In this dream bubble world, Mo Yu can even clearly observe from the perspective of a bystander how the majestic will of God tears apart the world's barriers and descends into the world bubble.

And the ultimate little black body, brewed and forged in the tide of murderous intent in the world, naturally ran towards God's will and merged with it.

This ultimate little black body was forged and bred by the God of Crime. Its existence is to carry the God's powerful gnosis and will. However, the God of Crime did not expect that a third party would suddenly appear in this world. The gods come out, and they are powerful and lofty, but they only have a will but no body.

This is how they hit it off, the ultimate little black god body prepared by the God of Crime for himself has become the vehicle for the alien God to walk in the mortal world!

After reading all the history for a week, Mo Yu remained silent, then tilted his head, revealing question marks on his forehead.

Did he really come to visit the world of Detective Conan?

The plot is so tragic and dark, but the most important thing is that the real story line of this world-famous movie is not a case-solving series about Detective Conan fighting wits and courage with various criminals, but the God of Detectives and the God of Crime. Gods have lived and died across eras, created the world several times, and human civilization has died and been reborn, continuing the ultimate divine war in chaos for countless years.

One is a city and the other is a myth. The two are not the same at all.

Mo Yu was thinking, and at this moment, the omniscient authority passed a small note to Mo Yu's brain, pointing out some omissions of the old man God, and then, Mo Yu suddenly realized.

When he first searched for world bubbles, although he locked the world bubble of Detective Conan, there were other additional conditions. After all, he was looking for"armor" raw materials for the Super Rocket Ark of Death in Heaven, so there were many Maybe"hard enough"",""Strong enough" and other additional search conditions.

And the result is that God's wish came true!

This Conan World Cannon is definitely"strong" enough,"hard enough" and"powerful" enough. Looking at all the famous names in the Silver Sea In the world of Detective Conan, there are definitely genetic mutations, which are quite explosive!

As a god, Mo Yu has gained a lot of experience. He even plans to write a fan novel in the future to soak up this world. The story is written into the novel, allowing readers to see the diversity of the second dimension and how wild fan creation can be!

And right now, even if there is no need to 100% understand the underlying structure of this world, Mo Yu can still 10,000%. It is certain that this World Bubble is more than adequate as the"armor" of the Heavenly Kingdom Super Ark, and even as the main weapon of the Heavenly Kingdom Super Ark, there is no problem at all! But with the information that Mo Yu knows! The more there are

, the better the omniscient authority will be. After taking all the information of the week into consideration and deducing, the omniscient authority continued to deduce some of the"security risks" related to this world bubble.

The issue of the"lifespan" of this World Bubble!

In this World Bubble, there is actually no distinction between the First and Second World Bubbles.

All the stories happened long before Chaos Countless Years.

Conan was still confused, but he already possessed the God of Eternity.

It began when the world was gradually pushed into despair without realizing it.

The structure of the world at that time should be relatively natural, but at the end, after the battle of all mankind to encircle and suppress Conan gradually started, the world gradually began to have problems.

The nature of the world is blind.

It does not have the concept of good and evil.

It only follows the fundamental logic and laws of its birth.

It operates as a never-ending stage.

There may be certain trends, but Like a river, it just flows according to inertia, just like a three-dimensional planet, from the aggregation and collapse of interstellar matter into a ball, to the sea of molten seas to endless thunderstorms, from the explosion of oxygen to the mass extinction, life has risen and fallen, and has experienced several extinctions and prosperity.

, the world is like this, it just follows the rules and laws, it is the same from ancient times to the present, and it never changes!

And the original Conan, as the eternal protagonist with two sides and one body with the world stage, is actually the same in nature.

At that time, Conan was indeed an evil god in nature, because his existence itself was an aggregation of the rules of the world.

He was ignorant and ignorant, and did not have self-knowledge.

He strictly followed the settings of the"detective" and was active in the world.

The god-killing war launched by Kogoro and then by all mankind put all the chips on it, and the results were actually more brilliant than what humans had imagined.

An absolute supreme evil god who was ignorant and only acted according to his own rules was born out of nowhere.

