.

  Looking at Sakaski, who had a deep complexion, Polusalino's eyes concealed under the yellow sunglasses, flashing an unintelligible light.

   "Even you failed, Sakarski~"

   pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Polusalino spoke in his usual ridiculous tone.

   "That white ghost is really a terrible monster~"

  Sitting in the meeting room, Kuzan, who looked like an invisible and transparent person, felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably.

  Obviously, I also participated in O’Hara’s Demon Slaying Order, and I also fought with Bai Youling. Why didn’t everyone pay attention to me at all?

   "Porusalino, you've fought that pirate before, right?"

   Hearing this, Sakarski suddenly raised his head and looked at Polusalino coldly.

   "This time it was really my carelessness! Let's recheck Bai Youling's specific strength later!"

  "This kind of thing that sounds very troublesome, why bother me with a sick leave number that is seriously injured——"

   Perceived the aura of everyone present suddenly becoming weird and disordered.

  Porusalino suddenly ‘thinked’ that Sarkarski’s injuries were far more serious than him, and that he would continue to have an unknown impact on the subsequent naval career. This was only afterwards.

   "Sorry, Sakarski, I didn’t mean it~

  "It’s not me who is wrong, but the guy Bai Youling~

   "Don't you want to trouble me, that's a headache~"

   "Puff ha ha ha, Porusalino kid, sure enough, what you say sounds really annoying!"

   At this moment, Polusalino's words were interrupted by a chuckle of laughter.

   Immediately behind, was a tall figure who appeared at the door of the meeting room, dressed in a tight black suit, with gray hair.

   "I feel that you are all yin and yang weird!"

   "Lieutenant General Karp!"


  Successful shouts of surprise immediately sounded in the conference room. The senior navy generals all got up from their seats and looked at the naval heroes who appeared in front of the door with joy.

  The heavy atmosphere that had almost condensed the entire conference room together, after the appearance of Monkey D. Karp, it was inexplicably swept away.

   "Kapu!" The Marshal Sora who was sitting in the upper part saw satisfaction first, but then turned into disgust and irritation, "Don't stand there stupidly, come and sit down!"

   "Puff ha ha ha, Brother Kong, I've heard the sailors talk about this time on the road."

  Kapu walked up carelessly, waved his hand to reject those generals who wanted to give him a place, and arbitrarily pulled an empty chair and sat down.

  Since Roger was executed in the East China Sea in September 1498 in the Haiyuan calendar, Karp has been on a "vacation".

  The external explanation is that after successfully hunting down One Piece, the naval hero returned to his hometown in the East China Sea to recuperate.

  Only a few people know that Karp’s real place to stay is the South China Sea.

  Until the beginning of this year.

  After the two ill-fated little ghosts were born in the South China Sea, Karp moved back to the navy headquarters.

  Give the girl [Ann] to Dorag.

  Before he left, Karp also went back to his hometown in the East China Sea and handed over the infant boy [Ace] to a group of familiar bandits to raise.

  ‘Even if I bear the title of One Piece Supreme Knife, as long as I train it properly, I will be able to **** him to grow up safely! ’

  Holding the legendary seaman with this idea, after a few words to the bandits of Goya Kingdom, he left the East China Sea without worry.

  It’s just what the hero didn’t expect.

  In just a few days after he left, an heir of the devil landed in Windmill Village.

  But that's something to say, so I won't mention it here.

  After Karp sat down on the chair, he felt a sudden whim in his heart, and twisted his **** a few times in an uneasy manner.

   Then he forgot about this feeling and started shooting.

   "Sakaski kid, what I did this time is really ugly!"

  When the general Zeng Guo went out to perform the task again, the only person in the meeting room who dared to reprimand Karp was the empty marshal sitting at the top.

   Seeing Marshal Sora’s face serious, he said that Kapu is enough to stop, not to further irritate Sakaski, who was already badly injured.

  Marshal Kong coldly shouted: "Kapu!"

   "Brother Kong, do you think I wanted to stimulate this kid to break his leg?"

   Karp shook his head, this **** showed unexpected calmness at this moment.

   "Navy! It's sparse and common to get a mission and get some injuries!"

   "What I really can't understand is that Sarkarski will order that innocent refuge ship to be bombarded!"

   "Lieutenant General Karp!"

   Kuzan suddenly shouted with excitement.

  During the period of returning to the headquarters, Kuzan has been in an awkward state.

  He can feel very clearly that the [Burning Justice] that he originally implemented has been completely shaken after experiencing the O'Hara incident.

  Although he used to fight against the White Ghost together with Sarkarski at that time, it does not mean that Kuzan can completely skip what Sarkarski has done.

  A whole ship of innocent lives was killed in front of us, and the people who ordered the shelling belonged to the navy camp, also in the name of [Justice]!

  In this period of time, whenever Kuzan looked at the horizontal plaque of "burning justice" in his office, there was always an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

  Now I see the naval hero I have always admired, criticizing Sarkarski bluntly, and also for the refuge ship, how can I make Kuzan not excited?

