Strange feelings continued to spread within his body, and Shi Quan felt that his body was in an unprecedented state of relaxation. Gradually, the Blue Silver Grass Spirit in his hand began to emit bursts of light blue light, and the surrounding plants seemed to be affected by the Blue Silver Grass Spirit. Under the influence of the soul's aura, it actually began to emit light blue light.

At the beginning, only the plants around Shi Quan would change, but as time went by, this area began to become larger and larger. What was even more strange was that the blue silver grass in Shi Quan's hand did not absorb Shi Quan's The internal energy suddenly grew crazily, spreading in all directions.

Countless light blue rays of light flowed and gathered from the grass, and quickly integrated into the Blue Silver Grass. The Blue Silver Grass martial spirit stretched crazily for a hundred meters before stopping.

When Shi Quan woke up, the originally bright sky now had a bright moon hanging high in the sky.

Everything around him has already returned to its original state, and the blue silver grass in his hand has also returned to its previous size. However, Shi Quan can clearly feel that the perception between the blue silver grass in his hand and the surrounding blue silver grass has become clearer.

Some powerful plant-based soul masters will have a special ability called environmental control after they have reached a high level of cultivation.

You can control creatures of the same attribute with the breath of your own martial soul.

In other words, as long as he controls the environment, Shi Quan's Blue Silver Grass Spirit can directly control the surrounding Blue Silver Grass.

In the original work, Tang San believed that because his Blue Silver Grass had the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor, the Blue Silver Grass Spirit could easily achieve the effect of environmental control.

Although he has not yet reached the level of environmental control, judging from the connection between the Bluesilver Grass Spirit and the surrounding Bluesilver Grass, it is only a matter of time.

Through this training, Shi Quan also understood the abilities brought about by Mengdie's special spiritual inheritance.

Natural and friendly.

Similar to a talent, this talent increases Shi Quan's ability to perceive everything in the world. During practice, he can communicate with all things and transform into each other unconsciously, reaching a state of unity between heaven and man.

Although there is no significant improvement in combat power, the improvement in cultivation is astonishing. With the help of natural affinity, Shi Quan's understanding and perception ability have been significantly improved, and his cultivation speed is much faster than before.

I originally thought that two soul rings and innate abilities were already the biggest bombs, but I didn't expect that this natural affinity would be the real bomb.

"Ameng, how long have I been practicing?" Shi Quan asked.

"About five hours."

Shi Quan then asked: "Has anyone else been here when I was practicing?"

"Don't worry, I was always observing the surroundings when you were practicing. There was no one around." Xiao Meng paused and asked curiously: "Ah Quan, your state when you are practicing is so special. It seems to be the same as mine." The inherited talents are a perfect fit.”

"Are you talking about spiritual enlightenment?" Shi Quan nodded and thought: "The spiritual enlightenment state can focus all my attention on one point, but in this state, it will make me ignore everything around me. It would be dangerous if used outside, so it is rarely used."

Xiaomeng said happily: "You don't have to worry anymore when you are here with me. When you are practicing, I can detect the situation around you. If there is any problem, I will remind you as soon as possible."

"Okay." When Shi Quan used Lingwu when he first started practicing, he also considered that Xiaomeng's existence could help him warn him, so he dared to use it with confidence.

"It's time to go back and try your ability to dream." Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Shi Quan had a faint smile on his lips, got up and rushed towards it.

As he hurried on, he asked: "Ameng, are there any special restrictions on the innate ability to enter a dream?"

Xiaomeng explained: "There is a limit to your strength when you enter a dream. You cannot exceed your strength by too much, otherwise there is a risk of being discovered. Once discovered, you will be counterattacked by the power of the dream and your soul will be damaged. With my current strength Strength can only enter the dreams of those who are dreaming. If the strength is further improved, it can directly enter the consciousness of the sleeping person and guide him to make corresponding dreams."

"Can it still be like this?" Shi Quan's eyes lit up.

Quickly return to the dormitory.

Quickly wash up and tidy up.

"Xiaomeng, is there a dreamland nearby that I can enter?" Shi Quan asked curiously as he went to bed cross-legged.

"There are many." As he spoke, green and white light spots fell from Shi Quan's head. A miniature version of Xiao Meng flew out from Shi Quan's forehead. After circling around Shi Quan's head, it fell between Shi Quan's eyebrows, and only Xiao Meng could be seen. The tentacles on the top of Meng's head were surrounded by bursts of green light and gently touched Shi Quan's forehead.

The next second, Shi Quan felt his whole body light up, and his soul seemed to be out of body. The next second, it appeared on Xiaomeng's back. The world in front of him also changed, and everything in the room turned into blue light. , like an illusory space, he could even see his own figure, and there were many light groups of various colors floating outside the room.