Being"awakened" by the sacrifices of human beings one after another, when Kudo Shinichi's mind gradually broke through the constraints of rules and regulations, he gradually realized that Conan, who looked like a child, was actually an aggregation of the rules of the world, and he was absolutely immortal and immortal.

When"opening his eyes" in the body of the ultimate god of destruction, mankind has actually won in some respects.

The evil god has died, and the righteous god has returned!

It's just that the time for this righteous god to wake up is too short, and he is still unable to act independently. Will, the supreme divine power that controls the rules and laws of the world, is also driven by the detective setting condensed by instinct.

Therefore, humans cannot accept such a result, not even Kudo Shinichi himself.

The war was still going on. The actors on the stage couldn't stand the endless overtime and began to rebel. Even the absolute protagonists had problems. It was impossible not to have an impact on the stage.

There is no distinction between day and night, a day that never ends. Essentially, there is something abnormal in this eternal stage.

But if that's all, the stage can withstand it and can even be corrected and repaired.

After the God-killing War, Conan gradually regained his power as the only supreme god in the eternal calamity. In essence, it was an attempt to correct and repair the stage.

Every time Conan collapses and becomes crazy, he will return to reason and wake up again for some reason. The essence of this phenomenon is that the world stage provides some help to him.

In the endless alternation of madness and sanity, Conan gradually"understood" and began to exhaust all the truths and laws in the world, and gradually gained control of his own supreme divine power.

Just"memories" can revive everything, and with just a few glances, you can know the"truth" of all cases, and other magical powers that follow, but these are only very superficial powers and are far from being discussed. Without the supreme divine power, everything still needs the tempering of time, or Conan's active practice.

Huihara Ai's speculation is correct. After the Supreme God fully awakens, he will reorder everything in the earthly world, including the problems that are currently occurring and facing the eternal stage.

But what is helpless is that Conan's status is too high. If he wants to be completely awakened and controlled, in the Honghuangliu novels, it must at least be the time when the chaos gods and demons are conceived from their buds to their absolute heyday. That is not even the"Yuanhui" This time unit is completely insufficient. A rough estimate is that it would require at least a"tribulation discipline" built with countless tribulations.

It's hard to say how many"eras of tribulation" it will take for Conan's perfect awakening, but now, it's hard to say whether it will take more than half of the"eras of tribulation".

But the problem is that the process of awakening comes with a price that Conan is unwilling to bear.

Human civilization will wake up and recover again and again, and then become the"price" of Conan's awakening.

This problem is very unsolvable. It is like a planet. Under the surface is the larvae of a giant galactic beast. If it moves a little, the surface will become unbearable. Its development and growth process will be accompanied by countless changes on the surface. Earth-shaking!

After Conan and Haihara Ai exhausted all possibilities, they finally made a decision!

There is no need for the perfect supreme God to be born. Only death is the destination and salvation of everything.

The final judgment ceremony begins to determine one's own sin and evil, and then use it to breed the God of Sin, which becomes the ruling blade that kills oneself.

The key to the problem lies in the birth of the God of Crime and his subsequent actions.

From the moment this world bubble was born, the core performance budget, or in other words, the various supreme world law powers, have only been connected to Conan from the beginning to the end, or it can be said that the Eternal Stage and the Eternal Protagonist have never been the same. From the beginning, there are two sides of the same body, interdependent. Conan is the half of the world, and the world is the inner part of Conan.

And now a second one pops up.

If it were someone else, Eternal Stage Manager would not care about him. He is a god of crime. There is no such person in the stage cast list. He also wants the world's most advanced laws and funds to stage the ultimate god war show. No approval. I have some ideas. Get away from me as far as you can!

But the person who proposed it was Conan, and the Eternal Stage fell into thinking!

Conan ran the ultimate trial ceremony. Although the ceremony was not complicated, the level of mystery was extremely high. It was a truly supreme god-making ceremony. The meaning of the ceremony could be said to be so great that it could reach the level of roaring at the ears of Dao Dao, or Said, forcing a notice on the world stage"I ask you to hire a crime god who is no less important than me".

