Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1880: movement

After the feast of the celebration, Emily hurried back to rest. For the three halls, she only dared to go far. If the three halls wanted to destroy her, she did not have the strength to fight back. She could n’t even take Ye Shikai ’s ten moves, but she also had to Relying on the strength of the Three Temples, she can keep her own main **** position. As for why she chose to accept the "olive branch" extended by Doris at that time, she should still not believe the strength of the Three Halls. This is the site of the Palace of the Sea King in South America. Although the Three Halls are crowded, they are composed of many forces, and the internal strength is not necessarily a concerted effort. In addition, the super strength of Doris is also Emily's fear, because this matter, just at the wine table, she Even breathing carefully, fearing that Ye Shikai would be angry with her because of this.

"Emily's position is uncertain. Not long ago she turned to Doris, and now she turned to us, but it will be difficult to say in the future." Ji Qian continued. "Why don't you get rid of her like this."

"You don't have to think so deeply, Emily's position is not firm, it is related to her own situation. As a main god, it is impossible to be alone, but she hesitates to know who to choose. Once she chooses the wrong one, it is a scourge of death. . "

"Furthermore, although she has some heads of grass, she has no ambitions. She occupies the position of the sun god. It is better than an ambitious person. As long as our three temples are not weak, she has not rebelled against us. The reason. "Ye Shikai seems to have a strategy to control Emily, so she was kind to Emily at the celebration party just now. She didn't care that she had" betrayed "once.

"In short, you should pay more attention to it. At a critical moment, she is unreliable." Ji Qian reminded.

"You don't worry, I will handle it when I win this time."

The next day.

"Sir, our people have been inquired, and Doris led his heart back to the Neptune Palace and is still gathering new power. It seems that he wants to fight against us in the Neptune Palace." Nightmare reported.

"I had expected that she would not be so stubborn. Our loss this time is not small. Only 60% of the manpower we can use now is left. If we just kill Neptune Palace, even if we win, I'm afraid everyone will fight for it. "Ye Shikai sighed softly. Both injuries are not the result he wanted. This is not enough. In addition, the casualties of the organizations that came to the League are not small. They have begun to complain. Meng, before waiting to win, he put himself out, and that's it.

In addition, the most hesitant to Ye Shikai is Aphrodite, who has not yet appeared. Although there are no combatants in the Temple of Beauty, her insidious and cunning is the best weapon. The three temples are fighting with the Sea Palace. How can she possibly I don't know. Now that I know why I didn't come forward, with Ye Shikai's understanding of Aphrodite, she will not appear. Once it appears, it will definitely cause trouble for the three palaces.

"Lao Ye, we finally hit Doris by surprise and suffered heavy casualties. If we do n’t take advantage of the current attack and wait until she recovers, our situation will be difficult. Do n’t forget, this is on the site of the Sea Palace. . "

"You make sense, but in the current situation, we can't take it too fast, so let's stay here for two days, wait for the support staff to arrive, send the wounded out, and then leave after the rest is completed." Ye Shikai wanted It takes two days to restore the three temples to their vitality. On the other hand, they should change with the same. They will not move in two days. Aphrodite should take action. When both sides are on the bright side, things will happen. Easy to handle.

"Okay, I will go back and talk to my brethren so that they don't let their guard down."

Ye Shikai didn't dare to relax at all times, Aphrodite didn't move, and his heart couldn't fall down. What conspiracy did this woman have? In addition, he also got information from the ghost. Moving, everything is as usual.

"Two days soon arrived, and the follow-up manpower was in place. In just one day, there were more than a dozen leaders of the power organization asking me when to leave, what are you still thinking." Ji Qian suddenly said in his ear .

"Nothing, I don't think ... it's time yet."

"I guess you must be waiting for news from Aphrodite." Ji Qian said suddenly.

"You are right, she doesn't show up, and I'm not completely sure." Ye Shikai didn't lie. This is the final decisive battle between the two sides, and it will either be a victory or a complete defeat, so there must be no carelessness.

"Perhaps Aphrodite has used your psychology. As long as she doesn't come out, you won't take the initiative to attack. In this way, she can deliberately delay you and give the Neptune Palace a chance to breathe."

"Then ~ ~ We still follow the plan, we will arrive as soon as two days, no matter whether Aphrodite is moving or not, we will start on time."


Two days later.

The crowd set off according to the original plan, and their camp was still some distance away from the Neptune Palace, and they needed to walk to it.

"Sir, we are now less than five kilometers away from the Neptune Palace." After walking for about three hours, Ye Shikai could vaguely see the outline of the Neptune Palace from a distance.

"You are the last battle today. Whether you can win or not depends on you."

"Must win."

"Must win."

"Okay, now Doris is in the Palace of the Seas, and if we attack, we will definitely be able to win them."

"Report to the adults, Doris is gathering people and coming over to us." At this time, the investigators in front came back to report.

"Unexpectedly, they dare to take the initiative to face the challenge." Ye Shikai never expected that Doris was gathering back. Two days ago, she lost 80% of her staff, and now she dared to act.

"How many are they?" Ye Shikai asked rhetorically.

"At present, there should be more than two thousand people, basically all the manpower of various organizations, as well as some mercenaries and killers, which should be added temporarily."

"It turned out that it was just some additional manpower, which is not enough to fear." Ye Shikai nodded and said, if not unexpectedly, Doris will never coexist with the Neptune Palace. If it is at the last critical moment, she will definitely Choose to escape while chaotic and let others use as cannon fodder, as long as she runs away, there will always be a day when Dongshan will come back.



"You take a team of people and ambush in advance near the Sea King Palace. If Doris wants to run away, immediately chase and kill."

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