Renault is naturally assured of the guarantee of Tom, the world’s number one shipbuilder

“I want to build two ships, in addition to this one, there is another one.

Seeing Tom sitting down and looking at the design drawings again, Renault couldn’t help but remind him.


Tom asked suspiciously,”Another one?””

“Right below.”Renault pointed.

Tom was so absorbed in the details that he didn’t notice that there was a design drawing underneath.

He put the second drawing on top and glanced at it.

Compared with the first ship, this one was far less complex in terms of specifications, craftsmanship, and functions. It was easier to build.

“This ship is relatively simple, but why do you…….Huh???”

Just when Tom wanted to ask Renault why he wanted to build two pirate ships, he stood up all of a sudden. He slammed his hand on the design drawing with an angry look on his face:”Kid, are you kidding me?!!”

“I’m not kidding you.” Renault shook his head and said seriously

“You said you didn’t play tricks on me, what did you mark above?”

“The entire ship is made of gold and has no power system. Are you kidding me?!!”

“And do you know how much gold it would take to build this ship?”


“I know.” Renault’s answer was still unhurried.

The next second, he waved his hand, and a pile of golden gold suddenly covered the rest of the office.

“Oh my god!”

The gold that suddenly appeared shone with golden light, illuminating the entire office in gold, which made Tom burst out with swear words.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Renault quickly put the gold into the system space.

Then he said with a smile:”This is only part of it. I will prepare the gold you need to build the Golden Ark.”

“As for the power system, you don’t need to worry about it, just build the Golden Ark according to the blueprint.”

With Jace here, there is a constant supply of power.

“But I have a request. The construction of the Golden Ark must be kept secret and carried out in secret. No one else can know about it.”

In any case, using gold to build a golden ark is a groundbreaking thing no matter where it is.

If it gets out, who knows how many pirates will covet it.

The navy will even send people to investigate, and then there will be trouble.


Tom, who was still immersed in the pile of gold just now, subconsciously rolled his throat 947, and said after realizing it:

“put……Don’t worry, I understand this.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked in front of Renault and looked him up and down, left and right, front and back carefully.

“What’s your name, kid?”


“Renault? ?” Tom stroked his chin, and began to recall in his mind like a slide show. After a moment, he shook his head:”I have never heard of your name.”

“It doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard of it now. When you build the pirate ship, it won’t be long before my name will be known all over the sea.”

Facing Tom’s gaze, Renault said lightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Looking at Renault’s confident eyes, Tom was slightly stunned, and then laughed:

“Well, I want to see what a little kid like you can accomplish in the ocean!”

“Oh, kid, besides this golden ark, the main ship also costs a lot of money. If I buy it myself, it will also cost a fortune……..”

Before Tom finished speaking, Renault raised his hand to interrupt him.

“Don’t worry about the money. If the boat you build satisfies me, I will pay double your fee!”

“Good, good, it’s really good!!”

Tom rubbed his hands and said excitedly:”I like to cooperate with big customers like you who are so happy.”

“However, it would take a long time to build these two ships, especially your main ship, which has too many details and is more complicated. Do you have that much time?

Even if he did it himself, it would take at least several years to build the two ships perfectly.

“You don’t have to worry about this. We will stay here for the next period of time. My requirement is that every detail of the ship must be as perfect as possible.”

“We won’t leave until the ship is built!”


After getting Renault’s assurance, Tom hit his left palm with his right fist and said confidently:”Since you said so, just leave it to me.”

“Kid, I haven’t built such a large ship in many years, and I’ve never heard of one made entirely of gold.”

After a short pause, Tom looked at Renault and said very seriously:

“I really hope that one day I can hear your name and the name of this pirate ship on the sea!”

As the world’s number one shipbuilder, Tom is not only pursuing money.

He hopes that every pirate ship he builds can find a suitable owner and become famous on the sea one day.

Let everyone know that this pirate ship was built by him (aidd) Tom.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

Reno smiled calmly and responded.

In a few years, the names of Rocks, Roger and other pirates will be known throughout the New World.

That’s when the world will be in chaos.

Reno calculated the time and thought that by the time the two pirate ships were built, it would be almost time.

And it was time for him to really face those guys.

