People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 5 Shi Jian: What is Wuhun?

Boom, boom, boom!

Shi Quan quickly came to the outside of the clay sculpture room behind the courtyard, knocked on the door, and called softly into the house: "Dad?"

Click click click.

After a while, the sound of the lock being released was heard in the room, and the door opened, revealing Shi Jian's tall figure.

"Come in." Shi Jian nodded.

Bang, click.

Another sound of closing and locking came. In order to prevent others from disturbing you, the door of the clay sculpture room can be locked from the inside, so that no one from outside can enter easily.

Once the door was closed, the entire clay sculpture room seemed a bit dark.

There is only one window in the whole room, and the window is set very high. It is difficult for ordinary people to see inside from the outside. Moreover, the position where Shi Jian made the clay sculpture is right under the window. Even if he looks into the house from the window, he cannot see it. Shi Jian's actions.

"Xiao Quan, come here."

There was an extra seat next to the place where Shi Jian usually made clay sculptures. It seemed that it was specially prepared for Shi Quan.

As soon as Shi Quan sat down, Shi Jian suddenly asked him: "Xiao Quan, what do you think Wuhun is to us?"

Shi Quan was stunned for a moment and then said slowly: "Didn't the book say that Wuhun is a kind of inheritance of our bloodline?"

Shi Jian smiled and said: "The book does say so, but I don't think so."

"Dad, what do you think Wuhun is?" Hearing Shi Jian say this, Shi Quan suddenly became curious.

"I think martial arts come from the power within us. It may be related to bloodline, but it's definitely not just bloodline. After all, our ancestors can't be just a ball of mud, right?"

"It really could be a ball of mud!"

Hearing what Shi Jian said, Shi Quan secretly thought, after all, he can encounter such things as time travel. In the myths and legends of previous lives, wasn't human beings created by Nuwa who made humans out of clay?

Although he was thinking this, Shi Quan naturally couldn't say it out loud, but asked: "Dad, what do you mean?"

Shi Jian still said calmly: "In my opinion, the martial spirit is a manifestation of inner power. It is a part of our body. Even if there is no soul power, it can still be controlled by our own will!"

Shi Jian's voice was still calm, but as he finished speaking, his whole person looked richer and much taller.

Shi Quan tightened his grip on the seat, and stared at Shi Jian in front of him with wide eyes. For some reason, he felt that Shi Jian in front of him seemed to have changed. There was no trace of soul power fluctuations in his body, but At this time, the whole person gave people a feeling of being as thick and stable as the earth, and people couldn't help but feel that he was very reliable.

"Do you feel it?" Shi Jian smiled, and his whole body returned to normal again.

Shi Quan stood up suddenly and said angrily to Shi Jian: "Dad, you still said you are not a master?"

"Don't be arrogant and impatient." Shi Jian shook his head towards Shi Quan, motioned for him to sit down, and then slowly said: "Your dad is just an ordinary person. What I just showed is what I call inner strength, which is martial arts." The power of the soul, you first release your martial soul."


Shi Quan nodded. He didn't know if it was due to Shi Jian's influence. His restless heart suddenly calmed down, and his whole person became calmer. The soul power in his body surged, and a faint blue light appeared in his body. In an instant, a blue grass appeared in his hand.

"Blue Silver Grass." Shi Jian looked at it and then said, "Xiao Quan, can you bend the left leaf of your Blue Silver Grass?"

"I'll try." Although Shi Quan didn't understand Shi Jian's purpose, he still actively tried. But with this attempt, he understood the difficulty. It was not difficult to bend the entire Bluesilver Grass again, but If you want to control individual branches and leaves of Blue Silver Grass, there will be no response at all.

After many attempts, Shi Quan's brows had already furrowed into the character "Sichuan", but he still couldn't do it.

"That's okay, Xiaoquan."

Shi Jian also spoke in time, and then raised his right hand. The earth-yellow light condensed and turned into a palm-sized mud ball in his hand, which was Shi Jian's martial soul mud.


As Shi Jian finished speaking, his whole body suddenly became focused, and the soil in his hand actually started to move in the next second.

