Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1700: Ready to leave

"Homeowner, Mr. Xu is here, waiting at the door now." At this moment, a family member said quickly.

"Oh, Mr. Xu is here, please, please, let me prepare food and drinks, and I will entertain him." Ye Shikai said immediately, Xu Jia came to visit. He was not surprised. In this era, he wants to create a career. No matter how much skill you have, someone must help. Ye Shikai and Xu Jia have not been in contact for a long time. From the time he recruited the doormen, the wise eyes of the hero, to resign now, and go home to disperse the doormen, it is only a few months, but To Xu Jia, Ye Shikai treats an old friend whom he has known since childhood.

Xu Jia is a Maxima horse. He needs a Bole to appreciate and dig. Ye Shikai is fortunate to be this "Bole", because Xu Jia is a person who can help him. It was Li Jian that he killed as soon as possible, so as to avoid night long dreams. From this, Ye Shikai also saw that he and Xu Jia were not "common minds." Xu Jia wanted to assist the king to achieve his great deeds, but Ye Shikai only wanted peace in the world and was on the way Sooner or later, the two will disagree, such as this time the "disagreement" between him and Yunwen.

However, in terms of personal friendship, Ye Shikai is very willing to be friends with Xu Jia. Although Xu Jia is a "ghost talent", she is also a true disposition and can intersect with it.


"Mr. Xu, I have waited for you for a long time." Ye Shikai went to the door in person to welcome him.

"A few days back to the city, there were a lot of trivia in the army, so I took the time to meet the general."

"Don't call me a general. Now I have resigned, I am idle at home, and do n’t ask about world affairs. You can call me Lao Ye directly like Shang Guanjian and look closer. I will call you Lao Xu."

"it is good."

Ye Shikai took Xu Jia's hand into the house, and He Linghan naturally greeted it.

"I've seen Mrs. Ye."

"Mr. Xu please wait, my lover is preparing a banquet."

"Okay, thanks a lot."


"General Ye, oh no, Lao Ye, you may not know it yet. Regarding your resignation, the protagonist has already spoken with the officials," Xu Jia said suddenly.

"Is that so? It's no wonder that I've been idle a lot outside the house recently." Ye Shikai teased, in fact he had seen the clue long ago.

"How come there is no news from the people. I went out into the street not long ago, and there are still people who call me General Ye." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Lao Ye, although you and the officials know about the resignation, the principal has already issued a strict order. At this point, the matter must not be preached or punished severely." Xu Jia explained that I am afraid that Wen Wen also did not want to let People are rumors, so officials and officials are kept secret.

"So it is."

"Actually, I always have a sentence, it's not worth talking about." Xu Jia turned sharply and suddenly put down his chopsticks, looking dignified.

"Lao Xu, let me say something straight."

"Lao Ye, there is no problem with your resignation, but it should not be in such a radical way. If I guessed correctly, when you resign, the main character's emotions must be very excited, and even the two of you have an argument. "

"Everything is not what you expected, but we didn't quarrel, frankly, I didn't regenerate the lord's anger after returning to Linxiang City." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, in this city of Linxiang, the protagonist is covering the sky with only one hand, and with my understanding of the protagonist, I'm afraid she won't be able to complete you so easily." Xu Jia's face showed a few sorrows, It's awkward. If Ye Wen's heart is killed, then Ye Shikai's family is more fierce.

"This ... shouldn't be it. Since the protagonist has already told the news of my resignation with the officials, that is, I agree. In addition, I also have a deep friendship with her, and I think she should not miss the old feelings." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"I hope not, but I hope you pay more attention."

"Lao Xu, thank you for your reminder." Ye Shikai nodded and indicated, no matter what, Xu Jia was kindly advised, not to mention, Xu Jia is not that kind of suspicious person, if even he thinks it is possible, then it is extremely may.

After meals.

"Lao Xu, Shang Guanjian now has only 20,000 soldiers and horses. It can only be regarded as a small general. If you are a military division with him, will you feel humiliated. If you are not satisfied, I can recommend you to Huo Ziqing. , I have some friendship with him, and he will not refuse. "Ye Shikai has always felt guilty about Xu Jiaxin. He was originally the commander of the Chu army, and Xu Jia was the" think tank "of the 200,000 Chu army. But now Ye Shikai has resigned. Xu Jia can only be arranged beside Shangguan ’s fitness. Generally speaking, the more talented he is, the more ambitious he is, His Majesty Shangguanjian only has 20,000 soldiers and horses, the capital is too small.

"You think about it a lot. I'm doing well with General Shangguan, but ..."

"But nothing, is it dissatisfied elsewhere." Ye Shikai asked immediately.

"I'm not dissatisfied, it's just that I will leave Linxiang City for a long time."

"What, Lao Xu, are you leaving?" Ye Shikai could not help feeling a little shocked after hearing this. Why did Xu Jia leave Linxiang and where did he go.


"Then do you want to leave Linxiang, or ... leave Chu land." Ye Shikai faintly guessed Xu Jia's intention.

"Leaving Chudi and continuing to travel around the Quartet." Xu Jia answered without concealing it.

"Did you be dissatisfied ..."

"Not dissatisfied." Xu Jia retorted before Ye Shikai finished speaking.

"The good bird chooses the wood to live, the good minister chooses the master to do things, and the one who can help the next, must be a master who can surprise the world."

"So, Lao Xu, you despise the principal." Ye Shikai understood that what Xu Jia wanted to run away was Ye Shikai himself, not the obituary. Now he resigns, even though Xu Jia is already a military division. Position, but also nostalgic ~ ~ haha, the principal can be regarded as a party overlord, a girl can do this step, it is already a miracle, but unfortunately, she is not the emperor's talent ... I plan to leave. "

"That old Xu, you are willing to help me, do you think I have the talent of an emperor?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"That's it ... You're a wizard, but even if you really send the world in front of you, I'm afraid you won't pick it up." Xu Jia smiled lightly.

"That ’s why Lao Xu understands me. Those who have power and money, I have no interest." Ye Shikai raised his glass, and they drank a bottle together. Xu Jia knew him very well, knowing that Ye Shikai was not in the world. The 200,000 Chu army held could have created a world long ago.

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