People Keep Diaries At Marvel, And The Avengers Are Dumbfounded

Chapter 252 Su Che: I Also Have Tony Stark!

"It's over!"

Hearing the crazy roar of the boss, the younger brother lying on the ground subconsciously moved to the side.

Although I don't know the characters of these superheroes.

But how could a truly strong person accept threats from others?

As I said a long time ago, this is not going to work.

But if the boss doesn't listen to his own words, what can he do?

Let's lean back to the side, so as not to be splashed with blood!

"Damn it, give me your blood sample, immediately!"

As if putting all his eggs in one basket, the bomber yelled at Su Che frantically: "Don't even try to kill me and get the detonator.

"Damn it, I know you have all kinds of powerful abilities, but the detonator of this bomb is connected to my heartbeat."

"Once my heart stopped, the detonator went off instantly."

"Don't even think about trapping me, there is cyanide in my teeth in "937", as long as you dare to make the slightest move, then I will immediately take the cyanide and let the people of New York bury me with me!"

Facing the red-eyed, desperate bomber like a mad dog at the moment.

Su Che slowly fell from the sky.

Looking at the bomber in front of him, he took several steps back in fright because of his actions.

Su Che said indifferently: "Do you want innocent people to be buried with you? Okay, then press the button to detonate!"

"What... what?"

Seeing Su Che's indifferent expression, the bomber was stunned for a moment.

After recovering from his senses, Yin Xin unexpectedly felt an indescribable anger.

"Damn it, how can you do this, you are a superhero, how can you not care about the lives of those innocent people?"

"You know, those people are your crazy admirers, how can you do this? You are committing a crime, and you will be cast aside by countless people!"

Listening to the crazy output of the bomber, Su Che was not only not angry, but wanted to laugh a little.

But the younger brother lying on the ground blinked his eyes.

Don't care about the lives of those innocent people?

We are the ones buried with the lives of ordinary people, aren't we?

Boss, we are the villains!

Could it be that in the legend, the villain complains first?

Even though he is a villain, he justly accused superhero of not caring about the lives of ordinary people.

Why do you feel so awkward?

Forcibly suppressing the desire to complain, this little brother obediently lay down on the ground and held his head.

Well, let's strive for the good result of being arrested and put in prison!

"For a long time, whether it is Tony or Steve, after encountering a situation, they will tell the enemy that they have the Silver Moon Knight Su Che!"

Looking at the red-eyed bomber who looks like a mad dog, but has a stern look.

Su Che walked forward and said, "But, the Avengers have always been a team!"

"Whoever a team member has difficulties, then others will choose to help without hesitation!"

"Don't...don't come here, if I come here again, I will detonate it directly, and I will really blow up those innocent people!"

Seeing Su Che walking towards him step by step, it seemed that every step seemed to step on his heart, making his heart tremble continuously.

The bomber held the bomb detonator on his arm and tried to threaten.

Facing such a powerless threat, Su Che didn't care for a moment at all: "From the moment I came in, you should know the result!"

"Although I agree with both Steve and Tony, they have me."

"But actually, I still have them!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Che's hot gaze cut off the bomber's arm without any hesitation.

With the painful wailing of the bomber, the broken arm fell directly to the ground.

The connected detonator also buzzed in an instant.

It's just that the bomber expected, but the shocking explosion in New York did not happen!

When he came to the bomber who was clutching his severed arm and was in pain, Su Che looked directly at him: "As I said, I also have family and friends, so I never accept any threats!"

As the voice fell, the hot gaze instantly pierced the bomber's head.

The bomber, who was howling in pain, turned his head into crushed watermelon juice, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.



"It doesn't matter, it's just a battle armor!"

Watching the sea surface tens of miles away, there was a wave of fluctuations, and even the sea water was blown out into sprays tens of meters high.

Lawyer Matthew took over a case some time ago, and I heard that the third court session will be held this afternoon.

Hearing Su Che's voice from the headset, Tiff replied that he had received it.

As for what Tony Stark said, do yourself a favor to reduce resistance, and see if you can try a battle suit that exceeds the speed of light like The Flash in the comics.


Regarding this, Pietro felt that it was better for him to listen to his brother-in-law.

Pietro felt that it was difficult for him to exceed the speed of light.

In the laboratory, listening to Pietro's words.

A huge explosion sounded, and the originally calm sea directly rippled layer upon layer.

But do as the old lady said, becoming a 3.7 lawyer is also a very good choice.

Although, I have a little bit of expectation for the battle suit that Tony Stark said.

Just like Dr. Banner's pants, who would have thought to wear those Tony developed pants.

Tony Stark said indifferently, he still has a lot of armor, losing one is not a big deal!

In the lab!

When Dr. Banner turned into Hulk, he didn't even break through?

Superhero ah.. It's really exciting.

Having said that, Steve hesitated a bit.

Such a good opportunity to observe, I can't easily miss it.

After all, The Flash Barry, that's just a character that exists in the comics.

After all, I am obviously an older brother [but now I have become younger brothers!

Listen to Tony Stark's answer....

Forget it, as long as my sister is happy!

Pietro shrugged his shoulders, took off his earphones and cursed a big dog.

After all, my sister Wanda never agreed to join the Avengers alliance reserve team, let alone join the Avengers.

Then he smiled at Tony Stark and said, "Su completely eliminated the bomber, but he didn't kill the younger brother who fell on the ground and surrendered when he saw Su."

Now gotta get back to work.

Well, my brother-in-law explained his matter, and he has solved it perfectly.

Forget it, let's talk about this matter after I have thought it through thoroughly! .

Tried to talk a few times, but watched Tony look at him strangely.

The whole person disappeared on the deserted beach in an instant.

In the end, Bucky didn't say anything about Wakanda.

But having said that, even if there is a battle suit that can reduce drag and increase some power.

"Also, the situation in that Warehouse is quite dire, so Su asked me to take the people from S.H.I.E.L.D to "clean up the scene"!"

Pietro stood by the sea, pinched his waist, and said to Tony Stark in the headset: "It's done, but the steel robot who was waiting for me at the seaside, and then went straight to the sea with 30 bombs, seems to have been bombed." Broken!"

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