People Keep Diaries At Marvel, And The Avengers Are Dumbfounded

Chapter 253 A Time. Su Che's Popularity Is At Its Peak!

"Three days, it only took three days to eliminate the bombers who threatened our lives and planted bombs in New York. This is the guarantee of the Silver Moon Knight!"

"I absolutely love Silvermoon Knight, we can trust him forever!"

"God, praise Silver Moon Knight, I knew Su would be able to save us."

"Whether it's aliens or super villains, come on, we have the great Silver Moon Knight, we are not afraid of you!"

The bombers have been eradicated, and the bombs installed in every corner of New York have also been dismantled, and the masses no longer have to worry about being threatened once the news spreads.

All the residents of New York breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately interviewed them on the Internet or on the street.

These residents who have experienced chaos and panic have given unparalleled praise to the superhero who protects them.

No one knows how many people went to other cities during these three days.

Even some timid people left this country.

No one knows, since the bomber posted a video on the Internet saying that 30 bombs were hidden in New York.

They don't even dare to go to work, go to school, or go shopping.

There were 14 to 23 bombings in the past, and everyone was worried that they would be implicated and killed by the explosions.

But now, none of that matters.

The great Silvermoon Knight, the superhero who led the Avengers to save the earth, has saved them again!

that's enough!

All of a sudden, the praise of Su Che in New York almost reached its peak.

It is not difficult to see from Taohualin Cafe.

Everyone knew that this coffee shop was opened by the Silver Moon Knight who saved them and protected them.

Therefore, the waiters in the Taohualin Cafe are almost crazy busy at the moment!

Since the boss got a large sum of money from nowhere, the coffee shop could originally accommodate about a hundred people.

It has also been expanded into a super cafe that can accommodate at least 500 people.

And even the number of waiters on the day shift has increased to twenty.

But even so, the waiter at Taohualin Cafe was a little distressed.

Too busy, not too busy at all.

Especially this time after the boss got rid of the bombers and saved them again.

The traffic of Taohualin Café is almost too numerous to count.

Oh my god, not to mention the 500 seats are full, there are still a lot of people queuing outside?

Can't they come in batches, or come every few days?

You must know that the security personnel of Stark Industry on the opposite side have complained more than once.

It's just across the street, and you can walk there in a minute, but you have to wait in line for more than half an hour to buy a cup of coffee.

Oh my god, you're going to be busy soon, okay?

Fortunately, the boss is generous, and the hourly salary he gives is double that of other cafes.

In addition, the store manager Selena will specially adjust the working hours to help them reduce their workload in the form of shift changes.

Forget it, you can get more salary anyway, and still work for superhero.

If you say it, your companions will be envious.

It's a pity that since Taohualin Café was expanded, the number of visits by the boss has decreased a lot.

Seeing the boss almost once a few days.

I heard from the first batch of waiters who worked here that the boss would come over every morning at that time to drink a cup of black coffee without sugar.

Hey, what a pity.

Otherwise, as a coffee shop in Taohualin, ask the boss for an autograph, or post a group photo on the Internet to increase some clicks.

Hearing that Su Che started to tease when they met, Natasha Romanoff smiled and gave him a blank look: "I carry several bottles of sunscreen with me, the only pity is that I can't wipe my back.

So he must be very busy, maybe somewhere in the world right now, destroying super evil forces or villains who threaten the earth!

"There is no trace of tanning at all."

The boss will never refuse, okay?

Maybe it's different from what the waiters at Taohualin Cafe thought.

But yes, my boss is a superhero after all, the recognized soul of Avengers.

Seeing that Natasha Romanoff came back, Tian laughed and ran forward to give Natasha Romanoff a big hug.

Wanda is still very close.

"In addition, Sam, since you, like Rhodes, can use equipment to fly in the air, then what you have to do is not just aerial reconnaissance and support firepower.

While using Psychokinesis to interfere with them, Su Che said: "The premise of perfect cooperation is to understand the abilities between teammates."

Laughing and hugging Wanda for a while, whispered two questions in Wanda's ear.

As the Quinjet fell down, Su Che waved his hand, indicating that their training could stop.

Rhodes, who was inexplicably blocked by the "air wall", almost lost control of the armor. Fortunately, Wanda on the ground used crimson magic to support Rhodes.

When the door to the pilot position of the Quinjet fighter was opened, Natasha Romanoff, carrying a backpack, stepped down from the fighter plane.

Looking at Wanda's expression, although she didn't answer, Natasha Romanoff already knew the answer.


Looking at Wanda, Rhodes, and Sam who are training and grinding.

It's a pity that there is no baby yet, otherwise I can be a godmother again!

Coming to Natasha Romanoff, and taking the package from her hand, Su Che stretched out his arms to hug Natasha Romanoff, and then said with a smile: "Na, it seems that this vacation time is not as wonderful as imagined. "

Instead, at the Avengers Alliance base, members of the Avengers Alliance reserve team are being trained.

Not long after, a Kun-style fighter flew over 410 from a distance, and then slowly landed on the ground.

As soon as Su Che Psychokinesis was launched, Rhodes, who was flying in the air, hit the Psychokinesis barrier directly.

Although now I have grown up, eighteen years old, I no longer need a guardian.

"Cooperation, we must pay attention to cooperation, this is very important!"

"But that's okay, it's still a while before aliens invade Earth, or supervillains want to destroy the world!"

"Very well, always pay attention to the position and movement of your teammates, so that you can lend a helping hand when your teammates are in danger.

At this moment, Su Che is not fighting super villains, nor is he destroying some evil organization.

"Welcome back!"

Uh.. what is Su Che doing right now?

"Definitely, it is unrealistic for you to reach the level of perfect teamwork now."

"Come on!"

While talking, Su Che continued to use Psychokinesis to interfere with them.

"It is also necessary to report the location of teammates at any time, the route of the enemy's attack, unexpected situations that occurred during the battle, and whether teammates are in danger, etc.!"

But for Natasha Romanoff, her sister who has been her guardian since she was fourteen.

"Only with your mutual Ability, character, and even fighting style, can you effectively bring out the greatest power of the team!"

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