Conan, the absolute pillar of the family, can you not give it to me?

Give, must give!

However, Conan's treatment cannot be reduced.

The world stage shows that from the moment I was born, Conan's treatment has been full. No one can hope to change this, otherwise how to imitate, oh no, it is a tribute to the original work.

So where did the person of the God of Crime come from?

The world stage began to sell iron, and even brought out a strong young man, facing the momentum of the rich woman's happy ball and the rich woman's happy fire, began to piece together things, and used his own background to create the person of the crime god.

The"life span" of this world has been affected by this.

After the God of Crime was born, he immediately activated his magical powers, staged the return of Poincaré, and resurrected human civilization for a specific period of time. But that was all. With the help of supreme authority, the God of Crime began to overwhelm the world!

The main target of its suppression is Conan, and secondly, everything that remains from the God-killing War of other humans.

Conan looks like a child, but is actually the ultimate immortal being. All the supernatural beings that he was forced to suppress have disappeared. In this reshaped world, he"grows up" again and becomes Kudo Shinichi. The other characters, It has also returned to normal.

But when suppressing Conan, the eternal protagonist, he also suppresses the world stage, making all his magic invisible.

Here is the reason why Mo Yu arrived and discovered that the timeline of Conan's world is actually"normal". This is because the suppression method used by the God of Crime is to force a"normal" timeline into the world as a way to The force suppressed everything.

The confrontation between the Supreme Divine Power and the Supreme Divine Power is essentially a confrontation between the world's own internal laws. No matter how powerful the world is, it cannot withstand such a torment.

Therefore, when Kudo Shinichi re-awakened the divine body of Conan through the hands of Gin, the world stage was also forcibly changed at that moment by"collapse" of the timeline, or it was restored to chaos with no beginning and no end. time system.

As of now, the"lifespan" of bubbles in this world, although affected, is still within an acceptable range.

What happens next is the key to everything.

The omniscient authority, the more information it has, the more powerful it is. It has already deduced that the god of crime was born in response to destiny and prepared a"criminal conspiracy" to kill Conan, the god of detectives!

The God of Crime has reopened the world, resurrected the world, and suppressed everything. His purpose is to repeat the"God-killing War"!

The evidence is that murderous intent runs through everything in the world, and the"script of fate" is written in the dark. The appearance and plot of various characters, and even Conan's own fate, are almost exactly the same as Zhou Mu, and its intention is almost clear at a glance..

God of Crime has not changed the script over the years, just to recreate the original.

Perhaps, in the eyes of that god of crime, the most powerful, powerful, domineering, evil, and shocking crime case since the birth of the world must be the"god-killing war" in which all mankind puts all the chips on the table.

Although Gin, the Saint of Slaughter, who carried the hope of all mankind and was both the greatest good and the greatest evil, was defeated at the hands of Conan, the supreme god, it was a crime other than war.

If it had been that battle, there would have been another god standing behind Gin.

Or to put it another way, when Gin puts on the ultimate little black body that the God of Crime has painstakingly forged for countless years, he makes a breakthrough in his status and ascends from the Saint of Slaughter to the God of Slaughter.

Then, the great tide of murderous intent from heaven and earth, which symbolizes the divine nature of crime and has been accumulated and tempered for countless years, is pressed into the barrel of the gun and turned into bullets.

Evolved together with Gin and the will of all mankind, it can even shake and lock the laws, and even ban all the protagonist's personal miracles in a short period of time.

Can that shot transcend fate and describe the"true ending" of this long story that marks the end of the God of Detectives?

The idea of the God of Crime is vaguely revealed, which is normal. The birth of this God of Crime was through a trial ceremony composed of all mankind and Conan. The roots of its existence are more or less integrated into some of the whole world. Human will will naturally be partially affected by it.

If it were to happen again, Brother Gin would definitely not lose.

Because that is the man who carries the hope of all mankind!

So says the God of Crime!

