Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 875: Kiyakujin

Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: //


"Yes, it seems that you are very open in Yanjing." Ji Qian strolled around the manor for a few times, rather than a base, a holiday place, beautiful environment, overcast trees, and a river nearby .

"If you have money, you can make the ghosts grind." Ye Shikai said with a smile. The manor only cost tens of millions. What he can buy with money is not a good thing. If a manor wants to, Yes, Ye Shikai can buy a few more for her.

"I'm very satisfied, here will be used as a base." Ji Qian smiled lightly.

"I asked the ghost to equip a safe house here, let's take a look." Ye Shikai took Ji Qian to a room. On the ground was a large alloy wheel. After opening, he found a basement below.

"The closed lock of the safe house is made of special alloy, which is extremely heavy and explosion-proof. There are four floors in the basement below, and there are secret passages to escape." Ye Shikai told Ji Qian.

"Very good, perfect."

"After I came to Yanjing, is there any movement in the underground world?" Ji Qian sat on the sofa and asked lightly, after all, she is also the moon god. As one of the twelve gods, every move can cause a stir in the underground world, such as It is said that Ye Shikai came to Huaxia Yanjing at that time, which caused a great sensation at the time, but under the arrangement of the ghost, not many people dare to visit the Hades. Above the sacred mountain, Ye Shikai killed two dozen dark list masters. Even the record of the three main gods is still "legend".

"I let the Demon Soul and the Magic Girl watch at all times, and there wasn't much movement." Ye Shikai said lightly, he knew what Ji Qian was most afraid of, that was the cooperation between Zeus and Aphrodite, now both Pluto and Luna Coming to Yanjing, although there are two backbones in Europe, there are still some instability. As for Wang Kai, the temple of war is in Africa. If Zeus sneaks in, it may be difficult to rescue the fire from a distance.

"Can't relax, I think the news of her leaving will spread soon, and I don't want anyone to take the opportunity."

"Of course, I understand."

"Two adults, it's not good." At this time, Selena walked in from outside, her face seemed a little flustered.

"What's wrong," Ye Shikai asked.

"There was a group of people outside the manor who seemed to be looking for Lord Luna."

"What, how is this possible." Ye Shikai was surprised. How long has it just arrived. Even if the base is exposed, it shouldn't be so fast. When Ji Qian's forefoot arrives, someone will come up on the heel. Everyone knows.

"Let's go and see." Ji Qian was not surprised, but said faintly. I don't know how many eyes are watching her secretly. It is a matter of time to come to Yanjing to be exposed.


The crowd came to the door of the manor, and several cars were neatly parked outside. Many white people stood neatly together. They were all practitioners, and the leader was an old man in white.

"What kind of people are you?" Said coldly to the ghost of their confrontation at the door. It is not difficult to see that these people are well-trained practitioners, and the old man in the middle, although he has not spoken, A strong energy emanates from the body.

It's a tough character.

"Are you dumb?" The ghost wanted to continue to yell and scold, but saw Ji Qian and Ye Shikai had come over.

"Boss, Lord Luna, look at them."

"The ghost retreated, they came to me." Ji Qian said faintly, all the people in the Hades were stunned, and they came to Ji Qian. Could they be the people in the Temple of the Moon, they don't look like it, or they are Ji Qian's power in Yanjing, this is impossible.

"Qian, who are they?" Ye Shikai asked softly.

"Ji family."

"So it is."

"Mr. Chen's parents, Chen Ligong, see Miss." The old man in white, taking the lead, saw Ji Qian and bowed slowly.

"Elder Chen, thank you and Bai Wujun for the last thing." Ji Qian said with a smile, yes, it was Chen Ligong and Ji Jia's elite army Bai Wujun.

The last time at Ye Shikai's wedding, the National Security Bureau stopped Ji Qian and Wang Kai, who were going to support it. It was Chen Ligong and Bai Jingjun who dragged Tianjing, so that the two main gods could retreat.

"That was the order of Miss Er, and we were ordered to do it, and there was no need to be polite."

"Boss, they seem to be the maiden of Lord Luna." Ghost said softly.

"It should be, it seems that she should be the young lady of Ji's family." Ye Shikai had previously entered the house of Ji's house in hiding. There was a picture of Ji Qian, and she could also know this from the relationship between Ji Yu and Ji Qian. However, why Ji Qian never returned to Ji's home, or even to Yanjing, he knew nothing.

"Elder Chen, I won't talk much about other things, Ji family, I will not go back, you go back and tell him, ask him not to think any more." Ji Qian said to Chen Ligong in front of her ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Ye Shikai does not know who the "he" refers to in Ji Qian's mouth, but it seems that she has ordered Chen Ligong to be a guest.

"Miss, you still want to think more about it. There are some things, please Miss and communicate with the owner."

"I said, you can go now." Ji Qian said coldly, and turned and left.

"Miss." Chen Ligong wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but was stopped by the ghost with the Hades of the Hades, and the Yuewei on the side followed him. The white mist army behind Chen Ligong saw that, without any fear, on the contrary All of them "topped", and the two sides suddenly confronted each other.

"People in front, go further, blame me for being ruthless." The ghost snapped harshly, and the dark guards took out their weapons. Chen Ligong immediately made a stop gesture, and the Baiwu Army did not follow up, although it was the Yanjing family. Practitioner, but Chen Ligong still has some understanding of the underground world outside, Dark Guard and Moon Guard are extraordinary in strength, his eyes gradually fall on the silent Ye Shikai, although it seems ordinary, but his body is With a very strong energy, at least the strength of the distraction period.

It's already a period of distraction at such a young age. This is beyond Chen Ligong's expectation. At the same time, he seems to be beginning to understand why the young lady will be with such a man. He is one of Ji Qian's devotion and naturally he will not be so hasty. To fight.

"They are all gone." Ye Shikai pushed open the wooden door, Ji Qian was shrinking on the sofa, thinking about something.

"That's good." Ji Qian said softly.

"Unexpectedly, your Ji family is still hiding a dragon and a tiger." Ye Shikai teased teasingly. "It's like the bridge father of the Three Kingdoms. There is a big Joe and a small Joe in the family.

(End of this chapter)

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Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: // mobile read.

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