Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1748: came back

The tomb is not small or small, indicating that the owner of the tomb was at least a wealthy household before his death, otherwise it would not be of this scale. In order to prevent the tomb from being stolen, they would lock the door of the tomb and use stones to The door was blocked.

"Senior, I understand that the dead are great, but today I have to go out, how offended, and I will definitely come over to pay for my sins in the future." Ye Shikai murmured in his mouth. You can't just let him go out for a dead person.

Ye Shikai worked hard with both hands, his internal force was still there, there was no enchantment on the tomb door, but it was simply blocked by stones, the internal force was running, and the force was violently exerted. The tomb door was slightly loose. Seam.

"Broken punch."

With one punch, Shimen immediately broke a large hole, and a lot of broken stones and dirt poured in from the outside. Ye Shikai took a shovel out of the storage ring and cleared it little by little. Until now, he was sure he was not born. , But "resurrection", one, the blood on this dress is already "iron proof", both, he still remembers his own name and identity.

Finally, after about twenty minutes, he opened the stone door, thinking he would see the long-awaited sunshine, but unfortunately, it was late at night ...

There is no moon in the sky. Ye Shikai remembers what happened before "death". He was pierced by the oblique lines of the scriptures. Then he faintly remembered a light and a thunderous sound. He didn't know the end What happened, but what he has to do now is to find He Linghan.

This tomb was built on a mountain, Ye Shikai had to go down the mountain. Speaking of him, he was in a fog, how could he be resurrected, and how could he appear in a tomb, who's tomb.

Xie Yeshikai went down the mountain, but found "abnormal" things.


He looked at the scene in front of him, and he couldn't help but be shocked. This was a modern highway. When he walked aside, he even saw a sign.

"Linxiang to Jiangnan."

Ye Shikai murmured, this is a simplified character, not a big 篆, is it ... Is this modern?

There was a light in the distance. Ye Shikai looked down. It was the city's street lights and neon lights. He was too familiar. This is the city.

Ye Shikai hurried in, looking at the shops on the street, and the road was full of traffic, which made him familiar and unfamiliar. He stayed in the Qin Dynasty for too long, and while there, his memory of modernity faded away every day, in other words In other words, he is now half an "ancient man".

"Girl, where is this place?" Ye Shikai pulled a woman by the side of the road, asking curiously.

"This is Linxiang, pedestrian street."

"Linxiang, I can't think of such a big change." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Wait a minute, girl, what age is it now."

"Are you a person with a problem in your mind?" The passerby woman was a little impatient, and she opened Ye Shikai's arm. Perhaps in her eyes, Ye Shikai is a "mental patient".

"Look, look, that person is weird, wearing a period costume." Qing Qing

"Yes, you see, there is still a lot of blood on his clothes. It won't be a killer."

Pedestrians on the road have set their sights on him, both curious and frightened. After all, if Ye Shikai is really a "mental patient", then he cannot control himself, and there is a large pool of blood on his body, which will naturally make people scared.

"Let's call the police." Passers-by from each other took out their mobile phones, and some people called, while others were filming.

"By the way, I still have a mobile phone." Ye Shikai remembered suddenly, and quickly took out the mobile phone from the storage ring, but at this critical moment, his mobile phone could not be turned on, as if it was damaged.

"Oops." Ye Shikai yelled, he wasn't sure where it was, but if he didn't leave again, he might really be taken away as a mental patient.

"I'm a normal person." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, hurried out of the crowd, I do not know how many streets to run, this is considered to get rid of the crowd.

"This should be modern." Ye Shikai murmured, he has experienced the crossing, so crossing back again, he is not surprised, but this is his original era, shouldn't it ... be a parallel space-time.

Since the mobile phone is broken, Ye Shikai will naturally not stray "stray". He has other methods, and there is still some cash in the storage ring.

the mall.

Ye Shikai picked a mobile phone, paid in cash, and the currency was able to circulate, which shows that he is really back to modern times, but his "costume" is too skeptical, and there is blood on it. The security guard has begun to pay attention to him.

After buying the mobile phone, Ye Shikai quickly hid in the bathroom and took out a set of clothes worn by modern people from the storage ring. This avoided becoming the "focus" of everyone.

After turning on the phone, Ye Shikai looked at the current age and time. He faintly remembers that this year is indeed modern, but when he left, he couldn't remember it ~ ~ During Qin Dynasty Many memories have disappeared, that is to say ... he does not know how long modern times have passed during this period of time.

He has been in Qin Dynasty for nearly two years. If it is the same as Hyundai, it should be two years later ...

"Linger." Ye Shikai suddenly thought, if he really came back, what would He Linghan do, where is she now, and how to find her.


Modern, Yanjing.

"Aster, Lord Luna, they are all on Kunlun Mountain. There is no signal there. Now they don't know how to live or die. Why do you still have a mood to play with your mobile phone?" Busy looking for information, Zi Zi was playing with her mobile phone across the side, laughing from time to time.

"I'm worried about them too, but the two of us can't help you." Ziyi waved her hands and lay directly on the sofa. The worm was a hacker and Ziyi was a pharmacist. They were not "combatants." The palace belongs to auxiliary work.

"This is also true. If I usually do, I can collect information or anything, but now they are all on the Kunlun Mountain, and we can't help anything, we can only pray for them." The worm nodded, Ziyan Although a bit "heartless", this is also true.

Suddenly, Ziyan's laughter stopped abruptly, and then, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Purple magpie, what's wrong with you, you see a ghost." The worm asked, curiously.

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