People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 28 Ah Quan, you are good or bad

"This world?" Shi Quan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Ameng, are you from another world?"

"I don't know. I just feel like I don't belong to this world. I seem to have been brought here by some force. Xiaomeng's voice also sounded uncertain.

"Then why did you call me master when you came, A Meng?"

Xiaomeng said cheerfully: "Because you are my master, I only know that I must be good to the master, obey the master's orders, and help the master wholeheartedly."

Listening to Xiaomeng's words, Shi Quan nodded thoughtfully, sighing secretly in his heart that the power of the system is really powerful. The predecessor of Mengdie is definitely not a soul. It is most likely that it was transformed into a soul by power and instilled with it. It is absolutely loyal to its own consciousness.

He doesn't know what the system will do to him in the future, and it's not something he can consider now.

Let’s get back to the point.

"Ameng, can you disguise the color of the two soul rings as yellow?"

"no problem."

As soon as Xiaomeng's voice fell, Shi Quan felt a warmth surge from his eyebrows. The two silver soul rings under his body quickly changed and turned into an ordinary yellow color. They looked no different from century-old soul rings. Shi Quan's Then he nodded with satisfaction.

His attention returned to the soul ring.

After feeling the soul skills brought by the two soul rings, Shi Quan's eyes were filled with horror. For no other reason than these two soul skills were too strong.

Shi Quan named the soul skill brought by the first soul ring Dream Wave. The ability of this soul skill can be range-based or single-target.

After the dream wave is released, it will emit a special aura, which will continuously arouse the enemy's sleepiness, make the enemy mentally exhausted, and continuously reduce the enemy's fighting spirit. People with weak will will directly fall asleep under the influence of the wave. .

This is a group effect. If faced against a single enemy, Dream Wave can form a special attack similar to hypnosis, inducing the enemy to fall into sleep and reducing the enemy's reaction speed in a short period of time.

The soul skill of the second soul ring, Shi Quan named it Dream Illusion, can use mental power to form an illusion that looks like reality. The content of the illusion is controlled by Shi Quan himself. Although it has no actual attack effect, it can be easily Disrupt enemy attacks.

Dream Fantasy also has a very special ability, which can cooperate with Dream Wave. If the opponent is affected by Dream Wave to a certain extent, Dream Fantasy can feel the fear, pain, and feared things deep in the heart and Transform it into a deterrent strike.

This ability is somewhat similar to the Mist Domain of Poseidon Island Sea Fantasy Douluo.

However, the realm of Sea Fantasy Douluo is more domineering and real.

The foggy realm can not only dig out the most painful experiences in the enemy's heart and attack them, but the illusions in the realm are also completely real, not just confusing.

The attacks received in the illusion are completely real, as if a whole new world has been created. Once you get lost or suffer incurable injuries in the fantasy realm, you will die in reality, which is very domineering.

Dream Illusion can only confuse people now, but Shi Quan believes that as his strength grows, Dream Illusion's ability will most likely achieve effects similar to those in the Mist Realm one day in the future.

Overall, the abilities of the two soul skills are ridiculously strong. According to Shi Quan's feelings, the specific power of the two soul skills should be comparable to the thousand-year soul skill.

After feeling the soul skill, Shi Quan felt the situation inside his body.

What surprised Shi Quan was that his soul power level did not change at all, it was still level 21.

Xiaomeng explained that because its power is pure soul power, it cannot help Shi Quan improve his own internal power, but can only improve his mental power.

But it was good, it saved Shi Quan some trouble. After all, if his soul power suddenly took off and advanced a few levels, it would be hard for him to explain.

Internal energy surges into the soul ring.

An invisible wave suddenly spread around Shi Quan's body, and he shook his hand, "The dream wave is not substantial, ordinary people can't see it, and the consumption is still within the tolerance range, but I don't know what the effect will be. "

After looking around, the fluctuations dissipated, and the second soul ring under his body lit up.

Everything around the room began to change, and towering trees stood up, as if returning to the primary soul-hunting forest.

"It does look real, but it's a pity that there are only visual effects, no hearing, and no touch." Shi Quan raised his hand and touched the giant tree in front of him, and his hand sank directly into the tree.

"But that's not how illusions are used?" Shi Quan had a smirk on his lips.

After making random seals with both hands, he performed Naruto's classic movements, and then shouted, "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

The room returned to normal instantly, and there were more than a dozen figures who looked exactly like Shi Quan in the room, doing exactly the same actions as Shi Quan.

The small room suddenly became extremely crowded.

"Hehe." A smirk suddenly appeared on the corner of Shi Quan's mouth, and he made random seals with his hands again, and shouted again, "Look at my strongest control ninjutsu, the harem technique!"

Suddenly, a group of naked beauties loomed in the smoke.