“Okay, I believe you, this matter is settled.”

“Once I finish the things on hand in the next few days, I will bring people to build it for you!”

“”Thank you for your hard work!”

Time passed, spring went and autumn came.

The year 1472 of the Haiyuan calendar began!

Renault spent a full eight years in the Seven Water City.

In the first year, he led the crew to appreciate the customs and practices of the Seven Water City.

It has to be said that the Seven Water City is really very suitable for living. It is a city with an upbeat spirit.

If Sky Island brings people a dreamlike magnificence and wonder, then the Seven Water City is romantic and vibrant.

Unlike what you see in anime, you can only truly appreciate the beauty of it after experiencing it in person.

Of course, where there is beauty, there is naturally no beauty.

Renault, who has spent eight years in the Seven Water City, is also He experienced eight huge tsunami attacks named”Aqualagna”.

But fortunately, each time he escaped without any danger.

During these eight years, Renault stayed completely in the Seven Water City for at least seven years.

As for the rest of the time, he went out to do some things.

In the past few years, in addition to training, Renault read ancient books the most.

In addition to recruiting crew members and obtaining devil fruits, the last way to obtain navigation points in the system is to explore historical sites and read ancient books.

Although the navigation points obtained are not as good as the previous two, fortunately, a little bit makes a lot. In the whole eight years, Renault also obtained a lot of navigation points.

“Turn on the system. Renault said silently.

【The system panel is opening!】

【Host: Raynor】

【System: Great Navigation System】

【Swordsmanship: 1v49——50/200000】

【Observation Haki: 1v25——26/250000 (foresee the future)】

【Armament Haki: 1v25——26/250000 (internal destruction)】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Conqueror Haki: 1v19——20/300000】

【Navigation value: 20,000 points】

【Already captured: Lingling (Steel Balloon), Jace (Thunderbolt Fruit), Flame Flower (Soul Soul Fruit), Rogue (Golden Sword Lion), Long Bread (Eat-Eat Fruit), Rupert (Bag-Bag Fruit), Shadow, Helding】

【Luck: 20】

【System warehouse: massive gold, pure gold, navy six styles】[]

After eight years of accumulation, Renault has mastered all six styles of the navy, and his swordsmanship and three-color domineering have also been greatly improved.

Every time he gets the navigation value, he will add the navigation value to different entries as soon as possible, so the value of the navigation value is basically not very high.

As for the luck value, he did not get any treasures in eight years, and his ordinary life did not trigger the luck event.

After using up 100 points, there are only points left.

In addition to his own and the crew’s training, Renault also pays attention to the outside news.

He knows that Rocks’s reputation has been made in the past few years.

As for Roger, Golden Lion, Whitebeard and others, they can only be said to have a little reputation now, which is still slightly inferior to Rocks.

Renault casually took a latest newspaper on the table next to him. The front-page headline on it was Rocks’s unruly photo.

The newspaper said that Rocks had once again robbed a member country of the World Government.

Upon hearing the news, Steel Bone Kong was furious and led many naval generals to arrest Rocks.

During the battle, several naval ships were destroyed, and Rocks was defeated by Steelbone and others and escaped with injuries.

“Hehehe……He is indeed a tough guy. He is not at the peak of his strength yet. I am afraid that in a few years, this guy will pose a real threat to the Navy and the World Government.” Renault couldn’t help but sigh.

Most of the Navy’s news can only be believed, and some words need to be carefully considered.

Based on the facts, the Navy will deliberately describe certain things to make it seem that they have the upper hand.

In Renault’s opinion, saying that Rocks was injured and escaped is at least a situation of equal strength, not as embarrassing as they said.

“The magnificent era is finally coming!”

“After eight years of dormancy, it’s time to go out and take a look.”

Putting the newspaper back on the table beside him, Renault murmured in a low voice.

“Captain, you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time.”

“Our main ship has been completed. Boss Tom asked me to call you. Lingling and the others have already gone there and are waiting for you now.”

The voice came from far away and soon, a sturdy young man who did not look like a human hurried over from a distance.

Rupert is the best shipbuilder in the entire company except for Tom and his apprentice Dan.

Like Tom, he is also a bull-horned fishman among the fishmen.

