Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 876: Welcome party

Chapter 876 Welcome Meeting of the Personal Wife's President's Wife Vol.1 "You Get Me Off." Ji Qianjiao said angrily, Ji Yu is not very young, but she is definitely a beauty. When she grows up, her looks are no less than Ji. Qian, speaking, the reason why Ji Qian is not the four beauty of Yanjing may be because she has been out of the people's attention all year round. Over time, only Ji's talents remember the appearance of Ji Qian. It is the elder of the Ji family, then Ye Shikai is not surprising. There is Ji Yu's "spy", and it is a piece of cake to find this base.

"Don't make Xiaoyu's idea." Ji Qian "glared at her" as if looking at a rogue.

"Where did you want to go, am I this kind of person?" Ye Shikai gave her a white look, and then said that Ji Yu was also Ji Qian's sister. He was not the kind of person who didn't talk about etiquette and shame, and didn't say anything else. Ye Zikai, the little girl Su Ziqing, never encountered.

"Not many people came to the Temple of the Moon this time. You live here first, and the rest is left to the ghost and Serena." Ye Shikai leaned on the sofa and said lightly that the base of the Temple of the Moon should still be beautiful She has become accustomed to Europe and has a very good quality of life. At the headquarters of the Luna Temple in Europe, she is more like a palace in a fairy tale.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about me. If you have other things in your hand, just go busy." Ji Qian urged softly.

"Well, okay."

"Right." Suddenly, Ji Qian called Ye Shikai.

"Is there anything else?"

"When will we take the dumping rain, we will meet for a while." Ji Qian said with some hesitation. Ye Shikai did not expect that she even asked to see Su Qingyu. For a moment, countless situations flashed in his mind. Ji Qian Why did you do this in case of a rainstorm? What should we do if the two women meet? The two women will meet with each other. If they stand up, who will they help ... Keke, it seems too far-fetched.

"Uh ... oh, okay, let me pick a time." Ye Shikai said perfunctoryly.

Speaking of which, if Ji Qian really plans to live in Yanjing, it is undoubtedly a good thing. Su Qingyu was relieved of the last misunderstanding. I don't know if she will still be in a jerk.


Yanjing, the night bar.

"So, this is Wang Hu's explanation." Ye Shikai looked at Luo Shiqi who was slightly sad in front of him and said lightly.

"Well, this time it failed to shake the Wang family, at best, it was just a warning to Wang Hu." Luo Shiqi nodded a little bit, Wang Hu's attitude depends on Wang Qian, and Wang Qian was simply "playing Tai Chi Luo Shiqi has no way to fight directly with the Wang family. Therefore, Luo Shiqi did not delve into Wang Hu ’s almost “perfunctory” account, but after this incident, Wang Hu had no choice but to "Be nice", Wang Hu has become a king cat ...

"The Wang family is not so easy to mess with. If you want to bring down the Wang family, you can't do it alone, you must be with us." Ye Shikai said that outsiders sounded a little arrogant, as if they wanted to overthrow the Wang family. If you think about it, this is indeed the case. If the Wang family moves to kill, and Ye Shikai does not help Luo Shiqi, then she may be really dangerous.

"So, if you want to protect me, you still help me." Luo Shiqi blinked her eyes and seemed to be looking forward to Ye--

Shikai's answer.

"Of course I have to protect you and help you. The Wang family is also one of my enemies. I will definitely defeat them. As for who it belongs to, I don't care." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Well, let's talk about something else." Luo Shiqi nodded slightly, and suddenly said, "Last time, thank you for those brothers."

"You say nightmare." Ye Shikai remembered it, and Nightmare reported to him that someone was going to assassinate Luo Shiqi. Fortunately, Nightmare shot in time.

"He is an indifferent person." Ye Shikai said with a smile. "Even if it is me, it is not easy to get along with him."

"That is really a very special person." Luo Shiqi seems to be very interested in nightmare. Do women like Gao Leng men, when you have time, you can ask the magic fox ...

On the way home, Ye Shikai thought of Shen Wu's request in the restaurant, that is, to let him join the National Security Bureau and set up a new group, and the thing that shocked him most was the staffing in the group, which turned out to be Hades. Members, to be honest, when Ye Shikai saw this proposal, he directly rejected it. Even if the **** dance who hated him the most and asked him in a low voice, he would not agree.

First of all, the generals of the Hades Palace have their own ideas. If they want to join the National Security Bureau of Yanjing, they may have a hundred unwillingness in their hearts. They are free to get used to abroad, and their thinking is different from the National Security Bureau. Naturally, Unwilling.

Secondly, if they all joined the National Security Bureau ~ ~ What about the Hades, speaking of it, the Hades can develop to the present, and there is no shortage of Ye Shikai's hard work. Do you want to take them out with a word from the National Security Bureau? Is this possible, so he firmly refused.

This text message was sent directly to the gold calendar. I wanted to come to the **** dance and was "forced" to "zhao'an". It is estimated that the idea of ​​the gold calendar is such that even the **** dance that hates Ye Shikai came on his own initiative, then others must be They are very welcome.

At night, the night bar.

The staff of the Luna Temple came to Yanjing. Ye Shikai thought for a while and planned to come for a "friendship". As for the location, it is best to set up in the night bar. There are ghosts, nightmares, magic foxes, Jayton and short kisses Crocodile and others, Yue Wei came from the ministry. Of course, Ye Shikai and Ji Qian also came to the scene. Speaking of which, these Yue Weis were also "serious enough". In all white clothes, Ye Shikai could feel the strange look of the bar security. Fortunately, Ye Shikai greeted him in advance, otherwise he wouldn't necessarily let in. As for the other young men and women who came here to carnival, the right was when they were there.

"Why, don't you go down and play together." Ye Shikai looked at Ji Qian who was only drinking, and asked curiously.

"I don't like such a noisy place, it's enough to let them play." Ji Qian still had that cold look.

Ye Shikai didn't force it. He watched the ghost dance with a group of beauties on the dance floor. The reason why he held a friendship in this most popular bar in Yanjing was to publicize the "power". Now the people in both halls are here. If you want to "make trouble", always be there.

"Don't you be afraid of her being jealous in your confidante's bar. Are you afraid of her being jealous?" Suddenly, Ji Qian coldly said, it seems that she already knew Luo Shiqi's existence.


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