Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1749: do not know you

"It's him, it's my brother who is back." Zi Yan suddenly jumped off the sofa, and her cell phone almost flew out.

"What." The worm heard this for a moment, and it took a long time before it responded.

"It's him, you look at it." Ziyan picked up the phone and came to the worm. This is a video posted by a netizen. It has been circulated on the Internet. In the video, a man in a costume is walking on the street. , Handsome and handsome, but his clothes were stained with blood.

"This ... is indeed the boss." The worm looked at the man in the video carefully. Although they were wearing ancient costumes and their hairstyles were ancient, they recognized them at a glance.

防止 To prevent misidentification, the worm also put the person in the video and Ye Shikai's photos together and used a computer for facial recognition.

"One hundred percent, indeed the boss, great." The worm looked at the conclusion on the computer, the two faces completely matched, unless there are exactly two people in the world, this must be Ye Shikai.

"Boss disappeared for so long before, but we are anxious to die. If we can find the boss, we will make a great contribution."

"But ... how can we tell Lord Luna that they are all on Kunlun Mountain now, and we can't reach them at all." Ziyu was a little bit embarrassed. They should have notified Ji Qian of such a big matter immediately, but Kunlun Mountain was a cultivation practice. Only those who can go there will be in danger if they rush up the mountain. Moreover, the opening of the Kunlun Mountains ruins has attracted many families to go, and the two ordinary people will go up, and it will be bad if they meet the bad guys.

"Let's go to him first." The worm tried to get through Ye Shikai's mobile phone, but the number could not be reached. This is of course. Ye Shikai replaced the new mobile phone, but the original mobile phone card was not taken, nor was he. Silly, the most important thing is that he has forgotten his own mobile phone number, and even does n’t know how to use many functions of the mobile phone.

"Okay, I'm going to gather some people right away, Ziyu, do you know where this video was taken?" The worm asked.

"It's ... Linxiang in the south."

"Okay, we'll go overnight."

Lin Linxiang.

"How to use this." Ye Shikai hid in a corner and fiddled with the mobile phone in front of him. He was already considered an "ancient man". Although he knew it was a mobile phone, many functions had been forgotten.

"Look, there is a person there." At this time, a few rumblings also found Ye Shikai, seeing him "stupid" look, but he was a person, and then got together.

"Boy, look at you, it's a newcomer." The leading rumbling smoked a cigarette and said lightly, of course they want to bully people, bully the people.

"What's new." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Don't you admit that you're new here, so you don't know how to look at each other." Seeing this, he started to speak, Ye Shikai took his hand and clasped his wrist, and turned it hard.


The internal force stunned his arm, and that stun immediately screamed like a pig. Ye Shikai didn't want such "force", but since crossing back, his internal force seems to have increased a lot, plus he only Just returned, the internal force control is not in place, I wanted to punish small punishments, but now it seems that this arm is expected to move for several months.

"Come on."


Ye Yekai is a cultivator. How can some meddlers be his opponents? Even if he doesn't use internal force, he can only use 20 minutes to use his fists and feet. It will be useless even if 20 people come again.

"You ... who the **** are you?"

"You ask who I am, frankly, I don't know who I am." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

Suddenly, there was a sirens sound outside the alley, and several police officers ran in. 202 E-Books

"Don't move, be honest."

Ye Yekai raised his hands. It seemed that someone had called the police. These lumps were intended to teach Ye Shikai, but instead he was given a lesson.

"Bring them all back."

Ye Yekai was a little helpless. There was nothing he could do. Who made him do it? The police didn't know the situation, so he naturally had to go back and explain it clearly.

Police station.

"What kind of person are you?" A middle-aged man walked in front of him, and it looks like he should be the leader here. Ye Shikai didn't speak, but just passed him his ID card.

"You are Yanjing."

"Yanjing, yes, yes, I am Yanjing." When Ye Shikai heard "Yanjing", he suddenly "activated" some of his memories.

"Really." Seeing Ye Shikai's strange tone, the police in front were also a little skeptical. They caught a lot of people this time, but Ye Shikai was a "face". Although he looked a little strange, it was not like Bad guy, shouldn't he be a mental patient ...

"You look strange, how did you come to Linxiang."

"Oh ... Actually, I don't remember how I came here." Ye Shikai wanted to perfuse the past, but couldn't think of any reason for a while.

"Director Chen, I'm here." At this time, a policewoman came in from the door.

"Xiao Zhang, it's really hard for you to come all the way from Yanjing."

The policewoman came over slowly, looked around, and suddenly saw Ye Shikai, who was sitting on a chair ~ ~ You ... you are here. When the policewoman saw Ye Shikai, she couldn't help getting excited, and shouted, "I heard that you are missing and I was looking for you everywhere. Miss Su and Miss Ji are also very worried about you. "

"Who are you, I don't know you." Ye Shikai looked at the policewoman in front of him and asked curiously, his memory was vague and he could not recognize anyone.

"I'm Zhang Ting. I'm solving the case with you. How could you not remember me?" Yes, it was Zhang Ting who came from Yanjing for a business trip.

"Zhang Ting, I don't know you." Ye Shikai shook his head.

"What's wrong, Xiao Zhang, you know each other." Director Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, he is my friend, and he also helped our police to solve the case. By the way, why is he here?" Zhang Ting asked.

"Several people want to bully him, but he was knocked down by him. Good guy, more than 20 people are not his opponents. Your friend is good."

当然 "Of course, otherwise how can we help the police solve the case." Zhang Ting stepped forward and took his arm. "Go, no matter what happens, I will take you back to Yanjing first."

"I ... I don't know you, why go back with you." Ye Shikai shook her hand away, a little displeased.

"Are you really confused or pretending to be confused?" Zhang Ting took out her mobile phone and turned out a photo with a photo of the two of them. When they broke the case of the Sky Moth, this photo was taken at the celebration party.

怎么 样 "Well, believe me now."

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