Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1879: Victory

Open fire. "

Bang, Bang, Bang.

With a single order, the heavy machine guns and cannons on the front, left, and right sides fired at the same time. These are the heavy firepower on the battlefield. The targets are armored vehicles with heavy armor. Now, these firepower are aimed at People, even cultivators, can hardly resist such a powerful firepower. If they are masters in the fit phase and distraction phase, they may be able to cope with it, but there are thousands of masters here.

The firepower from the heavy machine guns and guns was fierce, and soon a large number of people were shot and fell to the ground. So many people stood densely. It was a massacre. Ye Shikai did not have a soft heart. The underground world itself is like this. The winner is Wang, the loser is a kou, if Ye Shikai loses today, no one will sympathize with him ...


Doris led the crowd to break through the rear, but Ji Qian had already been waiting for it. These were the elite of the three halls. They were already ambushed in the woods to wait for work. Although Doris was crowded, the people's hearts were chaotic and disorderly. Rushing up, the loss will not be small.

"Don't control the others, just take Doris's life." Ye Shikai ordered, and everyone immediately rushed forward. They used to lay pockets here. Now is the time to close the net. The back road is blocked and the remaining three sides are blocked. It was a siege. For a time, Doris's people suffered heavy losses, and the gunboat outside could not be positioned. It could not help at all. Doris held a trident and faced Ji Qian.

"Moon God Tips-The stars are falling."

"Baiwu Army, protect the elder lady." Chen Ligong was afraid that Doris would hurt Ji Qian, and immediately protected her in front of her, but Doris's strength was outstanding. Even Baiwu Army lost a dozen people.

"I'm here to help." Mo Ji and Ghost stepped forward to help, plus Ji Qian and Chen Ligong, the four teamed up against Doris, and with the white mist army beside them, both sides froze for a while.

"Doris, are you still going to resist now?"

"Then see if you can block me." Doris held the trident, picked up the stone on the ground, and squeezed hard, raising the dust in an instant.

"Come on, don't let Doris run away." Ji Qian didn't dare to carelessly. Doris took advantage of the chaos and suddenly killed, killing two members of the White Mist Army, and several dark guards, from the gap in the team. Break out.

"Damn it."

"Miss, this Doris is superior in strength, and the poor is not to chase." Chen Ligong was afraid that Ji Qian was not a Doris opponent, and he would be injured if he chased it, so he persuaded him.

"Master Luna, the ghost and I will take people to chase." Mo Ji suggested.

"No, you are not her opponents. Even if you catch up, I am afraid that they are not her opponents." Ji Qian waved her hands. Although she was unwilling, Doris had broken out of the encirclement, and South America was also the site of the Sea Palace It is already impossible to catch her.

"Okay, let's take these people down first." Mo Ji pointed to the people in the Palace of the Sea, and Doris fled alone. They had already lost their feet, and surrounded by all sides, they soon fell into chaos, even There are thousands of people, and there is no fighting force.

"Everyone present, those who are willing to surrender, I may save your life." Ye Shikai shouted, most of them laid down their arms and raised their hands. They have been surrounded by groups, surrounded by masters, and heavy firepower. In the containment, most of the people surrendered except for the confidant members of the Sea Palace.

"Raise your hand and surrender."

"Hurry up and surrender."

"Adult, Doris led the confidant to kill the encirclement from the east. Looking in this direction, it should be back to the sea palace." Nightmare reported.

"Okay, I know. We arranged so many people beforehand, but that can only deal with ordinary cultivators. It is still unstoppable for peerless masters like Doris." Ye Shikai had expected it, and did not let People go after.

"Come on, let's go back to the camp." Ye Shikai said lightly.


Late at night, the cultivator camp.

This camp was chosen by Ye Shikai before. It is 30 kilometers away from the Neptune Palace and is surrounded by flat ground. Many tents were built here. Although today they let Doris defeat, but the strength of the three halls also lost a lot Although Ye Shikai had made arrangements in advance, most of the deaths caused by the gunboat were members of the various organizations of the Alliance, and the elite of the three halls were all ambushed in the woods, but Doris ’s stubborn resistance still cost the three halls Small, and everyone is very tired.

"Haha, today this mantis is catching cicadas, but the cardinals are used well in the future. The people brought by Doris have lost 70% or 80%, most of them have surrendered to us." Wang Kai seemed very excited, but today he is It ’s a pleasure to fight, the people in the Palace of the Seas, he did n’t stay alone, it can be regarded as revenge for the brothers who died in the Temple of War ~ ~ Of course, the person he most wants to kill is Doris, only kill After her, it was just a matter of concern.

"Yeah, the strategist, let's easily win, and at the entrance of the Sea Palace, we play Doris and flee."

"This time, our tricks, Doris even easily believed, it seems that she is nothing more than that." Everyone was very happy, this battle, from the encirclement of Doris, to the three temples The siege is almost typical of the plan, and the result is as expected. Doris returned in a big defeat. Even if she returned to the Palace of the Seas, with her current strength, it is difficult to resist the total attack of the Three Halls.

And the atmosphere that is out of tune with everyone is Emily on the side. She seems a little nervous. At that time, Ye Shikai ordered her to come to South America first. Under the temptation of Doris, she chose to betray. If it was not soul extermination, Doris conspiracy. It succeeded. Although today the Three Halls can win, and Emily pretends to betray the "counter-in-the-middle plan", but the Three Halls have now won a big victory. Emily is worried that Ye Shikai will cross the river and demolish the bridge, and the rabbit will cook. After all, no one will trust a "wall head grass", and some people will even choose a quick way after removal, in case of a fatal problem at a critical moment.

"Emily, thank you again this time." Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"What are you talking about." Emily didn't respond, and everyone's eyes fell on her, making her a little uncomfortable.

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be so easy to succeed. From now on, you will be an ally of the Three Palaces, so you don't have to worry about it all day." Ye Shikai knew her thoughts, too much has happened to the rabbit. By the way, Emily's worry is normal. After all, if it is not the existence of the soul extermination, she is really a traitor. Ye Shikai will not be soft-hearted to treat the traitor.

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