Hui Yuan Ai, who was resurrected again, looked even calmer!

"God is with me, this is very encouraging, but it would be better if it were not you, the evil god of disaster, because your divinity is obviously more interested in murdering me than committing suicide.……"

But no matter what, Conan and Haibara Ai’s journey to kill gods begins!

The God-Killing War, in which humans pressed all the chips but ultimately lost all the chips, has been settled. However, due to the madness of the gods, there are signs of resurgence. The final result is not yet known. However, it is destined to It is a long and time-consuming journey.

Huiyuan Ai kept researching, experimenting, and searching for all possibilities. At the same time, he kept dying. Later, Huiyuan Ai couldn't bear the fatigue of sitting up and dying repeatedly in the underworld and the world at high frequency, so he started The experiment idea was given and Conan was asked to design the experiment to verify the idea and collect data. She would continue to die quietly, and then resurrect her after Conan figured it out.

The unit of time has completely lost its meaning to both Conan and Haibara Ai!

Conan himself is immortal, but Haibara Ai died for ten days and a half before getting up and moving for a short time, and then continued to die.

When Conan was still rational, there was no doubt that his mind was clear, and there was no doubt that Haibara Ai's mind was sharp. With the powerful alliance, after exhausting all ideas for a long time, the two finally found the answer..

Haiyuan Ai said calmly:"Conan, after this long research and your own repeated experiments, we are very sure that on this eternal stage, you are special. No"person" can really kill you, even if Gin, who carries the hope of all mankind, cannot engrave the ending of"death" on you, because from the beginning, you are the detective standing in the center of the stage, illuminated and restrained by stage lights one after another. god……"

This answer is despair, but Conan and Haibara Ai standing here have long been accustomed to the so-called despair.

Conan took up Haihara Ai's words and whispered:"Since"humans" cannot write the ending of gods on this stage, then we must look for possibilities other than humans, such as another god.……"

Huihara Ai continued:"Yes, no matter how incredible it is, this is the only possibility in front of us. We need to create another god, and this god should have the same and opposite meaning of existence as the god of detectives. He is not under the stage lights, but lurks in the darkness of the stage. He exists in the name of sin to kill detectives. To create this god of sin, the technology and rituals are easy to say, but……"

Having said this, Haiyuan Ai paused, as if she didn't know what to say, but Conan had already finished her words:

"It can only be done by me. The God of Sin will be born from the sin and darkness of the God of Detective, because the only one who can kill Conan is Conan. The one who can kill Kudo Shinichi can also be Kudo Shinichi, and this is also The only way for me and humanity to be free!"

Hui Yuan Ai was silent. After a long time, before the halo of disaster struck again, she lowered her eyes and said lightly:

"This road is difficult to walk, but it is the only hope. Conan, just go for it. According to human tradition, I wish you... no return!"

After saying these words, Haiyuan Ai died again in a murder case dominated by the halo of disaster. Conan stared at Haiyuan Ai's body, turned around and left without saying a word.

How to create that sinful statue? God, Conan already knew it in his heart.

Walking in the deserted wilderness, Conan closed his eyes slightly and fell into"memories", and then whispered:

"Before moving towards final liberation, please allow me to disturb you again.……"

Along with the memories, the darkness spreads, and hundreds of millions of dead souls return from the void. Wearing a black trench coat, long silver hair, and a skull, the Saint of Killing carries the roar of all living beings on his back and walks in the darkness, walking towards Conan step by step..

Conan did not resurrect Gin, he only resurrected the most amazing and powerful shot in his life, and the will of all mankind contained in that shot.

How to determine the so-called sin?

For Conan, the answer is simple.

Only trial can lead to conviction!

Therefore, Conan resurrected this will of all mankind in order to create an extremely grand trial!

In this judgment,"man" cannot kill gods, but he can create gods!

This is an unprecedented huge ceremony. The God of Sin will be born in the final judgment of all mankind.

