During the process of making clay sculptures, Shi Quan was keenly aware of one thing. This kind of single-focused clay sculpture making may not only improve the compatibility of clay martial arts, but also improve spiritual power.

If you use martial soul clay to create a good, vivid and even soulful work, you need to concentrate all your mental power into the martial soul during the entire process. This process can definitely achieve a kind of spiritual training. Effect.

His father's flexible control of martial arts consumes the power of his own mind, that is, mental power. If he controls it for too long, Shi Jian will feel tired.

"Xiao Quan, you did a great job."

Shi Jian's eyes were full of shock as he looked at Shi Quan, who had woken up from the state just now. He started learning to make clay sculptures at the age of six. The state Shi Quan was in just now was by chance when he was eighteen or nineteen years old. After entering, the whole person is immersed in the making of clay sculptures, reaching a level of selflessness.

In his plan, it was already good that Shi Quan could reach this level of selflessness in these three months. However, now that Shi Quan has already reached this level of selflessness in less than half a month, how could he? Not surprised.

"Is this the talent of a soul master?" Shi Jian thought to himself, and he was sincerely happy for Shi Quan.

"Xiao Quan, remember the feeling just now. In the next time, you must be able to enter that state as much as possible. Practice makes perfect. When you can control it freely, it will be time for you to try to use Wuhun to make Time for clay sculpture.”

After Shi Quan thought about the feeling just now, he nodded and said, "I understand, Dad."

He is currently only using ordinary clay to make clay sculptures. According to Shi Jian, only after he can freely immerse himself in the clay sculpture making process can he try to use Wuhun to make clay sculptures.

It looks like an ordinary clay sculpture, but it is not as simple as imagined, and the feeling of selflessness and immersion is not so easy to enter.

If Shi Quan hadn't developed the habit of reading since he was a child, his mind would be easier to calm down than ordinary people. Coupled with the assistance of the spirit soul, it would have been impossible for him to reach this state for the first time in half a month.

This state of concentration, selflessness, and immersion is very special.

Even if it cannot help Shi Jian improve his ability to control martial arts, this special state will be of great benefit to his practice.

With the help of the spirit soul, after seven days, Shi Quan entered this state of selflessness for the second time. During the entire practice, Shi Quan could feel that his mental power was also affected and improved subtly, allowing him to The perception of the soul martial soul has been significantly enhanced.

As the number of times increased, Shi Quan became more and more comfortable in entering this selfless state. After more than two months, he had almost reached the point where he could enter this selfless state every day.

As Shi Jian expected, this state of selfless immersion is not only useful for controlling martial arts, but also assists and improves his cultivation. The cultivation speed will be a few points faster than normal, although not much. But there has been considerable improvement over time.

This kind of concentrated and meditative study and practice makes Shi Quan appear more stable, allowing him to subconsciously calm down when doing things, and he can quickly immerse himself in it.

It may seem like a simple clay sculpture, but the benefits of doing such a thing well are far beyond Shi Quan's expectations.

Shi Quan still somewhat admired his father in his heart. An ordinary person could actually do this.

In the world of Douluo, there are not many external influences. It is rare for an ordinary person like Shi Jian, who devotes his whole life to one thing, to understand the power of martial arts from this extremely ordinary thing. The control method, in addition to the coincidence of the martial souls, is more a reflection of Shi Jian's own talent.

"If dad were born in a world where he cultivates and understands Taoism, he would be a genius."

Three months passed quickly in this fulfilling cultivation.

This special state made him feel a bit similar to the enlightenment state in previous life novels. Although similar, there were obvious differences.

Now he has been able to enter this special state freely, but what gives Shi Quan a headache is that there is a prerequisite for this, that is, he must have the assistance of spiritual souls.

Therefore, he also gave this special state a name "Lingwu".

Now, only by relying on his soul martial soul can he quickly clear away the distracting thoughts in his heart and immerse himself wholeheartedly in the state of spiritual enlightenment.

