After sailing on the sea for a month, Raynor brought everyone to the next destination, the Seven Waters.

As the number of crew members continued to increase, the original ship could no longer meet their daily needs.

So they needed a larger and more functional pirate ship.

A pirate ship can be said to be the symbol of a pirate group.

Several of the Four Emperors who will be famous in the New World in the future will have pirate ships dedicated to their pirate groups.

For example, the Straw Hat Pirates’ Thousand Sunny, the Red Hair Pirates’ Red Fors, the Whitebeard Pirates’ main ship Moby Dick, and so on.

The Raynor Pirates have gradually taken shape, and the biggest demand at this stage is to build a pirate ship dedicated to them.

Of course, in addition to the main ship of the Raynor Pirates, there is also the Golden Ark.

He has obtained the blueprints of the Golden Ark, and has a large amount of gold as raw material, plus Jess’s Thunder Fruit as power.

Everything is ready, just waiting to start!!………..

As the pirate ship sailed at high speed, the group soon saw the outline of the city.

“Ha ha…..The Seven Waters City has finally arrived!”

Lingling, who was sitting at the bow, jumped up excitedly.

The others saw the scene in front of them, and their faces showed surprise at the same time as they were happy.

“It turns out that the Seven Waters City is so beautiful!”

As far as the eye can see, a huge fountain stands in the center of the city.

The spring water flows down and spreads throughout the town. It is completely a city built on water.

“We will spend a long time here, so we have plenty of time to enjoy the scenery. Let’s go find someone first.”

Looking at the stunned crowd, Renault said with some disappointment.

“Shipwright? ?”

After hearing Renault talking about serious matters, the others also became more serious.

“But Captain, can they really build the pirate ship you envisioned? ?”

Jace scratched his head, a little uncertain.

On the way here, Renault explained to them the general structure of the future pirate ship.

It is several times more complicated than the pirate ship everyone knows, and it is not easy to build it.

In response to everyone’s concerns, Renault smiled slightly and said confidently;”Don’t worry, there is the world’s number one shipbuilder here, there will be no problem with him.”

Tom, the ancestor of shipbuilding, is also the master of Franky and Iceberg.

If there is anyone in the world who can build the pirate ship that Renault envisioned in his mind, it is him.

Since they were just discussing shipbuilding matters, after the ship docked at the port, Renault only took Roger to Tom’s company.

The two asked as they walked, and it took some time to find the place………..

Tom’s office.

After learning that the man in front of him was the world’s number one shipbuilder, Roger, who was somewhat curious, couldn’t help but take a closer look.

“What do you need? Do you want to buy a boat, build a boat, or repair a boat?” Tom glanced at the two of them and went straight to the point.

Everyone who came here to see him was looking for these three things.

“We want to build a ship.” Renault said truthfully.

Tom nodded as if it was normal, and continued to ask:”What kind of ship do you want to build?””

“Do you have a design drawing? If not, we have several options for your reference, free of charge.”

Tom is already familiar with answering these questions that he faces every day.

“This is the design drawing.”

Renault smiled and placed the design drawing he drew in front of Tom.

Tom straightened the design drawing, looked at the size and frowned,”660 meters long, 200 meters wide, 100 meters high, are you serious?”

It’s not that he can’t build it, but there are not many ships of this size in his decades of experience.

Suddenly a kid came to build such a large ship, and he couldn’t help but want to confirm it.

Renault was not surprised by Tom’s surprise, and nodded affirmatively:

“You are not mistaken, this is the size of the ship.”

After getting a positive answer, Tom continued to look down at the design drawings.

After a while, Tom’s brows that had just relaxed frowned again, and he murmured in a low voice:

“Beautiful, the design here is really beautiful, but it’s a bit difficult to build!”

“It’s great that so many functional areas can be so clearly organized!”

“Install so many artillery pieces?!”

“Huh? Building a special cabin below the waterline? Why is this design made? ?”

Tom was completely immersed in the drawings in front of him and completely forgot about Renault’s existence. When he saw something, he was either excited by the wonderful design or frowned.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon half an hour passed. During the whole process, Renault said nothing and just looked at Tom quietly.


After reading the last detail, Tom exhaled and nodded in appreciation,”Who drew this blueprint? It’s very good.”

Renault chuckled and said,”It’s me.”

“You?” Tom looked at Renault suspiciously.

He was a little surprised that Renault, who was only 17 or 18 years old, could design such an exquisite ship.

“If this is really your design, it is perfect. It not only has all the functions of ordinary ships, but also has your own unique ideas.”

“Although there are still a few unreasonable places in it, it is harmless to the entire ship.”

“but……”Tom suddenly changed the subject and said with difficulty:”To build such a huge ship, in order to ensure its stability, the materials needed are……”

“I have the precious tree Adam, which I can use to create”


Renault’s earth-shattering words made Tom stand up, and he said with fiery eyes:”You actually have the treasure tree Adam? ? This is the best material for building ships!”

“If we use the precious tree Adam, then there will be no problem. As for the other parts, it is much easier.”

Renault nodded slightly and replied:”The main material is the precious tree Adam, and all other materials required for the ship are the best.”

Tom’s eyes lit up when he heard this, a big customer!

“Well, I haven’t built such a large ship in many years, and I have such good materials. Don’t worry, leave it to me!!”

“I guarantee that once this ship comes out, it will be the best ship in the world!”

Tom patted his chest and said confidently.

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