"Ah Quan, how are you?" Xiaomeng said with a somewhat shy voice.

"Ahem, cough, cough." Shi Quan coughed, then remembered that Xiaomeng could see it, and quickly dismissed it.

But I have to say that the feeling in my head is indeed different from what I actually see.

The Second Soul was almost burning, and Shi Quan also woke up.

The consumption of dream illusions is directly related to the size of the illusion. The larger the scope and the more complex and detailed the content, the higher the soul power consumed. The simpler and simpler the fantasy content is, the smaller the soul power consumption will be.

The abilities of the two soul skills are similar. Next is Xiaomeng's innate ability.

Because it's daytime now, don't think about daydreaming. Your ability to dream can only be tested at night.

What Shi Quan is most looking forward to is the role of spiritual consciousness.

Shi Quan closed his eyes slightly and poured his internal energy into Niwan Palace. His mental and internal energy were triggered together. In the next second, everything around him appeared directly in his mind. There was no need for Shi Quan to see it. Everything in the room was presented in a three-dimensional form. In Shi Quan's mind.

Even without special thinking, the distance between Shi Quan and the bookcase can automatically appear in the mind, and every movement and change of the curtains in the breeze, these subtleties can automatically appear.

The same goes for the scene outside the dormitory.

What a magical feeling, Shi Quan sighed in his heart, this is the effect of spiritual consciousness, the detection power is really strong, he can see almost 360 degrees without blind spots, and he also has a certain analytical ability, which is better than the observation with eyes. Be more detailed and comprehensive.

"With this ability, why are you worried about someone peeping next to you?" Shi Quan secretly rejoiced.

After checking these abilities, the last one left is the spiritual inheritance brought by Xiao Meng.

I looked at the time, it was still early.

After leaving the dormitory, Shi Quan ran quickly towards the back mountain.

Spiritual consciousness was scattered along the way, and everything in all directions was so clear in Shi Quan's mind. With his mental power, he could already cover a fifty-meter radius centered on him.

With the help of spiritual exploration, Shi Quan finally discovered the person who was secretly observing him. That person was not a student of the college, but a teacher of the college.

It turned out to be a teacher, I thought he was a student.

Shi Quan sighed inwardly, that teacher had been teaching in the college for many years, and he didn't know when he was recruited by Wuhun Palace.

If he wants to stare, just wait for him to stare, Shi Quan doesn't bother to care.

Back mountain woods.

Shi Quan sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Xiaomeng said that its spiritual inheritance can be felt during cultivation and its magical effect.

Inhaling slowly and exhaling slightly, everything around you seems to become empty, but not empty.

Different from the previous practice, the air with the fragrance of plants flows in from the nose, the body and skin feel the surrounding temperature, the sound of insects and birds comes through the ears, and everything around becomes clear.

"Is this the ability to perceive nature?" When Shi Quan was wondering, the special feeling in the dream came over again, and everything around him became so friendly.

The world perceived in my mind also changed at this moment, it was a colorful world.

"Ah Quan, you can summon your Blue Silver Grass martial spirit." Xiao Meng's voice sounded at the right time.

Although he was confused, Shi Quan subconsciously raised his right hand. Dark blue light surged in his palm, and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit emerged in his hand.

"This is!"

Shi Quan's whole body was shaken, and suddenly he found that everything around him seemed to have changed. At this moment, he seemed to have turned into Blue Silver Grass, and the originally blurry outlines around him became clear in an instant.

Countless special energies came from all directions. The energy poured into the Blue Silver Grass and entered Shi Quan's body. After it merged into the Dantian, it circulated in Shi Quan's body and then slowly flowed out. It was such a simple process. , allowing Shi Quan to see everything around him clearly.

Water droplets on the grass and trees, insects and birds, everything is composed of countless special light spots, which are natural energy.

This feeling is very strange. In order to deepen this feeling, Shi Quan directly entered the state of spiritual enlightenment.

As his perception of the spiritual world became clearer, Shi Quan was surprised to find that the energy in all directions was not only the energy of heaven and earth, but also came from the grass, trees, earth, and everything around him.

Everything around it feels so kind, as if Shi Quan is a relative of all things. This kindness makes everything around it seem to have become Shi Quan's eyes, ears, and nose, making everything around it feel like it. It was introduced into Shi Quan's mind. At this moment, Shi Quan seemed to have become the center of the entire back mountain. His perception gradually spread and unknowingly included the entire back mountain...

This mysterious feeling is indescribably moving.

Shi Quan only felt that his breath was combined with everything around him. At this time, Shi Quan seemed to have blended into the woods. His original human breath had disappeared, and now he looked like The bluesilver grass under him is also like the big tree beside him, or a small pebble beside him.


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