Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1162: miracle

Li Tian suddenly felt despair in his heart.

Turning to look at the Duguxie and the ghost servants... all sitting on the ground paralyzed, with their heads hanging down, they obviously didn't have much strength to leave!

Five days! For five days, they hadn't drank a drop of water, hadn't eaten anything!

No matter how strong they are, they are first-class masters, but what can they do to face this endless desert?

Sit and wait for death like this?

The front is endless desert, and the back is also. What should they do?

Li Tian sat there slumped, licking his chapped lips with his tongue, and finally he compromised.

He didn't move anymore.

He has no strength...

Time passed by every minute.

The **** of death seemed to greet them little by little, Ah Qiu was no good!

After all, Ah Qiu also fell and became unconscious and hallucinated.

Sixth day!

When time reached its limit, the brothers finally fell.

Even Duguxie was overdrawn to the limit. He was lying there, blinking weakly...At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to get up.

The ghost servants have become unconscious like their brothers.

Although the Opteron over there was still enduring it, it was reaching the limit.

"Am I going to die?"

"Am I just going to die like this?" Li Tian murmured while lying on the hot sand.

On the sixth day, in the end, the Duguxie and the fierce Opteron couldn't hold on anymore...the whole person fell into a coma.

Among the six people, Li Tian's eyes were still weakly open...but he was going to die soon.

He just supported himself with the hatred in his heart.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry brothers... I've caused you..." Li Tianmi finally said blindfolded, looking at the brothers lying on the ground in despair.

One minute passed, and one hour passed.

Li Tian's eyes began to slowly appear unprecedented illusions...

It is said that when people die, they will see unexpected hallucinations in their minds, which may be the case for Li Tian now.

He seemed to have seen his favorite person in the desert, saw Situ Ningbing... saw Duanmu Ying... saw Ouyang Shiqing... the women he loved deeply, but were not around him... Then he saw a man, a man standing with a sword, with his back facing him, with a tall figure and a majestic body, is he his father? Li Tian didn't know.

Then Li Tian heard in his mind that there seemed to be another person calling his name.

"Tian'er... Tian'er..." The voice was so beautiful, whenever he heard the name, he couldn't help but crystal tears appeared in his eyes.

"Mom...Mom!" Li Tian called in a hallucination.

But the beautiful voice calling him then began to drift away slowly...to a far, far place...

Li Tian just meditated there with hallucinations.


Death is so close!

The scorching sun, the endless desert, seemed to brutally slaughter Li Tian and his brothers.

Finally, Li Tian couldn't hold on anymore. He knew that he could not escape bad luck this time. He succumbed, closed his eyes slowly, and then fainted in the endless desert.

The scorching sun is still there, and there will be one or two circling goshawks in the sky occasionally...These goshawks seem to be waiting for the death of Li Tian and others, and then eat their flesh, and they are constantly in a coma Around the body.

I don't know how long the time has passed, only that the brothers and Li Tian were all in a coma.

Just when they were in a coma, they suddenly didn't know whether it was an illusion or a real thing, and suddenly saw a group of people walking toward this side from a distance.

The sparse silhouettes were completely invisible, only their dark shadows were coming quickly towards this side.

And it seems to be holding a camel!

When they all came over, they were all wearing weird costumes, like ethnic minority, and they also wore very weird hats on their heads.

"Kabaji Da Saskar..." One of the tall, thin men with a very long and thin finger spoke completely incomprehensible words to the other human being.

The other one seemed to be the leader of the team. He was about 50 years old. He had a goatee and glanced at the fainted Li Tian and his brothers. Then he reached out his hand and grumbled in his mouth. Said a lot of words that were completely unintelligible.

Then after he finished speaking, the other two strong men next to him picked up Li Tian and his brothers, put them on top of the camel, and walked forward slowly along the desert.

Who are these people?

How can a group of people who don't understand their clothes appear in the desert like this?

Is it a coincidence? Or because of other reasons!

Li Tian thought he was dead!

When he had that hallucination, he knew that he was getting closer and closer to death.

Although he was reluctant to die, he could not escape the cruel desert.

He was struggling with hatred, unwillingness, and all regrets in his heart.

Finally, he had a little consciousness on the Buddha's head... because he could feel a drop of cool things slowly flowing into his body!

As the cool thing that penetrated into his heart flowed into his body, his dead body finally seemed to be revitalized and began to slowly become energetic... The heart began to beating slowly, albeit with great strength. Small, small, but still can be felt.

He is alive!

Yes, the cool thing just now was water!

It is the water flowing into his body!

It turned out to be water!

Li Tian, ​​who was in a coma, didn't know that he was dreaming? Or maybe it was his own hallucinations, he could only feel that the cool water traces were slowly flowing into his body,

And his body is also unscrupulously absorbing the cold water!

At the same time in the process of absorbing water, Li Tian seemed to hear the sound of twittering.

That voice was like speaking, but it was a pity that the speaking speed was too fast, and it was not Mandarin at all, so Li Tian couldn't understand it at all.

He was absorbing the cold water there, and then his whole body began to slowly recover.

Time passed by every minute!

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Tian finally felt that his mind began to have consciousness, and he could feel his body as if it were moving.

After Li Tian had absorbed the water, his body recovered quite quickly.

After rejuvenating this time, he slowly began to open his eyes, he wanted to see if all this was a dream... if it was true.

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