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Kuzan, your kid is sitting here too?" Karp touched his head, "I thought you died on O'Hara!"

  Kuzan’s expression suddenly became stiff.

  No injuries...

  Well, many people don’t understand this.

  Why are the two naval monster lieutenants on the mission at the same time.

  Sakaski will have his right leg cut off and become disabled for the rest of his life.

  And Kuzan, who took the lead in contact and battle with the white ghost, had basically no injuries except for excessive physical exertion.

   "Puff ha ha ha, I was just kidding, Kuzan!"

  Kapu laughed loudly again, stretched out his hand, and patted Kuzan's shoulder hard.

   "Lieutenant General Karp!" At this time, Sakarski said coldly, "It is my idea to order the bombing of the refuge ship. Who can guarantee that there is no archaeologist on the refuge ship?"

   Karp replied: “Bai Youling has a lot of ghost ideas, how do you know that he didn’t let the archaeologists go ahead of time?”


  The one who stopped Cap this time is still Marshal Sora.

  Sora's face at this time was extremely ugly. As the head of the navy, how could he not know that this slaughter order operation had basically failed?

  Although O'Hara, the island of scholars, has been completely destroyed by artillery fire.

  But what is really important, and what the world government really cares about, is never just O'Hara!

  Destroying O'Hara, at best, can only be regarded as completing the basic goal of the Demon Slaying Order!

   is enough to frighten the sea, but there is no way to do more.

  The archaeologists who the world government really wanted to completely wipe out were suspected of being saved by Bai Youling!

   "I think Karp finally said something!"

  Zefa, who had always kept silent, suddenly spoke.

  "How can shelling innocent civilians be considered ‘justice’?

   "Even if there may be archaeologists on the refuge ship, is it too late to search the ship when the order is executed?"

   Seeing the hawks, doves, and the neutrals who have always kept the two separate, a discussion about ‘justice’ is about to break out again, Marshal Sora feels a headache.

  The navy has a great career, and it is indeed the true overlord of the sea!

  But who knows, what about the hidden dangers of ‘ideological conflict’ in this vast navy?

  Sometimes, conflicts between ideas are the deadliest and most inconvenient...

  Kong used the marshal's majesty to once again reluctantly suppress the argument in the conference room.

  "Don’t forget the main purpose of this meeting! We held this meeting to discuss Bai Youling’s latest reward and how to deal with him!"

   "Puff haha, Brother Kong, how many reward orders are you going to give that kid this time?" Karp asked curiously, "You won't be directly offering a reward of more than 2 billion Baileys, right?"

   "Impossible, Karp." Zefa shook his head and said, "Although Bai Youling's strength is good, he has never thought of forming a power. The bounty of the Lone Ranger cannot reach such a high level."

   "Speaking of which, we seem to have been suppressing Bai Youling's bounty before, right?"

Lieutenant General Crane spoke slowly.

   "He has fought against the crazy woman Charlotte Lingling many times. It stands to reason that if it were an ordinary pirate, the amount of his reward would have skyrocketed."

  Speaking of this, Lieutenant General Crane suddenly paused.

  "Furthermore, according to the latest intelligence information, it seems that Bai Youling has also had a fight with Baibeard on Palm Island in the New World, which lasted no less than half an hour.

  "The most amazing thing is that Bai Youling seems to...successfully complete the challenge as a rookie pirate!"

  As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar in the meeting room.

  The title of "The World's Strongest Man" by White Beard is not groundless, it is his reputation time and time again with his fist and the sword!

  After the Roger Pirates and Flying Pirates, two of the world’s top pirates were dissolved.

  The White Beard Pirate Group is almost a unique existence in the new world!

  In past years, there have always been rumors of new pirates challenging White Beard.

  But those pretentious little guys are not easily defeated and fled.

   was shocked by the spirit of the white beard, and became the new member of the Moby Dick, the son of the white beard.

  In the memory of senior navy officers, Bai Youling seems to be the first "new man" pirate who successfully challenged the white beard!

  Kong asked: "Crane, is your information accurate?"

  "This is one of the news circulated from the Moby Dick. It is temporarily impossible to confirm the authenticity. However, as long as the personnel are sent to the Palm Island to investigate, I believe that the authenticity will be confirmed soon."

Lieutenant General    Crane said.

   "There is another thing related to White Beard, which I didn't plan to talk about at the meeting... The White Beard Pirates seems to have found Bai Beard's son."

   "Puff hahaha!!"

  Carp, who was listening attentively, couldn't help but burst into laughter when he heard it. He almost laughed out of tears.

   "Ahe, are you telling a joke? Who on the Moby Dick is not Newgate's son?"

Lieutenant General Crane calmly pulled up his hair and gave out a piece of information that almost overturned the meeting room.

   "What I said... is the biological son of Edward Newgate the White Beard!"


   Karp was unsteady and fell directly on the floor of the conference room.

  Although the other generals weren't so exaggerated, they were all shocked and gaffes.

