While fighting, Lise had been observing Xiye's condition.

It was a good thing to transfer magic power to Lilith.

It would make her attack more powerful.


Lise took advantage of the unpreparedness of Qiuyin in front and suddenly crossed the defense line.

She appeared behind Xiye.

Her white hands were like flowing water, and were about to wrap around Xiye's body.

"Copy, count the secrets!"

Suddenly, Xiye's figure disappeared in front of Lise, with only a slight fluctuation in space.

But when she hugged him, he also disappeared.


Lise looked in front of her in surprise. Xiye's figure had disappeared.

"This is...Number of secret techniques! ?"

She also realized that she seemed to underestimate Xiye's ability.

"Woo....It's amazing! Xiye, my junior."

Lise crossed her arms and flew from the ground to the sky, then looked at Xiye who had moved to another place through space manipulation.

"Is this the Codex of Astir? It's you......Estimated number of Holy Spirit members of the Gospel Quest Society...It's almost here..."

"But it seems she has no chance...."


Xiye looked at Lise with some doubt.

He knew that Kasuga Arata seemed to have disappeared, and it seemed that the world had been changed.

Then would the"Ilias's Fragment" magic book in his store be the same one?

He knew that the original owner of the"Ilias's Fragment" magic book was Kasuga Sheng.

If it was not Sheng, then Sheng was still in the"Gospel Quest Society", and what would she appear as.

But it seemed that Lise seemed to know something.

And he had overlooked one thing, that Lise and the"Gospel Quest Society" also had a lot of origins. After thinking for a while,

Xiye looked at Lise.

He had just used a number of secret techniques, and the magic power disappeared. The consumption is indeed quite large.

The difference between me and her is that she can absorb other people's magic power for her own use.

And I just wanted to use this method, but due to the limitation of the system, I can only absorb other people's magic power into magic crystals.

It does not directly expand my own magic power.

So it is not feasible to catch the magic power of other magicians on the field at the same time.

I have no choice but to stop her and find out her whereabouts.

However, I use magic elimination on her.

I can temporarily block the control of her magic power.

By letting her enter my dream through the"re-singing technique".

This is also the method that will cause the least damage.

The premise is that other people are not caught by Lise.

"Levi, Qiu Yin, and... Miroku, all of you gather around Irene and form a circle, and keep an eye out for Lise's appearance."

Xiye scanned the situation on the field and gave instructions.

"Hey....What is Demon King Xiye doing?...Really been waiting..."

The first Levi came to Irene

"Demon King Xiye wants to fight Lise in a one-on-one duel. It's really tempting...."Qiu Yin glanced at Xi Ye, as if to obey orders.

Sanna Miroku paused, but when he saw Xi Ye's eyes, he still lowered his head:"Hmph, I'll listen to you this time."

Finally, the three magicians came to Ai Lin one after another.

Watching all this, Xi Ye's mouth curled up:"In this case, Lise, do you still have a chance to gain magic power?"

"Humph, classmate Xiye is really a headache...."

Lise no longer had the confidence she had before.

Except for Xiye, everyone else was huddled together, so she had no chance to attack.

So the only way to break through was to deal with Xiye, the candidate for the demon king.

Everyone else stood together, so he had no worries.

"Open the"Gluttony" library!"

"Truth word!"

"Open the"Rage" library!"

"Sacred ritual!"

"Open the"Greedy" library!"


The three powerful libraries were opened at the same time.

Xiye's magic power surged again.

The wings behind him expanded to twice the size of before.

"Now it's our turn to fight."


Feeling the surge in Xiye's aura and magic power, Lise's pupils widened.

"It seems that Xiye is much stronger than I expected....Then I can only give it a try."

Then, strange changes occurred in Lise's body.

Hearing this, Xiye immediately realized that something was wrong.

She must be connecting to the 'Eternal Tribulation Library' to activate the spell that can only be frozen once a day, so that she can float in the uncontrolled rift without being disturbed.

However, the freezing time is very short, but it is enough for her to complete the whole process of absorbing magic power.

"Then there is only this way."

Xiye narrowed his eyes slightly.

Opposite Lise, whose magic power surged, his eyes glowed white.

"Freeze time!"

"Open the 'Pride' library!"

"Connect with the 'Justice' theme!"

"Crystal Reflection Technique!"

As the technique was completed, the white crystal was held in Xiye's hand.

"The spell rebounds!"


Two spells are launched at the same time!

In an instant! The whole space seemed to be silent.

Everyone in the picture was frozen.

Including Xiye.

The wind around also stopped!

Terrifying silence!

On the other hand, Lise also entered a state of freezing at this time.

Exactly the same as Xiye!

This also proves that the crystal reflection technique used by Xiye can also rebound Lise's"Eternal Library" spell!

And Lise's current state has not left this space.

This is also the result Xiye wants.

In an instant, the frozen time also disappeared.


The wind passed in front of Xiye.

Xiye looked around, and there was no one whose magic power was sucked by Lise.

He exhaled slightly.

When he looked at Lise again.

In his eyes, the wings on the girl's body appeared vaguely empty. It seemed that they were about to disappear at any moment.

And the girl kept panting. She looked like she was exhausted of magic power.

Now it's time to capture you.

There was a slight space fluctuation at Xiye's position.

Then he appeared in front of Lise.

One hand pressed on her head

""It's over! The magic is gone!"


The wings behind Lise instantly collapsed like glass!............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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