Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1368: shelter

The attack came suddenly, and there was no time for everyone to respond. Several people were shot down by the arrows. Ye Shikai wanted to save people, but the crossbow like a raindrop was coming instantly, and even the shield was too late. No matter who it was, Feeling helpless, he could only watch the sergeant's arrow die.

"Abominable." Ye Shikai ordered the shield soldiers to form a shield formation, but the sergeants who came were lack of training and were suddenly attacked. They were no longer fighting and chaotic. Only retreating backwards, Ye Shikai could only take a few close friends, one by ten, hard Lively blocked the pursuit.

At this time, the enemy suddenly heard a sound of horns. When the wolfs heard this horn, they stopped and retreated, evacuated along the complicated and dense alleys, and never fell in love. Ye Shikai had not even reacted, and the crowd had disappeared. To the north of the village is a deep mountain. If the enemies of the wolf tribe enter the forest, it is "like a fish", let alone a hundred or two hundred people, even if it is one or two thousand people, throwing into this deep mountain is like spilling into the sky. The bowl of water that went out soon disappeared.

"Dammit." Ye Shikai could not help cursing, the enemy secretly knew that even if they were chasing into the mountains and thousands of mountains, they did not know which one they went. Casualties, and the task of these two thousand sergeants is to drive Yandu as fast as possible, not to chase down these infiltrating wolves.

five minutes later.

"The chief of Tun, they are." Mancang arrived with the brigade Qin Bing, but only saw the bodies of more than a dozen Qin soldiers on the ground, as well as a group of timid soldiers on the ground. Man became a living target under the wolf's bow and arrow. According to Qin Jun's military order, this was to be executed.

"Let them all run away." Ye Shikai was also unwilling. If it were not for the coldness of these sergeants, at least there would not be so many people, and they would even be able to catch them.

"Asshole." Mancang saw this, and was out of breath. Among the dead soldiers was his former brother Wu Wei, holding a long knife in one hand, and emptied the three old man in the corner.

"Old thing, you dare to secretly communicate with enemy forces, killing so many brothers, according to Qin's law, it is enough to crack your car, I killed you." Full of anger, he raised a long knife, and wanted to break the old man with two swords. To resolve the resentment in his heart, indeed, if he had not concealed it, Ye Shikai would not have been in ambush, and he could even wipe them out in one fell swoop.

"The adults are killing their lives, and the villains are also subject to their coercion. The lives of the young women and children in the village are in their hands. The villains are really ... helpless."

"Shelter the enemy and help them secretly. In accordance with the Qin law, you must be executed in the whole village. Are you afraid of the wolf, aren't you afraid of us? There are two thousand people outside the village. As long as you give an order, you must Execution. "Mancang was also excited. If the whole village were to be punished, it would be too serious.

"Retreat from the warehouse." Ye Shikai snapped, and Mancang let go of the three old men.

"My lord, my lord's life, we are forced into helplessness. If we want to punish, my lord will only punish the old one, and never punish others." The three elders shed tears, kneeling at Ye Shikai's feet.

"Master Tun, you must not forgive this old man, otherwise the brothers would not have died in vain."

"Okay, I will discuss the punishment with Shangguan personally. You don't need to say much. Let Shangguan bring someone in, the army to cook and rest, and then send a team of people to patrol the village to prevent the lurking wolf."


"What are you going to do with this matter?" Shangguanjian looked dignified, and the death of a dozen soldiers, although the loss was not great, but after all they just set off, they suffered from this kind of thing. The point is, this time things are bad.

"This time it turned out that even the three old men colluded with the wolf tribe. If you don't deal with him, the anger of the army will probably not be resolved." Ye Shikai was listening beside him, hesitating for a long time, Shangguan Jian muttered.

"I have no opinion on the result of San Lao's disposition. This time, he has the greatest responsibility." Eventually, Ye Shikai spoke. This time, San Lao had an unshirkable responsibility. Although Ye Shikai was kind, it was clear that this was not San Lao's original intention. But here is Qin Guo, after all, if you do something, you have to take responsibility.

"There are also a few soldiers. According to the military order, their comrades-in-arms escaped, and their family members also served in military service."

"Lao Ye, don't you have any comments?" Shang Guanjian asked.

"I don't have any opinion either. Now the army's heart is still not united, and some people will flee in small battles. If they enter the battlefield, these people will kill thousands or even tens of thousands of people." Ye Shikai was also very anxious when he was Right at the scene, he almost cut people with a sword.

"As for the villagers, they are all people who have sheltered the wolf tribe, according to the laws of the Qin Kingdom ..."

"There are many women, children and children among them." Ye Shikai interrupted him before Shang Guanjian finished speaking.

"I know, you are not the kind of person who likes to kill innocent people." Shang Guanjian said lightly.

"These women and children may not even know that the wolf tribe is coming. Moreover, this is also something they did under their coercion. If it is for blame, the village is controlled by the infiltrated wolf tribe. Does n’t the local county and county's garrison have it? Responsible. "

"So, don't you want to punish others." Shang Guanjian asked.

"I'm just talking about it. As for the final decision, it's in your hands."

"Since you don't approve of ~ ~, it would be enough to kill the three old men this time. As for the new old man in the new village, just find another person to serve."

"Lao Ye, you said that if we really meet the wolf clan, can we have a chance of winning with these people now?" Shang Guanjian suddenly asked.

"If the number is superior, we have a 60% chance of winning. If the number is equal, we have a 30% chance of winning. If the number of people is inferior, our chance of winning is almost zero." Ye Shikai said objectively, but it was objective, and they were not experienced. The battle-defying frontier troops are not a group of peasants. They have no actual combat experience. If they can give Ye Shikai two months, at least they can train them to fight the wolf tribe. But now, where There are two months.

"Master, it's not good. All the wells in the village have been poisoned. The army can't supply water. How can we march?" At this time, Mancang suddenly walked in, and the river outside the village was poisoned by the wolf tribe. Well water poisoned.

"The three old men once said that the source of some well water is mountain springs. These spring veins are buried deep in the mountains, and the wolf tribe should not be so easy to find."

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