The more times he enters the spiritual enlightenment state, the more Shi Quan admires his father in his heart. The spiritual enlightenment state has a comprehensive increase in the spiritual master's training, and this increase will most likely only increase as his strength increases.

Especially for the ninety-fifth level Titled Douluo, if Shi Quan remembers correctly, the original work seems to have said that the Titled Douluo after level ninety-five does not rely on the accumulation of soul power, but on the understanding of one's own martial soul. , if this is assisted by the spiritual enlightenment state, there will be no bottlenecks after level ninety-five.

If this news spreads, I'm afraid the entire continent will be shaken.

Of course, Shi Quan wasn't sure. After all, Tang Fozu's soul power level soared straight up, but there was nothing he needed to understand.

Although the spiritual enlightenment state is strong, it also has some disadvantages, because in the spiritual enlightenment state, all the consciousness and thoughts of the whole person are immersed in something, which will cause one to ignore time and even everything around him. Once he encounters danger, he will not have time to react. , so you must be in a safe place to enter the state of spiritual enlightenment.

"Xiao Quan, just rest today."

Shi Quan paused as soon as he stepped into the clay sculpture room and looked at Shi Jian in the clay sculpture room with confusion, "What's wrong, dad? Why don't you practice today?"

Shi Jian said calmly: "Tomorrow you will go to the Soul Master Academy in Notting City to study. You have been going there for a year. During this time, you have been in this clay sculpture room every day. On the last day, I will go to accompany you. Mom."

"I know dad."

Shi Quan's expression moved slightly. He had been practicing every day during this period. He really didn't notice the problem of time. He didn't expect that he would go to the academy so soon. Li Meili had loved him since he was a child, so he wanted to send Shi Quan to study. , presumably his mood must not be high. Shi Jian should have also noticed Li Meili's mood, so he specifically asked him to accompany Li Meili.

Arriving in front of the courtyard, Li Meili was sitting quietly in the courtyard at this time, looking at the deck chair on one side of the courtyard in a daze. The deck chair was not big and it was prepared for Shi Quan. Shi Quan usually sat there. I like to lie on it and bask in the sun and read a book.

During these three months of daily practice, Shi Quan had never laid down once, but the recliner was still spotlessly clean.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Shi Quan came behind Li Meili and hugged Li Meili from behind.

"Why didn't you practice today?" Hearing the voice behind him, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Li Meili's face.

Shi Quan chuckled and said playfully: "Don't you miss our beautiful mother?"

"Why is our Xiaoquan's mouth so sweet?" Li Meili chuckled, turned around and picked Shi Quan into her arms, "Mom will cook whatever delicious food you want for lunch!"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy rabbit..." Shi Quan counted them one by one with his fingers, and within a short time he ordered a large list of food, "...I like everything mom makes~"

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

In just a few words, Shi Quan made Li Meili smile.

Happy time always passes quickly, and the night falls quickly amid the laughter and laughter.

In the room, Shi Quan rarely returned to the room and started practicing immediately. Instead, he stared at the moonlight outside the window and was stunned for a while, thinking of the Soul Master Academy that was about to enter and the Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Grandmasters in the Soul Master Academy. , Shi Quan was rarely a little distracted.

He was somewhat looking forward to the outside world, and he also felt reluctant to part ways.

early morning.

Amidst the scent of porridge, Shi Quan woke up from his practice. For three months, he spent every night in practice. He still only has a few general rules for triggering treasure chests in the system. He has tried several times in the past three months, but there has been no response. Now he can only rely on his own diligence and hard work to improve his strength as much as possible.

After three months of hard training, his soul power level has also been raised to level five, and he is not far away from level six. At this rate of improvement, he is confident of breaking through level 20 before graduating from junior college.

In the main room, Li Meili had already prepared breakfast for the two of them, and they had packed Shi Quan's things in advance. In order to send Shi Quan off, the two of them specially wore brand-new clothes. Of course, new clothes were indispensable. Shi Quan's.

Although they live in a village, Shi Quan's family is not poor. After all, Shi Jian's craftsmanship is there, and his clay sculptures are enough to keep his family fed and clothed.