"Ah Quan, these light groups are dreams. You can enter these dreams." Xiaomeng's butterfly wings swayed lightly under her body, and with a blue-white light, she carried Shi Quan directly to a white light group. , "Want to go in and have a look?"

Shi Quan was still looking around curiously. Everything now seemed so unreal and mysterious. After hearing what Xiao Meng said, he said, "Okay."

Xiao Meng's wings fluttered, and a layer of warm white light emitted from her whole body, carrying Shi Quan into the light group.

There was a flash of white light, and Shi Quan felt like he was back in the real world. He looked at the familiar Notting College playground around him. Before Shi Quan could recover, the scene at Notting College quickly changed and he came to Marder's office.

"Ameng, what's going on?"

Xiao Meng explained: "Most people's dreams are composed of a large number of fragments, and there is no fixed development line. Therefore, the dream environment will often change rapidly, unless there is a strong feeling in the heart. Obsession, the content in dreams will be more organized."

"Dean Su, this is the class schedule for this year. Please take a look."

A voice coming from a dream.

The person speaking in the picture is a young teacher from the college.

"Dean Su?" When Shi Quan was confused, he looked at the seat that originally belonged to Marder. At this time, it was Director Su of the college who was sitting.

Shi Quan couldn't help but smile, and then realized that this was probably Director Su's dream. In this dream, he actually wanted to be the dean of Notting College. I'm afraid he had long wanted to be the dean of the college in his heart.

"Dreams often reveal some thoughts and secrets deep in people's hearts. If used well, it is a good ability to dig out the secrets deep in other people's hearts."

Shi Quan looked at Xiao Meng below him and asked: "A Meng, did you just say that you can guide dreams?"

Xiaomeng nodded, "Yes, with my current strength, I can guide as long as I enter the dream, but I can only guide it simply. If the guidance is too serious, the owner of the dream will become resistant and notice our exist."

Shi Quan asked in surprise: "You mean if I were stronger, you could even control dreams?"

Xiaomeng raised her head proudly and said, "That's right."

"It's really strong."

With this ability, as long as you hypnotize people, you can easily dig out the deepest secrets in the enemy's heart, which is comparable to soul searching.

If used more properly, it would be possible to kill people in dreams, brainwash people in dreams, or make people sleep in dreams forever. It is scary to think about these abilities.

After wandering through their dreams with Xiao Meng, Shi Quan's consciousness returned to his body.

Originally, he wanted to see the dreams of Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Yu Xiaogang, but unfortunately, none of them dreamed.

The ability to enter a dream is also very strong, but the dangerous point is that when entering a dream, the body will seem to fall into a deep sleep, without the ability to protect itself, so the ability to enter a dream must be used in a safe place.

"I don't know where the teacher is."

It has been more than half a month since Malder left the academy. Judging from the reputation treasure chest, his theory should have been known to many people. It seems that the plan was successful, but I wonder if he has Xue Qinghe as a backer?

It's useless to think about it now. Everything will be clear when Marder comes back.

In the days that followed, Shi Quan still practiced when he needed to practice and ate when he needed to eat.

At night, I would check to see if Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Yu Xiaogang had any dreams.

The first person who allowed Shi Quan to find the opportunity was Xiao Wu. What made Shi Quan want to laugh the most was that Xiao Wu's dream was actually the dream of himself. The content of the dream was naturally that Xiao Wu beat himself up and knelt down to beg for mercy. I always call him Xiaowujie.

As a result, Xiao Meng couldn't stand it and forcefully redirected the content of the dream in the opposite direction. Instead, Xiao Wu was severely beaten by Shi Quan in the dream. He beat her so much that she cried for father and mother, and woke up directly later. , in the dormitory on the top floor, Shi Quan seemed to hear Xiao Wu's thunderous and angry voice.

Shi Quan also entered Yu Xiaogang's dream. In his dream, Shi Quan saw many people, including Tang Hao, Flanders, Liu Erlong, and even the young Bibi Dong.

In addition to these people, Shi Quan also learned a lot about the martial soul theories and soul master data he studied from his dreams, which was a small gain.

As for Tang San, for half a month, Shi Quan had never encountered him dreaming even once, even if he wanted to see him in his dream, he couldn't.

"Someone is here, Ah Quan."

Hearing Xiaomeng's reminder, Shi Quan immediately woke up from his practice, and his mental power turned into spiritual consciousness and dispersed towards the door.

"The teacher is back!" Shi Quan's eyes brightened visibly when he detected the figure outside the door.

It took Malde a full month to go back and forth.

Boom, boom, boom!

Hearing the knock on the door, Shi Quan quickly stood up and opened the door.

"Xiao Quan."

Malder's familiar voice came. He was dressed in a dusty attire, but judging from his excited voice, the trip should go smoothly.

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