Mo Yu's evaluation of this plan was complicated. He did not deny the success rate of this plan. After all, Zhoumou Gin was indeed the eldest brother of all mankind. If he was given enough conditions, it would be possible to achieve the finale with one shot.

But Mo Yu also knows that if the story really develops to that point, the moment Conan dies, the world will definitely be greatly affected, ranging from severe damage to sudden death on the spot.

Because the eternal stage and the eternal protagonist have been two sides of the same coin from the very beginning.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, at the end of the story, the God of Crime took Conan's former position and became the eternal protagonist, supporting the operation of the eternal stage.

But if it really develops to that point, it may not be good news, especially for the creatures in this world.

The rules of the stage are absolute. Detectives and criminals are the main subjects of the stage. The God of Crime is in charge of everything. It is difficult to change this. In the end, what is staged may no longer be the story of Detective Conan, but the story of Prisoner XX, but What remains unchanged is that there are still endless cases!

Maybe in the distant future, in the third week, there will be a God-killing war, and then in that God-killing war, a new generation of"God of Detectives" will be born to challenge the God of Sin, and then, The world stage will again face the problem of sudden death on the spot, or the continued maintenance of another successor.

The prince killed the dragon, was infected by the dragon's blood, married the princess, became the king, and finally gave birth to a prince and a princess. Finally, he grew scales and claws and turned into a dragon!

The story begins over and over again!

In the estimation of the omniscient authority, this is the biggest"security risk" in this world. Although this world is strong, tough and powerful, if it is really used as the"armor" of the ark of heaven, it may not be used at all. , the bubble of the world suddenly burst open.

Mo Yu thought about all this!

Knowing the problem is the prerequisite for solving it, and now, he knows everything!

This story actually changed from the moment he, the god, came.

Not to mention other things, the little black body was taken away and used by Mo Yuniu before it could be saved. Then it was used directly until it exploded. It was now broken into hundreds of thousands of pieces and scattered around the world. This is true everywhere, and the"script of destiny" when mankind is heading towards the God-killing War has also been slightly deviated due to the emergence of the stand-in.

What's more important is that the crime god himself has problems due to Mo Yu's series of operations!

The god of crime has no name. However, when Mo Yu manipulated Xiao Hei's body, he had already left the immortal mark of"Moriarty" at the bottom of the world through"empowerment". In a certain sense Generally speaking, it also vaguely occupies a certain part of the existence of the God of Crime, causing the God of Crime to become a little confused recently.

But that's not important. After all, the so-called God of Crime itself is just a pan-spiritual will with destiny engraved on it. Even if Mo Yu usurps his status and existence, it will not damage the foundation.

Just like Zu Xu in the Death God world, he himself is a collection of all virtual things. There is an extra Fisher, and he also appears as Fisher, but the essence has not changed at all.

Mo Yu is thinking about how to handle this story better!

Soon, Mo Yu had some ideas.

Mo Yu pulled his eyes out of the dreamy bubble world of Zhoumu.

The Magical Girl Armor is still full of magical girls, running wildly on the earth, and in the distance of Rice Flower Town, the 666 monster transformed by the wandering old man is still advancing in Rice Flower Town, and Conan is carrying vodka and a knife. The scarred man is preparing to stage a detective and monster-killing story, and the crazy killing princess Mao Lilan is hunting!

Mo Yu didn't care about this. He just stretched out the invisible hand of God and pinched it suddenly at the dream world that carried the information of Zhou Mu.

Shape it into the shape of an arrow!

Speaking of substitutes, the legendary insect arrow cannot be missing.

Although this thing is just a high-imitation COS prop made by Mo Yu, for these stand-ins in the world of Conan, the effect of this thing is definitely more powerful than the original insect arrows.

At the same time, Mo Yu also switched the perspective, switching from the Conan world bubble to the Death world bubble.

Then, a sacred voice floated down from the sky and fell on the ears of Kurosaki Ichigo from World No. 0

"Ichigo-san, my God, I have recently found a very powerful and powerful world. As my knight, are you interested in going to that world and filming a theatrical version of the story about an alien warrior god fighting a detective?"

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