   "Ahe..." Marshal Kong had a strange expression, "Are you sure, a man like Edward Newgate with a white beard will really marry a wife and have children?"

Lieutenant General Crane glanced at Karp calmly.

   "Even guys like Monkey (Monkey) can give birth to sons, why can't white beard?"

   Karp got up from the floor and reached out to touch his head.

  It is strange to say.

  Even the senior officers of the navy headquarters don’t know how Karp, who is always short of a string in his head, can give birth to a smart son like Dorag.

  Although this son is a bit too smart...

  Kapu gave a light cough, and was not as embarrassed to talk about the son who had left the navy in front of his colleagues, trying to put aside the topic.

"Ahem... Well, Ahe, what you said seems to make sense! I just don't know what Newgate's son looks like, and whether he will grow such a strange white beard like his father. "

   "How would I know about that kind of thing!" Lieutenant General Crane glanced at Karp with some speechlessness, "Even this information was only recently obtained."


Marshal Kong stretched out his finger and tapped the tabletop of the conference table several times.

  "Everyone, stop discussing white beards and little white beards. Let's go back to Bai Youling."

  "I think, in any case, according to what Bai Youlin did this time, plus his previous outstanding record," Lieutenant General Crane said, "the amount of reward set for him should not be less than one billion Baileys."



Lieutenant General Crane said: "That's right, I would like to add one more sentence. The abilities currently mastered by Bai Youling include but are not limited to'flying','emotional interference','blue energy cannon','predicting the color of the future', 'Move instantaneously','interfere with ocean currents'... etc."

"I personally think that with the growth rate of the white ghost, it should quickly grow to a level similar to that of the lonely red Redfield and the golden lion Shiji, and considering the weird abilities of his, it is somewhat like the combination of the two abilities. body."

  For some reason, Lieutenant General He added two more sentences at the end.

  "Fortunately, this ‘pirate’ who is extremely threatening in our eyes does not seem to be like other pirates who love to do evil.

   "In fact, apart from inexplicable orders that sometimes interfere with the world government and passive counterattacks, he acts more like a pirate hunter who loves to fight crime."

Marshal Kong waved his hand indifferently, "Ahe, there is no need to say these things later."

  After a heated discussion, Marshal Sora drafted a new reward order.

  Looking at the new reward amount, the senior navy officers couldn't help but feel slightly lost.

  A major general of the headquarters wearing a coat of justice whispered: "It's really an unprecedented increase in the reward..."


  Just as the meeting was about to end, Marshal Sora coughed slightly, calling attention back.

  "Finally, attach the latest order of the world government to send the Navy Headquarters Lieutenant Admiral Monch D. Karp and the Navy Headquarters Lieutenant General Polusalino to lead the warship to hunt down the White Ghost!"

   Karp didn't have much reaction.

   Polusalino pointed to his nose, "Me? Marshal Sora, look, is this task a bit too difficult?"

  Marshal Kong said beyond doubt: "This is an order from the world government!"

   "I know it is the order of the world government!"

An imperceptible disgust crossed Porussalino's tone. Obviously, this seemingly laid-back old fritters still felt fresh in the memory of the "Dragon Trade" made by the world government some time ago.

   "But I said~

   "The monster of the white ghost, he can fly~

  "Only me and Lieutenant General Cap, how can I find him?"

Marshal   kong explained: "On this point, the CP department of the world government will join the search department of the navy headquarters to gather all intelligence capabilities and take the lead in collecting information on the location of the white ghost."


  Porussalino has something else to say.

Marshal Kong simply interrupted his conversation.

   "You two guys who have finished their long vacations, go to Mariejoa later, cross the red earth continent from there, and go to the West China Sea first!"

   Seeing Marshal Sora say this, Polusalino finally stopped struggling.

  But he still came with a weird yin and yang sentence: "The legendary holy land~ It's really exciting~"

  Early the next morning.

  White Ghost’s new reward order, along with the news of O’Hara’s demise, was sent to all parts of the world by the news bird of the World Economic News.

  "O'Hara scholars tried to study taboo history and intended to resurrect the ancient weapons that destroyed the world. They have been destroyed by the world government's order to kill demons!"

   "All those who try to study taboo history and revive ancient weapons will be put to death!"

  【White Ghost】


  【Reward amount: 1.68 billion Baileys! 】

  【Bounty level: DEADORALIVE (regardless of life or death)】

    After the vaccine, I went home and lay down for a whole afternoon, and finally recovered.

     Thank you for rewards with 100 starting coins of "Guo Yingxun", "Qijuxue Crisp", "Final Alchemist", and "001 Burning Heaven".

     Thank you "Yun R" for the 200 book coin reward.

     Thank you "Um Chen" for the reward of the 233 starting currency character.

     About the last chapter, many book friends said that I water...

     If there is a mistake, you must correct it, and you must stand upright when you are beaten. I will pay attention to the description in this aspect in the future...

     But it’s really because [Devil Fruit Fusion Card] is very important...



  (End of this chapter)

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