Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1367: Well water is poisonous

Two thousand sergeants, and three hundred cavalrymen, so many people were handed over to Ye Shikai and Shangguanjian. From this, we can see how reassuring Han Hao was to them. Although Shangguanjian was still a hundred generals at this time, Ye Shikai was still the chief. But with so many men and women under their command, they can be called "thousand captains".

Compared with the original distance, although the trail takes a few more paths, it is also relatively hidden. There are many small intersections here, which are only marked on the fine military map. Therefore, the wolf clan should not be aware of the existence of this route.

Early morning.

"Shangguan, we hurried all night and rest a little." Ye Shikai pointed to a village in front of him and said.

"Yeah, there are cooking smoke in that village. There should be many villagers. After we go in, we can supply water." Shang Guanjian replied that, compared with dry food, if the water source is half a month, it would be an extreme for sergeants. The burden is large, so they have only prepared the water source for three days. As for the subsequent water supply, they need to be taken from the passing wells and rivers.

"The army advances, enters the village." Shang Guanjian exclaimed.

"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai said suddenly, the sky above the village seemed to be faintly smoky. If it is normal cooking, the cooking smoke is white, but why would it emit black smoke.

"Suddenly, there was black smoke in front of you, or else you would bring a large army to wait here, and I would take five hundred infantrymen to investigate the situation first." Ye Shikai suggested. Starting

"Yeah, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years, then you should hurry up, we have to rush the road day and night. If there is no abnormality, the army will immediately enter the village to rest."

"Okay." Ye Shikai nodded, let Mancang nod five hundred sergeants, and slowly approached the village.

"Tunist, this doesn't seem to be unusual." When everyone entered the village, Mancang looked at the environment in the village. The villagers were working, women were weaving at home, and they were busy doing housework.

"Can't be taken lightly. Since the Wolves can send so many cavalry into the Qin Dynasty, it is necessary to obstruct the front-line logistical support and the recruitment of soldiers at all costs. This village is very remote and it is difficult to protect it." //

"Tun Chang rest assured, I'll take someone to see first." Mancang stepped forward with his brothers and shouted, "Who is the oldest man in the village, come out quickly."

The villagers around the village heard the roar of Mancang, they couldn't help but startled, but also, looking at Mancang's fierce look, they thought where the killing **** came from.

"This military grandfather, I am the oldest man in the village, what's the matter?" At this time, an old man walked over quickly, followed by a few young men in the village, showing fear.

"Okay, let me tell you." Ye Shikai got off the horse, and Mancang, who had a long knife in his hand, must not scare the villagers.

"Three old men, we are going to the front to join the army, passing by expensive land, I don't know if you have seen any suspicious people, or the army of the wolf tribe."

这 "This ... the village has not had any contact with the outside world, and no strangers have appeared in the village recently." San Lao answered in a panic.

"Well, may I have water in your land?" Ye Shikai's face changed slightly, and then Feng Feng asked.

"Yes, yes, there are eleven wells in the village, the water is sweet ..."

"That's great, I'm just talking dry, San Lao quickly take us." Mancang said impatiently, marching overnight, the sergeant and warhorse were hungry and thirsty.

"Okay, my grandfather, please come with me." The three old men responded again and again, and a few young men from the village led Ye Shikai to a well in the north of the village.

"Mr. Lao, there is a well in front of this village. Why do you want to get closer and take us to the north of the village?" Ye Shikai faced doubts, and along the way, the population in this village should be small, but there are many houses, The houses on both sides of the road seemed to have been deserted for a long time.

"This ... Grandpa has no idea. The source of the well water in the village is not the same. Some of the wells are sourced from rivers outside the village, and the other part of the wells are mountain springs, the springs are deep, cool and sweet. This well That's it. "

"Give me a water scoop." Mancang took a large water scoop, scooped a spoonful of water from the well, and was about to send it to his mouth.


Suddenly, Ye Shikai stretched out his whip and knocked over the water scoop suddenly.

"Tunist, you are ..." Mancang looked at Ye Shikai in puzzlement.

"San Lao, you drink first." Ye Shikai took the water scoop and handed it to San Lao.

这 "This ... the villain is not thirsty."

"Not because you are not thirsty, but because ... it has been poisoned." Ye Shikai slammed the water into the ground.

好 "Well, you old man, dare to poison." Mancang picked up San Lao's collar and raised him all in the air.

"Army, forgive me, forgive me."

Seeing this, the youth in several villages rushed over but were stopped by a few sergeants.

Ye Yekai glanced at them. The faces of these youths showed no fear at all. Even facing Qin Bing's spear sword, they were not panicking. It was not like an ordinary villager.

"Not good, be careful." Ye Shikai suddenly shouted, while talking, the young men suddenly pulled out a sharp blade from their sleeves ~ ~ and darted into the unprepared Qin Bing.

"Everyone be careful, they are wolves." Ye Shikai pulled out his sword and reminded loudly. At the same time, many men wearing weapons and wearing civilian clothes rushed out of the nearby houses, although they were not wearing wolf clothes. , But the weapon on hand revealed their identity.

The wolf's long sword and dagger are weapons that the people of Central Plains cannot get. Looking at the palms of these people is full of calluses. These are the characteristics of holding swords for a long time. The most important thing is to look at these people's The eyes are all ruthless characters.



The fight broke out immediately. A dozen wolves suddenly jumped off the roof. They shot very quickly, apparently trained, killed with a knife, and four or five Qin army fell instantly. Here are alleys, long guns. Ge waved very inconveniently. On the contrary, the wolf's dagger and saber were extremely sharp.

"Full warehouse, go out and call someone, I'll give it to your queen." Ye Shikai took the bronze sword and killed two fine works of the Wolf family, and took a few Qin soldiers to guard the alley. Only brought more than twenty people.

"Yes, Chief Tun." Although Mancang was worried about Ye Shikai, the sooner he called someone here, the safer he was. Mancang took a double-knife and chopped all the way to the village.

"Everyone follow me." Ye Shikai took the rest of Qin Bing as he fought and withdrew. Many wolf tribal works emerged from the roof, holding a crossbow and throwing arrows at the alley.

"On top of the shield." Ye Shikai personally took the shield to block the arrows, and the sergeant behind him retreated.


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