"Space transfer?.."

Xiye glanced around.

What he saw were broken pillars and square marble blocks everywhere. It was obviously a deserted palace. It was just razed to the ground.

However, he didn't expect that such a space transfer could be completed so quickly.

"This is space transfer..."

As the chief inspector of the Royal Library, Sanna Miroku recognized the situation at a glance.

"It's all true...."

Levi, who was moving quickly around, looked around and said in surprise

"Oh my, if I don't bring you here, what if the principal takes action? That guy is not easy to deal with."

Lise, who was on the opposite side, looked at the scene in front of her and said with satisfaction

"Why...Lise actually has the Demon King's Mark.."Ailin, who had sharp eyes, took Xiye's hand, pointed at the hidden mark on Lise's chest, and said softly,"

This is what everyone noticed on Lise's body.

Everyone showed shocked eyes."

"Hmm, it seems that Ailin has not changed, and her obsession with the Demon King's Mark has not diminished....It's a pity that I can't be your husband..."

"No, I only need Xiye."After saying that, Ailin took Xiye's hand to show her loyalty.

Xiye also noticed the mark that was exactly the same as his own.

But he knew in his heart that there were many things behind the Demon King's mark, and the strength that Lise possessed.

"Next, I have to absorb the magic power from other people."

Xiye muttered in his heart.

And the fact is just as Xiye expected.

Lise, who was in front of everyone, had disappeared.

With the"Number Secret Art", Lise can control space and travel freely in space.


Lilith looked at her former student and frowned.

The next moment, the space behind Lilith fluctuated and Lise appeared from behind.

She hugged Lilith from behind and put her hands on her front......

"oh...haven't seen you for a long time...The teacher hasn't changed at all......It can't be concealed. Lise said teasingly in Lilith's ear

"Um..."The chill on her back made Lilith shudder, and then the strange feeling in front of her made her panic.

As Lise appeared, everyone looked over.

"Humph, it really hasn't changed at all."

Sanna Miroku closed his eyes and chose to ignore

"The boss is still so innocent....Teacher Lilith is in danger."Fudo Akine has already entered the magician mode.

And the mantra has been activated.

"As expected, it was still Lise. Even in the battle, she didn't forget to be a bit sadistic."

Xiye also entered the magician mode, and the devil factor was also activated.

The wings behind him spread out.

"It's probably too late...."

Xiye knew that if Lise took a bite, Lilith's magic power would be sucked out.

Just as Xiye said.

At this moment, Lise bit Lilith's neck and whispered,"Look, Xiye seems to care about you so much that he has even activated the power of the demon king factor."


The magic power was sucked out by Lise in an instant.

Lilith, who was completely powerless, trembled slightly and fell to the ground as if she had lost the support of her body.

If a magician loses all his magic power, he will only face death if he cannot get treatment in a short period of time.

"Teacher Lilith! ?"

The violent girl did not move Qiu Yin and entered a rampage state.

Like a flash of lightning, she struck Lise's position with her right hand.


The attack went straight and finally hit the broken pillar next to it.

The broken pillar was instantly shattered.

However, Lise had already left the place by freely traveling through space.

"Yo yo yo, Qiu Yin is still so irritable."

After dodging the attack, Lise showed a look of enjoyment. It was obvious that Lilith's magic power had reached the level she wanted.

When she looked at Lilith again, Xiye had come to her side.

Her eyes fell on Xiye:"The next one is....How is Xiye, who is also a candidate for the Demon King?"

"However, as a candidate for the Demon King, I can also activate the Demon King Factor."

The next second, wings similar to Xiye's grew from Lise's back.

"Have a good rest."

Xiye picked up Lilith and placed her next to Ailin:"Ailin, take care of Lilith."


With the blessing of the Mantra, Xiye lost part of his magic power to Lilith.

And Fudo Qiuyin's Mantra is a Mantra that has not yet grown up.

Xiye obtained it through the system, which is a complete set of Mantra.

So it has the ability to heal.

This is the difference between copying and system activation.

Ailin watched Lilith's face change from pale to rosy:"Okay, I just feel a strong sense of jealousy!"

And Sanna Miroku also frowned, and saw that Lilith's condition had improved a little.

But she was a little surprised that Xiye actually had such an ability.

But she knew that her Crystal Reflection was mainly used to bounce other people's attacks.

And at the moment, Lise didn't seem to be interested in her at all.

She was also watching anxiously from the side and couldn't help much.

As for Levi, the invisibility technique is very difficult to use.

"Before dealing with Xiye, fight with us first."

Levi and Fudo Akine cooperated in a frontal attack. Although they couldn't catch Lise, they had Levi as a ninja.

His reaction speed and hiding ability were definitely the best ambush expert.

But it seemed that all this was beyond their imagination.

Levi's invisibility had no effect in front of Lise.

No matter how good the ambush position she found, Lise would always dodge it.

""Hmph! I won't play with you guys anymore."

The smile on Lise's face disappeared.

In the battle with Levi and Akine, she kept using the magic of numbers to manipulate space, but this was a very consuming magic technique. There were times when she couldn't handle it.

"My goal is Xiye...He is the best tonic."

Lise knew that Xiye also had the devil's gene, so if he absorbed all his power, the power of the two devil's genes would be enough to make the people present fight a war of attrition.

She was not afraid.

She was not afraid............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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