Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1701: Leisure at home

Ye Shikai and Xu Jia have been talking until late at night, and they have talked a lot about business and private affairs. Ye Shikai has always been curious about what Xu Jia has in the future. After all, with his talent, once it is important, it will surely surprise the world. "If you ca n’t use it, you will kill me." However, according to Xu Jia's criteria for choosing a master, I am afraid that there are not many people in the world who are qualified to let him out of the mountain. Ye Shikai feels very lucky to think so. It is a pity that his "small world" is not the "big stage" that Xu Jia is going to run after all.

House entrance.

"Lao Ye, just get here, please stay."

"Lao Xu, when are you going to leave, I ... I'll see you off." Ye Shikai was really unwilling to leave Xu Jia, but there was no banquet in the world, not to mention, Xu Jia had her own pursuit, and forced it to be useless. .

"Actually, I will resign next time." Xu Jiazuo said, "I will leave Linxiang after a while."

"Is it so urgent, or else ... wait a few more days." Ye Shikai was a little surprised. The world is so big. Xu Jia travels all over the country, which means that there is no information. There is no "mobile phone" in this era. If you meet again, you do n’t know. When is it ...

"No need, leave early and leave late, you have to leave. There is no need to worry about morning and evening." Xu Jia held his fist and bowed slowly. "Lao Ye, I feel happy with you during this time. If everyone can Like you, then this world should really be peaceful. "

After hearing this, Ye Shikai was very moved. He wanted to stay, but Xu Jia had made up his mind and he couldn't stop it.

"Lao Ye, we will meet again in the future."

"Well, even if we make an agreement, we will meet again in the future." Ye Shikai asked Shang Guanjian's deputy general of the guard to lead Xu Jia to the gate. It is now late at night. The city has a curfew and the gate is naturally closed. However, Dongmen Shou will be Shang Guanjian's confidant, which can give Xu Jia a convenient trip out of the city.

After Xu Jia left, Ye Shikai suddenly remembered the things in the bag. He couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. The bag was left to him by Xu Jia. He said it was opened at a critical moment. It had its own tricks. He wanted to ask about it, but just two People chat, Ye Shikai actually forgot about it.

Ye Shikai took out the bag and wanted to open it for a look, but just opened it, his hands stopped, hesitated for a while, or put the bag back into his pocket. Since Xu Jia said that he can only watch at a critical moment, then Ye Shikai will Believe him, it will only come out when it is time for crisis.

"Mr. Xu, he is gone." In the bedroom, He Linghan asked faintly, Ye Shikai looked a little bit distracted and made her a little worried.

"Yeah, he's gone. Maybe in the future, we will never see each other again." Ye Shikai lay on the bed and kept sighing. No wonder when I first went to school, I often learned the farewell poems written by the ancients, that feeling Only by personal experience can you feel it.

Xu Jia traveled around the world. His ambition was to find a king worthy of his help. In fact, Ye Shikai was already clear when he parted. This was the last time the two met.

"Fu Jun, don't be too sad. There is no banquet in the world, not to mention, Mr. Xu is also pursuing his own ideal, we should support it, isn't it?" He Linghan sat beside him, softly preaching.

"Yeah, you're right, I hope he and I have a chance to meet."


After Xu Jia left, Ye Shikai often felt lonely. Although Shang Guanjian and Mancang often came to Yefu to visit, after all, they still had to lead soldiers. The house was deserted. Fortunately, He Linghan was always with him.

Of course, Ye Shikai is not always staying in Fuzhong, there are many interesting places in Linxiang City ...

Tea House.

"Shangguan, how are you doing?"

"It's nothing. I train every day. In fact, I don't need to stare at those lives. After the battle in Bashu, the host reduced his military service and recuperated. It's really nothing to do." Teahouse is a pastime, Ye Shikai Shangguanjian is often invited to come here for tea and chat.

"Don't relax anymore. Generals and soldiers who lived comfortably for a long time are sheep on the battlefield." Ye Shikai reminded.

"Lao Ye, you still care about military affairs so much." Shang Guanjian casually said that Ye Shikai was a little nervous. Indeed, it has been almost two years since he crossed here, most of which was in the military. Among them, the Qin Army followed by the Chu Army. Combatting the soldiers seemed to have become a part of his life. He resigned, and often thought of military training. He also asked the Dark Guard to explore the battle on the Great Wall of the North. Report to him at any time.

"Just ask."

"Seriously, Lao Ye, do you want to consider returning to the army? Your ability to command the army is obvious to everyone, and with you there, our old brothers can be at ease. In addition, the protagonist should also be very I hope you come back and she will reuse you as long as you are willing. "Shang Guanjian saw Ye Shikai not talking, and continued to say," In fact, I know exactly what you are thinking, you must be because of the prisoner of war in the main pit last year. Be mindful. "

"Indeed, killing so many people indiscriminately, this is the life of the mustard, not by the owner." Ye Shikai nodded in response.

"I was also angry in those days. After the Battle of Bashu, the main character was sitting in Bashu for two months. The first thing was to rest and rest. UU reading reduced the labor and let the people live a stable life, and even He also returned money to the families of the Qin Army prisoners of war. Thus, two months later, within Bashu, no one had said anything bad about the protagonist. "

"She's quite enthusiastic." Ye Shikai sighed. People seem to be a creature that can easily forget the pain. After the text entered Sichuan, the abolition of the court's harsh donations and taxes, as well as cruel torture, alleviation of servitude, and rest. These are what the people really want. Although she did kill 80,000 people, in contrast, the people are more willing to lean on the former.

"Lao Ye, it takes a price to create a peaceful world, maybe more than 100,000 lives, maybe more ..."

"Two ... two adults." Suddenly, the shopkeeper of the teahouse hurried upstairs, panting.

"What happened, so panic."

"It's the protagonist ... the protagonist is here in person. She wants to see two adults."

Alas, alas, aloud, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Before the two of them had reacted, the wooden door had been slowly pushed open, and Wenwen walked straight in.

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