Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1161: Waiting to die?

What can he do? A pair of eyes looked at the desert where the sky and the earth seemed to adjoin... He was lost.

So there is no direction, no route, how can they get out of this desert?


"Then now let's say we are trapped and died here?" Tang Xiaolong sat down on the ground with a depressed butt.

The brothers did not speak, because they knew that Tang Xiaolong was telling the truth at the moment.

Silence, everyone's face showed an ominous look at this moment.

The scorching sun is still there, exposing this ruthless desert, but what about the brothers? Now there is no water, no food, no sense of direction, what should they do?

Finally after ten minutes of silence together, Li Tian stood up.

"Don't worry... we will definitely get out of this desert."

"From now on, we all must maintain our strength and walk... out of this desert." Li Tiandao.

Tang Xiaolong looked at Li Tiandao at this moment: "Little boss, but where are we going? Now the east, west, south and north are completely unclear..."

"Besides, there is no food, no drink..."

"We will definitely be trapped here alive."

"No! Look at the place where the sun now rises... Let's go in the opposite direction! The opposite direction must be the West... Where shall we continue to go!"

Li Tian said suddenly there.

Hearing what Li Tian said, the brothers suddenly understood.

"Yeah! Why am I so stupid, why didn't I remember it!" Tang Xiaolong became excited all at once.

At this time, my brothers also had a bright mind!


The sun rises from the east. Now if they walk in the opposite direction, they must go west. When they think of this, a flame of hope suddenly grows in each of them.

"Young Master, why don't we go back?" Du Guxie over there suddenly asked.

Now the sense of direction has been resolved...Why did Li Tian go westward? Why not leave this desert at this time?

But seeing Li Tian standing there, looking at the endless desert road, he said: "The reason why I go west is because I want to reach the border fortress... I believe we should not be far from the border fortress... but if so If you want to go back, it will take at least a day or two. Instead of spending so long going back, it's better to fight it once!"

"Although I know my thoughts are very selfish...but I have already decided so in my heart!"

"Brothers, if you want to go back, it doesn't matter, I won't stop you......" Li Tian said to the brothers there.

Li Tian actually decided to continue looking for the place of the fortress?

Are you crazy? Still desperate?

After listening to Li Tian's decision, the brothers and others hesitated.

"Young Master, have you really made up your mind?" Du Guxie looked at Li Tian and said.

After experiencing yesterday's events, Li Tian had already made all the decisions in his heart, so he nodded directly.

After seeing Li Tian nodding his head so simply, Duguxie said, "Well, since the young master has made such a decision, we have nothing else to say!"

"We're going with you." Just listen to Duguxie.

The ghost servant over there also came over and said, "Yes, we will follow you."

"We don't believe that we can't find that frontier place."

After the Duguxie and the ghost servants here have made a decision, then there is no need to say Tang Xiaolong and A Qiu, and the same is true for Qinglong.

So after they made the decision to fight, Li Tian gratefully looked at the brothers.

"Good brother." Three words came out of his mouth.

"Everyone must maintain their physical fitness from now on. We may have to go a long, long way...without water and no food supplies...I believe that although the road is very difficult, everyone will definitely go out. "Li Tian encouraged the brothers.


After all of them nodded, Li Tian began to lead the way to the front.

Instead, they walked towards the sun, the sun was scorching, they just stepped on the hot sand with one foot deep and one shallow foot.

After all, this journey has no end.

The barren desert is endless.

Where is the side? Where is the shore?


Keep going!

One day passed and they persisted.

During the day, they rushed as little as possible because it was too hot and tired.

At night, they rushed, because the air was relatively lower at that time, so they walked better.

Their shoes were about to break, and their entire bodies began to become overdrawn from the long journey.

His face became dry and collapsed, and Lie's lips became chapped.

Two days...

They continued to move forward.

It seems that this desert never ends.

Three days...Four days...

When it reached the fifth day, the brothers couldn't walk anymore.

It was Tang Xiaolong who fell first.

He walked at the back, with a plop, and his body suddenly fainted in the desert as if fatigued.

Li Tian, ​​who saw Tang Xiaolong down in front of him, hurriedly exclaimed: "Xiaolong..."

Li Tian's voice has become weak. Even if he saw his brother fall, he couldn't run. He could only endure the heat and hunger, and walked over slowly to help Tang Xiaolong.

The Duguxie and the ghost servants over there also came over with difficulty at this time.

Shouted: "Little Dragon..."

But seeing Tang Xiaolong lying on the ground, his whole body lying on the hot sand, his lips were completely chapped, and his whole body exuded a salty smell.

"I... can't walk..."

"Little boss, I can't do it anymore...I really can't walk..." he said weakly while lying on the ground.

Li Tian pulled his body and shouted, "Stand up...stand up...can't fall...can't fall!"

But what about Tang Xiaolong? With his body overdrawn to the limit, he really didn't have any strength.

He shook his hand there and said, "Little boss...I'm sorry...I really don't have any strength..."

"I'm thirsty...I'm thirsty..." he said with a trembling corner of his mouth.

His eyes seemed to have been weakly opened...closed tightly there.

Li Tian sat there dejectedly...Looking at the best brother on the ground, he suddenly felt that he was wrong.

"Am I really wrong... Am I hurting my brothers?" A deep self-blame rose from Li Tian's heart.

Endless desert, who knows where they are now

There is no end, no people, just endless sand dunes!

Could it be that this time we will eventually die in this desert?

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