Under Shi Quan's shocked eyes, the ball of soil began to continuously change into various shapes, ovals, squares, and rectangles. Not only that, the soil even began to change in size and began to change into more complex things, tables of different sizes. Chairs, pots and pans were transformed in his hands in just a few breaths.

However, this was not the limit of Shi Jian. When the soil turned into a lump again, the soil began to change slightly.

Clay sculpture!

In less than a quarter of an hour, a vivid clay sculpture of a bird appeared in Shi Jian's hands. During the whole process, Shi Jian did not even move. The clay martial spirit in his hands seemed to have its own His consciousness was ordinary and he immediately turned into a bird.

Shi Quan, who was standing aside, was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he didn't know what to say.

From what he knew, he had never heard of anyone who could control the martial soul to such a delicate level, and that was without soul power.

Shi Quan only felt that his throat was a little dry and hoarse. After a long time, he came back to his senses and asked: "Dad... how did you do that!"

Shi Jian raised his hand and pointed at his heart, "This is the inner strength I'm talking about. In my opinion, the martial spirit is a part of the body and the embodiment of our inner thoughts. As long as we understand our own hearts and our inner strength is strong enough, The martial spirit itself can be controlled by us and act according to our thoughts."

"Dad what should I do."

Shi Quan's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the secret of Shi Jian's clay sculpture was this.

In Shi Quan's view, Shi Jian's special spirit control method is much more exaggerated than the distracted control of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

It can be called the control of martial souls. Even without soul power, he can control the martial souls to make arbitrary actions. It may not have much impact on animal martial souls and weapon martial souls, but for plant-type martial souls, For elemental martial souls, once you learn how to control the martial soul, it will definitely be a qualitative leap in improving your strength.

He didn't know how Shi Jian did it, but he also understood why Shi Jian was so cautious and had to be alone every time he made clay sculptures.

If the secret of Shi Jian's ability to control Wuhun so freely were spread, their family would definitely not be at peace.

"Your martial spirit is different from mine, but we reach the same goal by different paths. I can only teach you based on my previous insights. I'm not sure whether you can learn it."

Shi Jian shook his right hand, and the bird clay sculpture in his hand turned into substance and fell into his hand.

This is the special thing about Shi Jian's mutated clay martial spirit. After the ordinary weapon martial spirit is released, it can only be used by the releaser. Once the martial spirit is withdrawn, the weapon will disappear, but Shi Jian's mutated clay martial spirit cannot It can be manufactured like a food spirit and turned into a real object.

Because Shi Jian has no soul power, although his clay martial soul can be embodied and transformed into substance, it has a certain quantity limit and cannot be produced infinitely.

After hearing Shi Jian's words, Shi Quan slowly recovered from the shock and smiled mysteriously, "Dad, I can definitely learn it, because..."

With that said, Shi Quan shook his right hand, and while the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit disappeared, he immediately raised his left hand, "...I still have a martial spirit like my father!"

"What!" Even though Shi Jian had a calm personality, after hearing Shi Quan's words, his face was full of shock, and his eyes were fixed on Shi Quan's raised left hand.

A faint earthy yellow light spurted out from the palm of Shi Quan's left hand, the brilliance condensed, and soon a ball of soil similar to that in Shi Jian's hand appeared in Shi Quan's hand.

"Really, really..." Shi Jian held Shi Quan's hand holding the soil almost instantly. The thickness of the hand, which was a bit rough, made people feel particularly reassured.

"Dad, I haven't even had time to tell my mother this secret yet, but you are the first one to know."

Shi Quan chuckled. His parents were people he trusted completely. There was no need to hide the secret of his martial arts spirit in front of them.

"Twin martial souls, my son is actually a twin martial soul."

Because Shi Quan likes to read books, and Shi Jian and his wife like to flip through them even if they have nothing to do, Shi Jian knows the concept of Twin Martial Spirits and what they represent.

Shi Jian quickly calmed down, holding Shi Quan's shoulders firmly with both hands, staring at Shi Quan with his eyes, and reminded in a deep voice: "Xiao Quan's twin martial souls are special. You must pay attention to the secret of the twin martial souls." You must not expose it. The world of soul masters is more vicious than the world of ordinary people. When you have something that others do not have, what you bring is often not the compliments and envy of others, but jealousy and jealousy. You must hide your clumsiness in everything, do you understand? ?”