"Xiao Quan, come and eat."

Li Meili's call came from the main room.

Maybe it was because Shi Quan was going to the academy today, so the breakfast on the table was extraordinarily rich, all of which were Shi Quan's favorite foods.

Shi Quan's belly quickly bulged after devouring the food. Even though he was full, there was still nearly two-thirds of the breakfast on the table.

Can't finish it, can't finish it at all.

Shi Quan touched his swollen belly and looked satisfied, making Li Meili giggle.

After the three of them had breakfast, the carriage that Shi Jian had arranged in advance had already been parked outside their house. They simply packed up and loaded the prepared things onto the carriage one by one, and the group started to drive towards Notting City.

The things they prepared for Shi Quan were very complete, including bedding, pillows, mats, clothes, shoes, and toiletries.

Shi Jian was driving the carriage, and Shi Quan and Li Meili were sitting in the back. Along the way, the three of them were talking and laughing as if they were traveling. Of course, Shi Jian's instructions were also indispensable. Shi Quan also knew about the special state of spiritual enlightenment. He knew the importance and would not expose it casually. Without Shi Jian's guidance, he would have to rely on Shi Quan's own practice.

The speed of the carriage was not very fast, but the distance between Shijia Village and Notting City was not far. Just before noon, the towering city walls of Notting City in the distance could already be seen.

Shi Quan, Li Meili and Shi Jian had been to Notting City many times before, so they were not strangers.

It took a long time to register, and it happened to be close to noon. Shi Jian drove the carriage directly to the door of a hotel in Notting City, intending to have lunch first.

"Hey, Master Shi is here to deliver clay sculptures to the city again? Come and sit here."

As soon as he walked into the hotel, the shopkeeper greeted Shi Jian warmly. The decoration of the hotel was very grand, and there were many exquisite clay sculptures on the cabinets behind the counter. However, just before noon, the store was already full. For those who came to eat, there were only one or two empty tables on the edge.

Shi Jian also smiled and waved to say hello to the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper Li's business is still booming. Today I'm here to see this guy off."

"Oh?" Shopkeeper Li greeted Shi Jian and the others to sit down at an empty table, and his eyes on Shi Quan changed a bit.

Shopkeeper Li is also a good person. People come and go in the restaurant on weekdays. He has seen many different kinds of people and understands many more things than ordinary people. He cupped his fists and congratulated: "Congratulations, Master Shi, for such an unexpected incident." A noble son."

Shi Jian smiled without being arrogant and said: "Shopkeeper Li, you are joking. This is all his own creation."

"Master Shi is still the same as before. You sit down first and I'll ask the chef to serve you some more signature dishes." Shopkeeper Li smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

"Dad, are you familiar with Shopkeeper Li?"

Shi Jian shook his head, "He has ordered clay sculptures from my place twice before, and we only dealt with them briefly twice. However, the taste in his shop is indeed good. Let's eat more soon."

Shi Quan nodded thoughtfully. His father was not only mature and steady, but also extremely shrewd in dealing with people.

What is the restaurant for? The place where we gather to brag and chat is crowded and crowded.

The news that he has a soul master talent will soon be spread among people who know Shi Jian in Notting City through the mouth of shopkeeper Li. After all, it is rare gossip for ordinary people to have a soul master in their family. There is no harm in it. It may be able to help the family increase a lot of business in time, which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Had lunch.

Li Meili was afraid that the things she had prepared were not enough, so she asked Shi Jian to drive the carriage and go shopping on the street again. He said that he was checking for leaks and filling in the gaps. When he saw something he needed, he bought it by the way. Shi Jian understood in his heart. His lover understood that Li Meili wanted to spend more time with Shi Quan, so he obediently drove the carriage towards the street.

The mother and son were having fun while shopping, as if they came to Notting City specifically for shopping.

"Hello sir, do you know where to go from Notting College?"

When the three of them were happily shopping, they were all attracted by an old voice not far away. All three of them subconsciously turned back and looked in the direction of the sound.

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