Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1503: Military warrant

"In addition, inform the Baima County Decree that it is necessary to send troops to guard the grain and grass ordnance, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise ... his head will not be able to keep it." Ye Shikai said coldly, his voice full of threatening tone.

"Master, do you dictate the original words."

"Yes, tell him the original words." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Hey." The commander withdrew from the account, and quickly rushed to the county. The reason why Ye Shikai placed the supplies from the rear in the city was that the county had a solid wall as a defense. Compared with the temporary warehouse, the county It is much safer, both, and it is also to show the people their determination and to stabilize the people's hearts.

"I've let go of the ruthless words. After one month, I came home with a full load, or my reputation fell, and it was all up to you." Ye Shikai said to the dozens of thousands of captains in the camp.

"Please rest assured that there will be a finale, to ensure that Yan Yu's first level is cut off and sent over." Mancang is a strong general and the best candidate for the vanguard.

"Very good, how many people do you need." Ye Shikai sighed.

"It only takes two thousand sergeants to set foot on Beast Mountain."

"Okay, I'll give you three thousand elite soldiers, but I don't expect you to wipe them all out. The beast mountain is rugged. The mountain roads and paths are complicated. You can't wipe them all out, but there is a peak outside the beast mountain called Yingling. According to the local Orion, only eagles can fly to the top, so it is called Yingling, where the thief army built a camp, which is also the gateway to Beast Mountain. After breaking through here, the army can enter the mountain as much as possible. "Ye Shikai in A landmark is indicated on the map.

"Master, rest assured, leave it to the general."

"I'll give you a week, is it enough?" Ye Shikai said lightly.

"I only need three days." Mancang said firmly. For such a powerful player, he can use the radical method. One week is intentionally long by Ye Shikai, in order to stimulate Mancang's desire to survive, the longer he is, It is tantamount to denying his strength. For an acute man like Mancang, this is an incentive.

"What if you can't make it."

"The end general is willing to guarantee with a human head and issue a military order."

"Okay, I wish you every success." Ye Shikai stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

"Oh, the general will retreat first." Mancang nodded and turned to leave the camp.

"Everyone has to perform his or her own duties. I bluntly say that in front of me, if anyone dares to neglect, I don't need the county captain's order, I will kill you first."

"Please be assured, adults, they will go all out."

"Go to soup and dance, never die."

Xie Yeshikai asked everyone to go back first, leaving Shang Guanjian alone. These thousand captains were all personally carried by him, and each person had his own advantages.

"Laoye, Yingling is a peak of the Beast Mountain. The thief army set up the portal camp there, and he wanted to use the terrain to repel the enemy. Although Mancang is a mighty general, I am not worried that he will fear the war. However, on such terrain, it is not possible to win by momentum alone. "Shang Guanjian expressed his concerns.

"I understand what you are saying. In the face of this situation, we should be clever, but at the moment we do n’t have enough time. Once the war is prolonged, it will do us no good, but let alone tens of thousands of people stationed there. Here, the supply of military rations is also a problem, but you are right, you must be quick and you ca n’t be rude. "Ye Shikai nodded.

"Why do you still let Mancang be a pioneer?"

"Although Mancang is the vanguard, the command is still me. If Mancang is fully commanded, I am afraid that Brother 3,000 will not be able to capture it. Could I really kill him?" Ye Shikai spoke sharply, just now Mancang issued a military order in front of everyone and guaranteed it with his head, just to motivate the generals. If Ye Shikai was not 100% sure, how could he "speak". New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"You mean ... you already have a way to break the enemy."

"Of course, remember Longshan."

当然 "Of course, that was the first time we led the army, but at that time, the size of the army was still very small. Compared with now, it was just a small fight."

"Remember how we broke through the camp at that time."

"what do you mean……"

"Get Xue San."


Late at night.

"Since the military order has been issued, the mission must be fulfilled and the mission must be completed." Xue San brought the "Special Operations Team" to the camp. This team was originally formed by Ye Shikai and picked out the body from the army. Strong people, equipped with sophisticated weapons, Ye Shikai taught them the principles of special operations, specializing in performing tasks that ordinary sergeants could not complete. Starting

"This time, I can't act with you, Xue San, you need to pay more attention." Ye Shikai patted his shoulder. He is now the general and needs to command the overall situation. Naturally, he cannot follow the team. This time, Xue Sanya Lead the team into the Yingling camp village, open the gate, and then Mancang led the 3000 iron armored army, and the whole army covered the enemy while they were unprepared.

"Yinglingyingzhai is the enemy's portal. They will definitely deploy heavy troops here. Be careful when you dive in."

"Well." Xue San led the team and set off under the cover of the night. They were not only a "special squad", but also ~ ~. They were also a "death squad". If they were found by the enemy, they would There is no doubt about death.

"Notify Mancang, let him stand by, and when he sees the signal arrow, the whole army rushes up to break through the camp."


After half an hour.

Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian led the soldiers to a high and low place, anxiously waiting for Xue San's signal arrow. Frankly, Ye Shikai didn't want Xue San to take risks. The relationship between the two was very good, but the whole army talked about it. Fei Yan walked the wall, climbed the wall and climbed the rock, and concealed the investigation ability, which was no better than Xue San.


Suddenly, there was a harsh noise in the air, and everyone looked up. It was the signal arrow they waited for a long time.

Fight, rush.

At the same time, a shout came from under the mountain, and the cold-lighted iron coat was the 3000 iron armour led by Mancang.

"Lao Ye, Xue San, they should have succeeded. If nothing unexpected happens, I think that at most half an hour, the entire camp can be taken down by a full warehouse." Seeing this situation, Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian were relieved.

走 "Let's go and see."

Yingyingling camp village.

"Strange, there is no sound of fighting." Taking a closer look, Ye Shikai was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that it is now time for war, but the inside of the camp village is quiet, and if you look closely, the camp door is wide open. Guard soldiers.

"How is this going."

"General Hui Hui, there are only a hundred people in the camp, and we almost captured the camp without encountering resistance."


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