"Read out my sins, tell my bad karma, and then judge me so that my sins and evils can be revealed and endure forever, thus tearing apart the unshakable throne of God.……"

Conan shouted!

Countless dead souls followed the steps of the Saint of Slaughter and approached Conan.

The first dead soul to touch Conan's body tells all the sins belonging to Conan.

This is just an ordinary person who goes to work and takes care of his family. Then, he doesn’t know when, his life gradually becomes worse. His boss’s demeanor becomes more and more ferocious, and he scolds his wife more and more often. He is becoming more and more picky and nagging, and his children are becoming more and more naughty and even naughty.

Workplace and family are making him more and more troubled, and such troubles accumulate endlessly.

One day, when he was at work, his boss pulled him into the office and scolded him alone. He seemed to be having a flashback.

It seemed like he had been called into the office alone by his boss for the 160,000th time to scold him. Isn't his boss tired?

Then, he took a closer look and found that his boss's expression was actually exhausted, and his eyes were gradually filled with the madness accumulated over time. His scolding���Abuse is just a way of venting.

After get off work, he went home and saw his wife and children. He found that like his boss, their expressions were full of fatigue, and their eyes were gradually filled with madness.

Then he looked in the mirror and found that his face was also full of fatigue and madness!

Then, he suddenly realized that when he went to work the next day, he picked up a knife and stabbed his boss. He originally wanted to stab his wife and children, but before he walked out of his boss's office,"Ah, lie, lie" sounded outside the door. , there seems to be a murder happening here!"

When the case was solved and he slashed his own throat with a knife, he felt only regret.

He can only take one step first, while his wife and children have to stay in this life of despair and suffer.

The memory carried by this dead soul is the accusation of sin, and the regret that the dead soul cannot let go of until death is the judgment of bad karma.

Conan opened his arms and accepted all the accusations and judgments against him without reservation. The dead soul screamed sharply, turned into an invisible noose, suddenly wrapped around Conan's neck, and then tightened it completely, suffocating him.

The accusation and trial of a dead soul has ended, but behind, billions of dead souls are roaring towards us!

One accusation and trial after another continued endlessly.

This ritual will never end. As long as the God of Sin cannot be born, Conan will maintain this trial ritual forever.

Conan's"human" mind gradually collapsed during this kind of trial. Even if it returned again under the influence of some unexplainable factors, it soon continued to collapse again!

The ceremony was not all smooth sailing, because when Conan was crazy, he would sometimes have random thoughts and instinctively want to give up and escape.

But when he was awake, he would see an audience watching him silently outside the ceremony.

Huihara Ai, who has been resurrected again and again through his memories and longings, witnesses his progress.

"Should I say that you keep your promise, or that you are too rigid? Forget it, since I witnessed the ending of mankind’s God-killing War, then let me also witness the end of this war between gods!"

And this also gave Conan the motivation to continue to adhere to this ritual.

Day after day, year after year, until the years are more distant than the chaos.

In the endless changes in the ritual, changes gradually follow. In this life, the sins transformed by the memories of all mankind and the bad karma transformed by emotions washed over Conan's mind endlessly. Conan felt that he had forgotten something, but what exactly he had forgotten was unclear.

Then, Conan couldn't tell. Just instinctively, he turned around to look!

Not far away, there was a girl's body lying there.

Conan couldn't remember who she was, but he could only see that there were many words around the girl's body..

Using small stones that he picked up, he carved words into the surrounding stone walls.

"hold onto……"

"Be sure to hold on!"

"The good news is that during the ceremony, you have begun to erase and forget it. This proves that the eternal and immutable things in you have undergone profound changes. This is a good start!"

"For the sake of humanity and for myself, I must hold on. I will bear witness to the end.……"

"Sorry, I overestimated myself. God’s journey is too long. Even if I only come back when you are crazy, over time, I still can’t keep up. I’m too tired.……"

"Don't miss me, let me rest in peace……"

"I want to die……"

"Why haven't you forgotten me yet? I'm tired and want to die.……"

"Damn it, you told me to die!!!!!"