Shi Quan replied with a serious expression: "I know, Dad, I will definitely not reveal the twin martial souls."

"Yes." Shi Jian nodded, "Since you have the same martial spirit as me, it should be easier to learn. Earlier, the village chief came over and discussed with us how to go to the Soul Master Academy. Yes, our village has a free quota for work-study students. The village chief has already applied for you. There are still more than three months left at the college. You must not fall behind in your cultivation. During these three months, you will study with me in the afternoon. For the use of strength, you can practice by yourself in the morning, rest when you need to at night, and combine work with rest."

Shi Quan knew that Shi Jian was talking about his practice last night. After making a simple plan in his mind, he immediately said: "I can study with you during the day. In fact, I didn't rest last night. I practiced all night. I find that I don’t feel tired after practicing, and I feel that normal practicing should be able to replace rest.”

"Cultivation can replace rest?" Shi Jian frowned slightly, doubtful and a little worried.

"Well, don't worry, Dad, I will be careful. If there are any problems, I will tell you as soon as possible. Don't worry."

"Okay." Shi Jian said with a slight sigh after taking a serious look at Shi Quan.

Shi Quan has been smart since he was young and has his own opinions on things. Shi Jian and the others know that, but to them, no matter how smart Shi Quan is, he is only a six-year-old child, so how can they not worry about him?

After a few simple instructions, Shi Jian soon began the first day of teaching.

Shi Jian's so-called inner strength teaching method is also very special.

Play in the mud.

Of course, it’s not just playing around. To put it bluntly, it’s just clay sculpture.

After the age of three, Shi Quan was tired of reading on weekdays, so from time to time he would go to Shi Jian to learn some simple clay sculpture making. Shi Quan had already laid the foundation for the clay sculpture.

However, this time the clay sculpture was different from the previous ones. During the entire production process, Shi Jian was instilling a concept into Shi Quan from beginning to end, which was to abandon all distracting thoughts and devote all his thoughts and attention to it. Concentrate into the soil in your hands.

The whole person is immersed in the outline of the clay 'form', feeling the power of the clay and the natural feeling of making it.

It sounds simple, but in fact it is very difficult to do.

People are easily affected by the distracting thoughts around them, and it is not so easy to immerse yourself in something.

Sometimes, the human brain is like this. The less you think about it, the more you think about it, and you can't control it at all.

At the beginning, Shi Quan couldn't do what Shi Jian asked for. He was easily affected by the slightest noise around him and couldn't immerse himself in it. He seemed very restless.

Fortunately, Shi Jian had been quietly guiding Shi Quan from the side and never showed the slightest hint of irritation. Even so, it took Shi Quan half a month to meet Shi Jian's initial requirements for the first time.

And it was only with the help of Wuhun Soul that I entered this immersive feeling.

This is what Shi Quan discovered unintentionally. When possessed by the spirit soul, his senses and perceptions will be greatly enhanced. Another very special point is that when possessed by the spirit spirit, His thinking will also become more agile than normal.

It was as if he had an extra brain to help him process things. The previous single-core processor became a dual-core processor, and both the processing speed and processing effect were much more efficient than normal.

With Lingso's special talent, Shi Quan finally met Shi Jian's request.

That feeling is very special.

While making it, Shi Quan's eyes were completely focused on the mud ball in his hands. He seemed to be immersed in the mud ball. His hands slowly and continuously sketched on the mud ball. Soon, the simplest clay bowl was made. Appeared in Shi Quan's hands.

Looking at the initially completed clay bowl in his hand, Shi Quan didn't even notice the passage of time. During the short process, Shi Quan felt that his heart was attached to the clay ball.

Feel the earth through the power of concentration.

Shi Quan also understood Shi Jian's purpose.

Concentrate your thoughts wholeheartedly on the clay sculpture. The process of clay sculpture is actually equivalent to a disguised perception. In this process of perception, you can feel the texture, veins, humidity, etc. of the soil. .

The purpose of this process should be to lay the foundation for subsequent communication and understanding with Wuhun to achieve further control of Wuhun.

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