During the eight years of getting along, Rupert was deeply attracted by the world outside the sea and the interesting adventures described by Renault.

At the same time, he was also impressed by Renault’s strength and personal charm. Finally, at Renault’s invitation, Rupert joined Renault’s pirate group.

When Renault leaves here, Rupert will follow.

Originally, Tom was Renault’s first choice and Dan was his second choice, but in the end both of them rejected Renault’s request.

They did not have any strong desire to sail on the sea and just wanted to stay here.

Renault did not force it, although Rupert’s ability was still far behind the two.

But in the world, it is also the top level existence.

Another point is that Rupert is also a devil fruit user, he is a superhuman Bag-Bag Fruit user.

The Bag-Bag Fruit user can turn any part of his body into a pocket, and the pocket can hold objects larger than the body.

The original owner is Bramanque, the captain of the Sixth Team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The area where he stores things is his chin. During the Battle of Marineford, this guy directly took out a wooden sledgehammer from his chin and rushed up.

As a shipbuilder, Rupert’s pocket is located on his belly.

It is filled with various ship repair tools, which can be used at any time. It is very convenient and can be said to be tailor-made for him.

It is worth mentioning that Rupert’s qualifications are also very good, reaching A. As for strength, it is about the same as long bread. Since one of them is a chef and the other is a shipbuilder, Renault’s requirements for their strength are not so harsh. As long as they have the ability to protect themselves

, it will be fine.

“After eight years, it’s finally completed!!”

The corners of Renault’s mouth slightly raised when he heard the news. During these eight years, he had been looking forward to the birth of this pirate ship all the time, and today it finally came.

In fact, it didn’t take eight years to build this pirate ship and the Golden Ark.

But because Tom doesn’t work only for Renault.

Although other tasks in the company are handed over to his apprentices or subordinates, some complicated ones that are difficult for others to solve still need him to do it himself.

In addition, Tom also has to solve the problem of the Seven Water City and build a sea train to solve the hidden dangers of tsunamis. After several mergers, it has been delayed until now.

But Renault is not annoyed. In his opinion, the timing is right, it’s time to go to sea again!

And this time, he wants his name to be famous in the sea!

“Let’s go and take a look.”

Reno, who was focused on the ship, couldn’t wait any longer. The two of them took two steps at a time and soon arrived at the coast where Tom and others were working.

At this time, Tom, Dan, other shipwrights in the company, and the crew of the Reno Pirates were already waiting for Reno here.

Next to them, a huge ship covered with black cloth was quietly docked at the coast.

“It looks pretty good.”

Renault looked over with shining eyes, and he couldn’t help but want to uncover the black cloth.

“Renault, you are here.”

Tom greeted him naturally. After eight years of getting along, the two had already become friends.

“Yeah.” Renault nodded.

“Hahahahahaha…….Renault, I have lived up to your expectations and finally built this pirate ship!!”

“The main material is Adam, and the other parts are made of the best materials.”

When he said this, Tom moved closer to Renault, rubbed his hands, and said in a low voice:”Who told you to pay more money?”

Renault immediately rolled his eyes at him.

“Don’t worry, Renault, with the help of me and the master, you can rest assured about the quality of this boat!”

Dan patted his chest and assured him.

Seeing the smiles on his and other shipbuilders’ faces, it was obvious that they were very satisfied with their achievements.

“In that case, let me see your results!”

Renault walked to the front, and in the expectant eyes of the crowd, he grabbed the black cloth and pulled it down directly!


The next second, a huge, brand new pirate ship appeared in everyone’s sight.


“Is this really our pirate ship?”

“It’s really perfect!!”

“He is indeed the world’s number one shipbuilder!!”

Everyone’s eyes were already filled with shining stars, and they were all impressed by Tom’s superb craftsmanship. Although the Golden Ark had been built long ago, it did not have any power system, and its specifications and the complexity of its craftsmanship were far from being comparable to the one in front of him.

Looking at the pirate ship in front of him that was exactly the same as his own idea, Bai Luo was also deeply shocked. He couldn’t calm down for a long time. After a moment of silence, he murmured:”The International, it’s finally out!”

Renault had already named this pirate ship.



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