"Want to die, want to die, want to die……"




"This is the last message I wrote when I was recovering from my mental breakdown long after my mental breakdown. I am very sure that you are the undoubted god of sin. I won’t say more. You will definitely succeed. Then, I fell asleep.……"

Conan can no longer remember who that girl is!

However, he would always turn around subconsciously to take a look.

He didn't know why he wanted to see it.

And that didn't matter anymore. Gradually, he felt as if he was no longer a person, but a collection of him and her.

He felt like he was an old man or a child, a man or a woman, with all kinds of completely different life experiences. He couldn't tell which one was the real him, but it didn't seem to matter anymore.

Because these people seemed to be saying something in unison!

He listened carefully, but he heard those people, using all their strength, roaring hysterically:……

【Kill Conan!!! 】

Listening to the shouts coming from everyone, and feeling everything hidden in this shout, a doubt gradually arose in him.

Who is Conan?

In confusion, he was thinking.

Gradually, he understood everything, and realized that he was an existence condensed by sins and bad karma!

I also know the purpose of my existence!

Gradually, the same roar echoed in his mouth


At this moment, his will and his cry gradually turned into brilliance, and then evolved into a blood-colored rainbow that penetrated the heaven and earth and covered everything.

As the blood-colored rainbow rose, he was also rising and ascending. The god named Sin was born at this moment.

He turned into Him!

And the moment He looked back, he saw a child lying on the ground.

He was not as perfect as a human being. His spiritual intelligence is just a vast and majestic cluster of pan-spiritual will, but he knows that the child is a detective, his true identity, and the enemy he must kill.

This is engraved in the root of his existence!.

But it is not that easy to kill this detective!

To do this, he needs to plan a crime carefully!

The first thing he has to do is to prepare the scene for the crime.

In the next moment, the blood shines. The world.

The scenery ripples like water, and the human city scene returns again. Human beings are walking hurriedly in the city.���The place where the thin child was lying turned into a bed, and not long after, the much younger Yukiko Kudo walked into the room and shouted:

"Shinichi, wake up!"

It was at this time that the child woke up. His eyes were clear and confused. He seemed to have forgotten everything, but he looked at Kudo Yukiko and subconsciously asked:

"Who are you, who am I, where am I?……"

"Are you sleepy, or do you want to collect information like a mystery story? Okay, you are Kudo Shinichi, and you are going to elementary school today. I am your mother, Kudo Yukiko. Okay, I’ve given you the basic information. Come down for dinner quickly, otherwise, you will miss Yusaku's opportunity to tell you the story of the case."

Kudo Shinichi hesitated, but he finally walked down, and then looked at Kudo Yusaku sitting at the dinner table. He seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly burst into tears, which immediately made Kudo Yusaku in a hurry.

"Dad, Mom, I'm fine, it's just that I seemed to have had a long, long... nightmare!"

Mo Yu watched all this. This was still a reenactment of the dream of the first week, but it had been connected to the world of the second week!

In the fast forward time, all his own memories were erased in the trial ceremony, and Kudo regained his new life. Conan, who was named"One", seemed to have really regained his original body of Kudo Shinichi. He began to"grow up" gradually, and then, as before, he once again established the initial fate, met Mao Lilan and Dr. Agasa, and Mao Li Kogoro and others.

Then, Mo Yu looked up and looked at the bloody murderous intent that penetrated the world and continued to infect everything, accumulating strength to kill Conan!

Day after day, year after year

, the bloody murderous intent continued! In the tide of thoughts, a"god" was gradually born!

The dark outline showed the vast and endless sin.

It was the true form necessary for the god of sin to come to the mortal world, and it was also the ultimate killer created to kill Conan. weapon. But this ultimate weapon was not used, because the alien god came at this moment!

, 28/04/2024 00:28

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