Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1502: Stabilize people's hearts

"Our army's purpose for this is confidential, and there will be no comment." Ye Shikai said lightly, glanced at several merchants in front of him, half doubting and half curious in his eyes, although this time he brought 10,000 sergeants, Hao The mightyness is inevitably caused by the movement, but today they have just set off. As for the specific departure date, only a few leaders such as Ye Shikai know, so why did these merchants come here so coincidentally, and it was still a big night when they came in, and asked directly Whether they will march into Beast Mountain.

"The general does not have to be nervous. We are not elaborate. We are indeed merchants in Baima County. Please check the army." The leading merchants heard the vigilance in Ye Shikai's tone and explained again and again.

"Since you are merchants, why are you here late at night." Beast Hill is the periphery of Baima County. If the insurgents above come out in a nest, then Baima County will bear the brunt. At this critical moment, these people claim to be merchants of Baima County. It is indeed suspicious.

"I don't know about the general. There are many merchants in Baima County. They usually travel to various counties. Now the rebels are active in the Beast Mountains. Especially in recent days, merchants have evacuated from the county in batches. We are one of them."

"That's it, everyone please sit down." Ye Shikai asked the sergeant to move his seat and motioned them to sit down.

"I don't know what's going on in the county now." Ye Shikai asked.

"The thieves of the Beast Mountain had spread the news in the city a few days ago, and they wanted to wash the county town. So in the past few days, many merchants and people have left the county with their belongings. The situation is serious and is still worsening. From today, the county The order blocked the city gates and could only go in but not out. It also called many people to guard the city. We, the last of them, came out, "the leading merchant explained.

"Lao Ye, what they said should be true. We did meet a lot of people along the way, and they all ran out of Baima County."

"It seems that we have arrived very late, and we can't delay it anymore." Ye Shikai did not expect that the situation had deteriorated to such a situation, no wonder Ma Yao repeatedly urged them to go out.

"Well, fortunately we are here."

"Don't worry, when we come here, we are here to conquer the beasts of Beast Mountain, and the peace of the people." Ye Shikai confirmed their identities, and he no longer concealed them. He originally wanted to hide the trail and attack the Beast Mountain. Yes, but now it seems that their every move is in the eyes of these "exiles". From another perspective, their trip can only succeed, not fail, otherwise they will not only lose the army but also the people. On the contrary, if they win, they can not only improve morale, but also stabilize the people's hearts and help turn the tide.

"Without concealing generals, I still know a little about these thieves."

"please say."

"The leader of these thieves, Yan Yu, heard that he was a general of Wei State. After Wei State was destroyed, Yan Yu fell into the grass and became a pirate. He was originally a mountain king. The insurgents set themselves up and wanted to counterattack the county. "

"Yan Yu's gall is so big, she even thought about hitting the county with these robbers. Isn't it too much of us?" Shang Guanjian punched a hammer on the table and said loudly.

"This general, don't despise the enemy. This Yan Yu is not a wine bag and rice bag. He repeatedly sent soldiers to siege in the county. All were defeated, and even the Beast Mountain did not enter."

"Do you mean, are we wine pouches?" Mancang said coldly.

"No no no, the general misunderstood."

"Yeah." Ye Shikai called out to signal the generals to retreat, and asked the sergeant to serve tea to several merchants.

"How much do you know about Beast Mountain?" Ye Shikai asked, knowing himself and knowing one another, and he was not in a lot of battles. Before he arrived, he had to know as much as possible about Beast Mountain, especially the terrain.

"The beast mountain is scarcely visited and the terrain is rugged. Only hunters and villagers who are familiar with the terrain will enter. We are only merchants and sell some animal skins and medicinal materials. We have never entered the mountain."

"In this case, then forget it." Ye Shikai rubbed his temples gently. After all, they are just the most common merchants, and of course they will not run into the mountains.

"You said just now that only households and villagers who are familiar with the terrain will enter the mountain. At this moment, are these thieves on the mountain also born of hunters?" Shang Guanjian asked.

"Well, there should be a lot of hunters. Many of these thieves are the Kings of the Beasts. They know the terrain quite well, so when the generals enter the mountains, they should not be taken lightly." Tao, time, place, and harmony, Ye Shikai does not occupy time and place, and can only rely on "people and peace."


The next day.

"Lao Ye, watching this weather is not conducive to our march." Early in the morning, there was rain in the air.

"Yeah, the rainy season is coming." Ye Shikai looked cold and cold ~ ~ Unconsciously, he has entered the rainy season. This is not a weather conducive to troop dispatch, but the situation in Baima County is really critical, and they are helpless. In the next half month, it will rain every day, and the rain will be continuous. Along the way, Ye Shikai saw many people running away and passed by the army. Everyone wrote panic and fear on their faces. The city was blocked, but There are still many people in the village. They do not have solid city walls. What is more worrying is that the county's defense team has been transferred back to the county and shrunk to defend, which is equivalent to giving up these villages.

"Shangguan, how far is it?"

"In another hour, we will reach the foot of the mountain."

"Okay, you send a team of people, send this letter to the White Horse County Order, and inform the people in the city that I have led my troops to the Beast Hill. Within a month, I will take the first level of Yan Yu and hang from the market. Let the people do not need to worry. "Ye Shikai said firmly, the generals behind him looked at each other.

怎么 "Why, didn't you hear me?" Ye Shikai repeated.

"Lao Ye, we haven't even started fighting now, you just say that, wouldn't it be too early." Shang Guanjian knew that Ye Shikai was not a man of great joy, and would never exaggerate himself before the outcome was clear, but today he is abnormal. It's not like his style.

"The people's hearts have been shaken. Our immediate priority is to stabilize the people's hearts and restore order. If the people have run out, we are truly isolated." Ye Shikai said faintly. "Okay, this is my military order. You are responsible for implementing it. In addition, Let the Baima County Magistrate be responsible for the logistics of our army, and the ordnance and food sent from Liyang should first be stored in the county seat. "

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